Happy 10th Birthday HNZ!

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Riley Sparkles

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather

For some of you who do not know, the 29th (or 30th, depending on your location) is HNZ's birthday. TODAY IT'S TURNING 10 YEARS OLD! I can't believe it! I'm so proud :wub:

In the last ten years, HNZ has seen so many faces. It has been a wild ride, but I can surely say that for whatever reason we come to HNZ, whether it be for the love of writing, games or procrastination, that we have definitely become a family. So we are here to celebrate each other and have fun, as families do! Though people come and go, as our lovely movie Sirius Black says, "The ones that love us never really leave us."
Thank-you for all your hard work in making the site what it is today. You guys are awesome, you are family :)

A huge thank-you to the not so dead Nick for all his help in setting this up, including a special new domain name! Yup, you read that right! Instead of typing out the whole long name that is Hogwarts New Zealand, all you have to do now is type "hogwarts.nz". But don't worry, all the old domains will redirect to the right site :)
I'm so excited about this!! So thanks heaps to Nick for getting it ready in time for our 10th birthday!

Enough rambling from me! Go forth and enjoy your month of celebrations!

Happy 10th Birthday HNZ! And here's to many more!

Click here to floo to all the celebrations!

(On behalf of the site staff)
Oh wow it been a while since I've been on here

wow happy bday HNZ

i should probably get active again...
Happy Birthday HNZ!
Woow, HNZ is getting old! :lol: (well, old for a website!). Happy Birthday, you pensioner! :party: :party:

I love the new domain name. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out (I'm very observational), but it's awesome! Thank you Nick! ^_^

It's certainly true that you can never leave HNZ. Not forever, anyway :r Here's to another 10 years of fun!
Yo the new domain is the sickest.
Waited years for this moment. :wub:

(And thanks to the purples for making the birthday happen! Happy 10th, HNZ!)
Happy Birthday HNZ :D
I do like the new name also. I kinda always wondered what the people in New Zealand put at the end of their websites :)
Geez the last time I was fully active on this site I swear we were celebrating HNZ's 5th or 6th birthday. When did I get so old?!

Anyway Happy Birthday HNZ.
Being and NZder I find it awesome that we have an NZ domain now yay!
Guess what? OOC superlatives are back!
Nominations are currently open in the birthday celebration! :)

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Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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