Hallo, Hi and HELLO!

Alan Witts

💼Improper Use of Magic Office
OOC First Name
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Seeing Somebody
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Hello everyone,

"--When I was bored I've been reading topics on this site, and 3 months ago I created an account. But because of "I-don't-know-why" I didn't start roleplaying... However, yesterday I started a Skype call with a good friend of mine and we talked about Harry Potter, and after a while I told her about this site.. -the next minute we were writing our first years application.. YEAH!- And that is how I ended here, haha..

But now more about me; My name is Milan, I am a guy, I am 18 years old and I live in The Netherlands (Don't you dare to call it Holland.. Grrrrr).

When the first Harry Potter movie was released I was 7 or 8 years old, and here in The Netherlands you had to be +12 to see to movie.. But I remember my parents went to the movie and told me about Harry Potter when they returned. 4 or 5 months later the movie was released on videotape (Yep, videotape -we're getting old!) and I watched the first movie.. I remember I was terrified of Voldemort, haha. and since that moment I've been a die-hard Harry Potter fan!

Hmm and maybe nice to know; I am a die-hard Harry Potter fan, a Once upon a time fan and a die-hard evil fan- so; I loved Dolorus Umbridge in Harry Potter, her "Killing with a smile" actingstyle is gorgeous!!

I hope to be roleplaying with you soon,-

- Milan

(Say hello to my friend; this is her welcome topic!)"
Hey there, Milan!
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm glad you decided to revisit us. ^_^
As I told Tamara, I'm Canadian - so, naturally, I have a special place in my heart for you Dutch. I'd like to make it to Ottawa one year to see all the Tulips your country sends us annually.

Welcome to HNZ once again, and if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a PM.
See you around!
Hi Milan!

Welcome to HNZ :) I am Khushi, 19 years old female. The special thing about me is that I am one of the four people on this site ever from Africa, yes whole of it and the other three people are my sisters. They are inactive right now but I am still here
I am currently in India though and will hopefully be starting Uni soon to study Pharmacy.
I love Harry Potter since I first watched the second movie and then read books and watched movies. I started on this site in August last year and right now my character is the spotlight so yeah the site is pretty cool.

Throw me a PM if you need to know anything. I might take a while to reply but I will be there. Happy Roleplaying :D
Hello Milan!

Welcome to HNZ! Very happy you decided to join. I'm Emily, better known as Emzies.
I'm from Scotland.
A very warm welcome to the site. If you have any question, just want to chat, or anything, feel free to PM me any time!
Hope you enjoy the time you spend here!

Hello Milan!

First off, lovely name! Milan is a favourite of mine.
It's great that you have a friend here as well, it's always fun to be able to chat with someone you already know and then get to know everyone else so you don't feel so alone, that's what I felt anyway since I started here because of my sister and some of her friends.
Anyway, I'm Tenile, I'm from Australia and if you ever want to RP or chat or something along those lines, I'm always happy to accept!

I hope to see you around!
Thank you guys, for your kind words of welcome! :D
Welcome to the site, Milan! I love your name. :)

I'm Cyndi, and I'm from the United States. I hope that you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to guide you along. ^_^
Yep Isa, I've seen the video a few months ago, haha

And the reason I posted "Don't you dare to call it Holland.. Grrrrr" is that I don't like it when people say "Ooh you are from Holland?" XDDDD

and, and, and- alright, I'll continue my message in YOUR welcome topic!

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