Happy Birthday Noah!

Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina walked into the Great Hall with a large box of things in her arms to set up for Noah's birthday party. She knew that Noah didn't really like birthdays but this was their first birthday here and as friends and she was feeling quite eager for this. Unfortunately she knew that over Christmas Noah would get her back for her over eagerness. Nina set the box down and took her wand out of her pocket then began to hang things up while muttering a few spells to make it seem like it wasn't only one person setting this up. There was a big banner that read: Happy 17th Birthday Noah. (occ: he's turning 17 right) A few green streamers and some blue ones, all in all it was a pretty decent set up for a little less then an hour to get this ready for him.

Nina had had a bit of trouble inviting people, but she knew that Noah was friends with Estrella and possibly Jaken so she invited them. She invited Bruin, Alex, Emme, and a bunch more people(getting lazy to name you all sorry ). Nina just hoped that they wouldn't be too busy she really wanted Noah to have a good birthday.
Abbey walked to the Great Hall lazily, when she got there she spotted Nina and she raised her eyebrows with surprise. Abbey walked towards the girl then caught a glance of the banner and her purple eyes danced brightly and she exclaimed excitedly, "Noah's here?!" Abbey walked towards Nina and then gave her an awkward smile and hug. "When did you move here Nina?" Abbey asked curiously. Abbey looked around her and bit her lip and said, "Ugh I didn't even know that it was Noah's birthday, I feel awful."
Andromeda wasn't exactly sure why she had been invited to this particular birthday party, perhaps word had spread that she liked to make a scene at party functions and this was now her expected party piece. She had not had much to do with the Hogwarts Scotland students the year before, except for building a slight friendship with the Gryffindor keeper Sakura and briefly meeting her best friend Isabella. She had also talked with James Potter a couple of times on the quidditch pitch but couldn't remember if she had met any of the people that would be here today.

She vaguely had a recollection of Isabella having words with Sakura about the boy called Noah, but couldn't remember what it was in connection with. With empty hands she arrived in the Great Hall. She hadn't a notion what to give the boy for his birthday and decided that perhaps her company would just have to do. She greeted the two girls who were already there but didn't know either of them by name.

"Hi, I'm Andromeda I got an invite to come along here today for Noah's birthday party?" she looked at both girls hoping she hadn't made a mistake, she really should have brought the invite with her but her head just seemed quite literally to be all over the place lately.
Abbey lowered her arms around Nina when a girl came towards them. Abbey smiled nervously at her and she said, "I guess it is, I'm Abbey Lurken, it's nice to meet you Andromeda." Abbey looked down at the ground for a moment, relieved that she had worn pants in stead of shorts or a skirt, her legs were disgusting and beaten, just as her arms were, though most of her bruises and scrapes were on her back. Abbey's arms were still bad though. Abbey sighed slightly, feeling slight relief that she had ran away from the orphanage.
Ceratus had been down in the kitchens when he heard about the party. I wonder who cooked the cake? he was pondering to himself for a moment on what he should do. Then he decided he'd take a looksy on the part and maybe give the birthday person a gift.

He looked around for some ingredients to make the person something nice to eat but only had enough for a cupcake. It'll have to do, he thought to himself.
and once quickly whipping one up he stood back with it, and wondered whether he should make an entrance...he chuckled and though he might as well, snapping his fingers, he disappeared.

And then appeared along the table slightly with many colourful sparks and a wide grin on his face. He looked around to see who would be there, seeing a couple of student and then, quite unexpected Andromeda the werewolf. He stood there for a moment cup cake in hand, wondering if they would notice him.
[Ceratus this is closed...]
Andromeda smiled at the girl.
"Hi Abbey, nice to meet you too. Are you another transfer? There seem to be quite a few this year, it's just that I don't recall seeing you around before" she hoped she wasn't prying too much but the girl seemed nice enough, a sudden movement from the other side of the table caught her eye and turning in that direction she saw Ceratus standing there with a cake in his hand. Andromeda was a frequent late night visitor to the kitchens, so many if not all the house elves knew her and about her at this point. They didn't fear her thankfully but many of them held back from getting too close all the same.
"Hi Ceratus" she wasn't sure if the house elf would appreciate her greeting him so warmly infront of others, "nice cake, did you make it yourself?"

He was still wondering if they had noticed him when Andromeda greeted him and was delighted. He knew the other elves had grudges against her but he didnt infact when he found out she she liked to midnight snack he had decided to leave some treats there for her. He liked the girl, even if she didnt know him.

He gave her a wave and wondered if he should go with the usual formality of bowing as the house-elves do with her and decided just to do a slight one. Moving his hand across his waist he dipped his body slightly. "Hello Andromeda" he said and then as she noted the cupcake his cheeks tinged "Thanks...I would have made something better but there wasn't much left to make with" He mumbled.
Cyndi walked over to Nina, a girl she had briefly met last year, because she had been invited to a birthday celebration for Nina. As she entered the great hall, Cyndi noticed that the guest of honor was not there yet, but Nina, Andy and a girl she didn't know were. As Cyndi got closer, she noticed that there was one other person in their area- a house elf. She had never seen one around the school before, though she knew that there must be many of them taking care of the school.

"Hi everyone" Cyndi said as she approached the group.
"Abbey?" Nina asked curiously then gave the little girl a nice hug then she looked up to see Andy join them and she said, "Hi Andy, thanks for coming." Nina messed up the hair of the small girl and she said, "Yeah she is one of the HS transfers, it seems everyone is transferring doesn't it?" Nina beamed brightly then a little house elf joined them and she gave it a little wave and said, "Hi Ceratus, I'm Nina Patrokov." Nina smiled at the house elf and said, "You're a life saver, I can't bake for my life thanks so much." Nina smiled slightly at the elf sweetly, she remembered being in SPEW since her first year, and hoped that Ceratus wouldn't start feeling guilty or addressing them like they were his superiors.

Nina waved to Cyndi, a girl that she briefly met last year and she said, "Hi Cyndi, how's it going?" Nina smiled wondering when Noah would come, she couldn't wait to give him his gifts, his broom would have to wait for later, perhaps she would invite him to the pitch later.
Ceratus listened as Nina introduced herself and said she needed a cake cooked and then with a delighted smile on her face replied "Chef ceratus at your servise" he said with a slight bow, it wasn't a formal one more just to add the affect.
"what type of cake where you thinking" Then a thought came to him "your in S.P.E.W arnt you?"
[ooc: i wasn't really following the cake talk did Ceratus already make one because Nina was just thanking him for bringing it? :p im confuzzled sorry.. it's been a long day

EDIT: shoot ill edit later k? ]
Emme had gotten an owl from Nina saying that they were celebrating Noah's birthday. At first she was more than confused. Then it hit her that both Noah and Nina had transfered it. It was almost like all her friends were following her as Emme herself moved, first Ava, then Blake, now Noah and Nina. It seemed unbelievable and wonderful.

As Emme made her way to the great hall only a home made card in hand. She didn't have time to buy something for him for the simple fact that she didnt' know his birthday though feeling like a loser for not knowing. Just don't say anything like you forgot Emme thought as she entered the great hall and noticed a group of people. All of them looked so much older than Emme. Smiling though, she walked over to the group. "Hey All" She said waving a bit not knowing many of the people. "Noah's party right?" She asked "But I'm Emme by the way" she added feeling that she should at least introduce herself.
Abbey looked up when she heard Emme's voice and she ran over to her and gave her a hug and said, "Emme!" Abbey was so surprised to see her. Abbey let go of their hug and said, "Wha..what are you doing here?" Abbey gave Emme a look of pure shock. Abbey was in pain sure but Emme was one of her best friends and she missed her. She hadn't gone back to Hogwarts Scotland in September and only arrived here at the very end of the month.
Cyndi smiled at Nina, not knowing that she had transferred to HNZ until she had received the invitation to this celebration. "It's good to see you. I can't believe how many people from Hogwarts Scotland transferred over" she said as she realized that the girls around her were also from the school.

"So, where's the birthday boy?" Cyndi asked as she continued to wait with the group.
Noah was absolutely straving, which wasn't anything new. God Noah could always eat. Walking into the great hall, after changing into some jeans and a tee, he noticed a small group of people. At a far he could see Emme, Nina, and Abbey though he couldn't help but roll his eyes. This was Nina's doing, Noah just knew.

A small smile upon his face he walked over to the group. "Hey guys" He said hoping this was just a small gathering that just seemed to happen. "So what is everyone up to?" He asked.
Andromeda smiled as Cyndi came in, at least she knew someone else here. Other girls showed up as well but they all appeared to be Hogwarts Scotland transfer students. This didn't bother her at all, she was delighted to get to know them all. Then a rather tall boy walked up to their group and Andromeda could only gather that this was indeed the 'birthday boy', she had a vague recollection of him alright so gave him a friendly smile before wishing him a happy birthday.

"Happy Birthday, I'd sing it but the voice is out of practise".
Harri had been invited to Noah's birthday by Nina and now as usual she was running late, she had only met Noah once but he had seemed like a nice guy.
She walked into the Great Hall to see a small gathering of people, "Hey guys," she said smiling as she walked over, "Hapy birthday Noah!" she said smiling as she caught sight of a huge banner that had been put up. As she looked around the group gathered she was suprised she didn't recognise everyone there, there seemed to be alot of transfers this year.
Noah smiled as one of the girls said happy birthday to him. Though really he hadn't really thought Nina was going to throw him a party. He didn't know too many people at all so he was even surprised that more than one person came to wish him a happy day.

"Thanks and dont' worry I don't think I need singing" he added to the first girl, smiling though he really couldn't place her face. Maybe it would come to him later. As Harri walked in, Noah recognized her only from their meeting once, in the forest. Of coarse that was one of the times he was down and out thinking about Asher and him, yet Harri still seemed nice enough. "Hey" Noah said greeting her. "And thanks" He added when she wised him a happy birthday. "Though if I do recall I told someone that I didn't want a party" He said turning to smile at Nina.
[Ceratus just pretend Nina didn't say anything k?]

Nina gave Emme a small wave but her attention was changed when she spotted Noah come to the Great Hall. "Happy Birthday!" Nina said in a sing song voice as he turned to her. Nina gave him a warm hug and as she was she whispered in his ear, "I couldn't resist." Nina pulled away and gave him a bright smile then looked over to see Harri and she said, "Hi Harri!" Nina beamed at her, but she turned back to Noah and she said in a joking tone, "You aren't going to like what I've got for you." Nina stuck her tongue out at him childishly her eyes dancing excitedly, she was so happy that she was able to celebrate Noah's birthday with him, even if he hated birthdays and Christmas' as much as she did.
Alex had gotten the invite ages ago in his mind and was as usual running late. He sprinted down the halls, hoping Noah wasn't there by now but he was. alex sighed and rolled his eyes at his lateness. 'Happy Birthday Noah'Alex said smiling and giving him a 'couple' of birthday pats on the back. 'How are you then?'Alex asked smiling before noticing a few more people from Scotland had also transferred. Wow, Nina wasn't joking too much then.
Emme was a bit surprised when she saw Abbey come up and hug her. For some reason she didn't notice her before. Maybe it was the reason that Emme didn't expect Abbey to even be here. Hugging her back smiling brightly. "I can't believe you are here" She said as she released Abbey from the hug just to look at her for a moment as if it was so unbelievable. First Blake, then Nina, then Noah, now Abbey. Wow.

As Noah finally arrived, Emme smiled brightly at him. "Happy Birthday for you Happy birthday for you. Happy birthday to Noah and I missed you" Emme said singing a little sing song as she went over to him and gave him a big hug. After all Noah was like her older brother.

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