Open Half-Hearted Responsibilities

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (50)
Open after Deniss

Patrolling was definitely not one of Angel's favorite things about being a teacher, he was never one for being a good authority figure and all the walking in circles was a bit dull. He was wandering the perimeter of the forest this evening, whistling loudly as he went in the hopes that any wayward students would hear him coming and be sharp enough to make themselves scarce. Thankfully he hadn't encountered much trouble with any students yet, both in class or out of it and he didn't fancy himself having to act like a responsible teacher if he did run into any kids out here. He frowned at the forest as he past another break in the bushes, clearly a common entry spot. It seemed like the school was just asking for trouble naming something "The Forbidden Forest" with a school full of teenagers, he knew he certainly wouldn't take a challenge like that lying down when he was a kid. Seeing a stick laying across the ground in front of him, Angel pointed stepped down on it, gratified when it broke with a loud snap. If he did actually manage to catch someone like this, they deserved the detention honestly.
Every Hogwarts in its nearby territory had some kind of forest that was forbidden for students to be at. Forbidden Forest in Hogwarts Scotland was one of Wulfy’s favourite places where to spend his time and he sometimes even volunteered to patrol at the forest even thought it wasn’t really one of his tasks. Wulfy spent most of his time patrolling inside the school, helping to deal with student punishments. Wulfy has never been scared of the dark or the unknown. Before going inside this forest for the first time, Wulfy took a breath and looked at his red cat, who was following him all along. Wulfy went inside with a stoned face and a huge coat on him, as it was pretty cold this night.

He hadn’t got really a chance to deal with any rule-breaking just yet and the thrill of dealing with that made him want to actually finally get to it. Or did really students in Hogwarts New Zealand were more rule following? Wulfy had lot of thoughts going inside his mind while he was going around the forest when all of sudden he realised that he saw a moving figure somewhere in the back of him. Wulfy smiled for a moment and then let his smile fade away, showing a face without any emotions, so that no one would feel his amazement of being here or actually seeing someone in the forest. Wulfy wasn’t clearly sure of what or who it was, but it definitely was moving and Wulfy slowly started walking towards that direction.

Getting closer and closer to the possible target, Wulfy realised that it was a he not it and he clearly wasn’t a student. Having a good memory, Wulfy remembered that it was one of the new professors, although he couldn’t manage to remember his name. He walked closer to him and when he was just few steps away, he let out a small smile.
- Evening, professor, Wulfy said, hoping that the person in front of him would understand that Wulfy didn’t remembers his name from the Staff meeting and he said the letters “or” in the word "professor" for more than few seconds, so it would be clear that he doesn’t remembers his name.
With as much noise as Angel was making, he really shouldn't have been as startled as he was when he actually encountered someone. Barely containing a shriek, Angel drew his wand at the sound of a voice, relaxing his grip when it turned out to be one of the other staff members. A groundkeeper he thought? He really didn't have a very good grasp on some of the non-professor staff, beyond perhaps the lovely Ms Arora. He felt a bit better to realize the man also didn't know his name, though whether he should be bothered by that or not he wasn't sure. "Castillo, or Angel, if you prefer," Clearing his throat, Angel gave the man a quick wave, trying to ease himself back into a more composed state after being startled. "Nice to see you out here, thought you might be a wayward student for a hot minute there, Mr, uh.." Angel trailed off, offering the other man a sheepish grin.
Wulfy looked at the professor standing in front of him, who introduced himself as angel Castillo. He smiled at the man, before introducing himself - Wulfy, new caretaker. Wulfy said in a confident, pretty loud voice to show the man in front of him his braveness and confidence. When Angel mentioned that he thought at first that he was a student, Wulfy couldn't help but fall in his memories as he had spent last fifty years in Hogwarts Scotland dealing with so many troublemaking students. It was like a must for a good night sleep for Wulfy, even though he mostly slept during daytime as the nights were time for him to deal with all kind of students and clear the castle, sometimes doing it during day too.

Caretaker looked at the cat near him and then faced professor once again.
- Patrolling around, huh? He said. - Do you mind if I join you?
Something about Wulfy made Angel's skin itch. It was almost like being back in school again, Angel couldn't help but feel like he was about to get told off at any second whenever Wulfy looked at him. "By all means, come along," He said, shoving the feeling down and fixing Wulfy with what he hoped was a confident, charming smile instead. Angel was trying to do his best to convey "Responsible Adult Teacher" while he was here at school, and it was probably more important to sell that to the other staff members than the students. At least with Wulfy here, it might be a bit easier to maintain his new responsible role if he had back up. "So," He said a few beats later when the pair had resumed their easy route around the forest edges. "New caretaker, huh? You kinda have that vibe like you've been at the school forever, I would have never guessed." It was a gentle probe into Wulfy's background, but Angel hoped the other man might open up a bit, hoping to cash in on their relative newness to take a chance to be extra nosy these days about his new coworkers.
Wulfy nodded when Angel agreed with him coming along. As they started slowly walking a what seemed to be a route, he kept looking at his cat from time to time, showing a stone face all along. Wulfy was never the one to show any kind of emotions, although sometimes he couldn't resist but to show a little smile on his face. It was rather important not to show any emotions to students and it wasn't that necessarily for other Staff or Hogwarts professors. He has learnt a lot about dealing with students and psychology while being in Hogwarts Scotland for the past years. His mission was to learn more about this school and try to improve it, just as he thought he has done in Scotland.

As they walked, Angel tried to keep up a conversation. Wulfy thought that he did that just because he felt a bit scared about walking around the forest and of the unknown, as a lot of new professors had a lot of new responsibilities that they could probably wouldn't ever imagine about. He let out a little smile, before saying something.
- Well, I've been in Hogwarts Scotland for more than fifty years. He looked at Angel. - and I don't think this school will be a different kind of deal than in Scotland. Wulfy continued walking, shrugging a bit.

- What about you, what roads bring you to Hogwarts? Wulfy wasn't the one to keep the conversation going, although he always was interested in hearing stories about how one went the path they did.
Angel balked at Wulfy's response, quickly doing some mental math regarding his and Wulfy's ages. "Wow, 50 years, I can't imagine that," It wasn't just the idea of dealing with kids and teenagers for 50 years, but the thought of sticking in one job and one place for so long wasn't something Angel could really wrap his head around. "Why the sudden change after so long? Finally needed a change of scenery?" Angel had never been to Scotland before, but he'd heard it could be pretty dreary. For all that HNZ and Brightstone was a bit quaint, it was nice enough to retire to perhaps.
Angel took some time to consider his own response, taking advantage of nearby rustling to investigate and stall as he stone some wandlight to investigate. "Heard there were some unique research opportunities out this way and I needed a break from my family. Teaching seemed like a good stop gap while I got my feet under me." He finally answered, once the rustling proved to be a few wayward skinks rather than students.
Wulfy looked at Angel, giving him a little smile as he mentioned 50 years and that he couldn't possibly imagine that for how long he has worked here. Wulfy was always a person who loved staying in one place meaning he had a huge experience in a certain field and his experience and opinion could help change the system of his workplace for the better. Still going deeper in the forest, he let out a slight sigh before answering Angel's question. - Well, Wulfy started - I'm not sure, honestly. I just think that Hogwarts Scotland is at its best point right now and there's nothing more I can do there. Wulfy smiled, looking at Angel - I just think that I could use my potential here.

He noticed that professor took a little time before answering and then probably noticing something strange and afterwards realising that nothing was there.
- Break from family? Something happening in inner circle? Wulfy asked, hoping to move the conversation more into professor's side, so he wouldn't have to share much of his history. - Teaching is probably something I'd love to do, I just can't imagine repeating myself all the time.. He said.
Angel was starting to get the impression he quite liked Wulfy. The man didn't seem to stand too much on ceremony and there seemed to be a bit of dry wit lurking under all that facial hair. "Oh, does that mean Hogwarts here could be better?" He said with a laugh. He was joking, but he still cut a curious glance at Wulfy gauging his reaction. So far the other faculty had been pretty complimentary of the school and Angel figured it would be a nice change of pace to hear a bit of dirt on the place.
Angel shrugged when Wulfy looped the conversation back to his family, pretending to be preoccupied with scanning the forest again. "Nah, nothing happening per say, but you know how it is with close families. Everyone in everyone's business," He said, keeping his voice light. He laughed at Wulfy's comment about repetition. "You're telling me, I'm not sure what I've signed myself up for, but it's probably a good thing I like the sound of my own voice."
Wulfy couldn't catch the vibe of Angel just yet, he always understood what kind of people he has been dealing with in the first few minutes, although Angel was one of the exceptions for him. Hearing his comment about Hogwarts possibly being better and hearing a little laugh, Wulfy looked at him with his stone face. - Of course. He said - And it will get better. Wulfy let out a little smile, after sighing slightly. What Wulfy noticed is that professor probably didn't like talking about his family as he was showing more action of exploring forest, but Wulfy acted as he didn't notice that.

- That is exactly the reason why I'm better on myself. I enjoy being alone, I need to go off on my own. I'm tired of all the fake people playing theatre and portraying emotions as if they were real. I don't want to spend my time figuring out whether it's just theatrical performance or it's the real ones. Wulfy was walking forwards, not looking at Angel as he was speaking. - It's just that everyone finds their place in this world and for me it is being on my own and doing what I find right, not having anyone to mind my business or take a part of me away. Wulfy said, still keeping his wand in his hand just incase. As Angel laughed and mentioned not knowing what he has signed for, he looked at him. - I'm sure you'll enjoy the process. Especially if you the sound of your own voice.
Angel raised his eyebrow at Wulfy's fairly confident statement, wondering if he could press him for more details or not. "You sound like a man with a plan.." He observed casually. Wulfy's next little outburst was unexpected, but Angel was surprised to find he related a lot, even if some of the words made him feel a touch guilty. He'd definitely been that person before, and would no doubt need to be again. "People will do a lot of things to get what they want I suppose," He said, fussing with his coat pocket for something to do. "But that's a pretty admirable statement, I can respect a guy who's just trying to do his thing. Very American sentiment," He added with a smile, attempting to the lighten the slightly heavy mood he was feeling. "We'll have to see if the kids enjoy my talking as much as I do. They haven't caused me any trouble yet, thankfully." He knew that was probably only a matter of time though, if the teens here were anything like how he was in school.
Wulfy wasn't the one trying to get attention from someone, although he liked what Angel had to say about him, yet he decided to keep a stone face and not show any emotions. He thought that showing off emotions is a sign of a weakness, that's the reason he just looked at Angel - I try to be, we all have to have a pattern to follow, otherwise what's the point? Wulfy said, still walking slowly. - Those people are worth pretty much nothing. Wulfy started - Of course, a lot of them put their own needs in front of anything, but I don't find that right. There's always a choice that is best for everyone, yet a lot of individuals tend not to choose that one. Wulfy took a huge breath as he was saying that. Some thoughts flew through his mind, weird nostalgia already about Hogwarts Scotland. He let out a little smile as professor mentioned kids not causing any trouble yet. - Trust me, that's a subject to change. Kids come and go, I'm sure you will find your own adventures with students. You're a fresh soul, some will definitely use it.
Angel cast a glance over his shoulder at Wulfy as they spoke. He was a hard man to read, and Angel figured that wasn't just due to half his face being hidden behind the facial hair. It made Angel slightly nervous, he liked to know what other people might be thinking. "Hmm, I don't know, patterns can get awfully boring," He said, turning his attention back to pretending to survey the forest as they patrolled. The idea of planning out his life and sticking to it was almost laughable to Angel. Life just didn't go that smoothly. He tried not to take it too personally or laugh at Wulfy's opinions on fake or selfish people. "You know, I wouldn't have expected you to be so idealistic. It sounds all very serious and gruff coming from you, but it's really quite the sweet sentiment there," He said, once again shooting Wulfy a wary glance over his shoulder, wishing he could read his expression. "Oh I have no doubt I'm going to run into some troublemakers eventually. I used to be one, so hopefully that gives me an advantage on dealing with them." He said lightly, twirling his wand.

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