Hai There

Adelaide Astonza

New Member
OOC First Name

I'm Sara, I live in the US. I accidentally found this forum while I was searching for another one.

I actually haven't read any of the HP books in more than a year, hopefully that's cool!

In case you're wondering, I love reading, acting, playing piano, eating bacon...the usual.

And my sister's name is Natalie, by the way. She'll probably be the one actually using this account ^_^
Hi Sara! Hi Natalie!

Welcome to the site! It's brilliant ^_^ You may have accidentally found this forum, but you probably won't be able to accidentally leave! (because it's addictive xD - speaking from experience :r )

Reading, piano and bacon are all good :D but in my personal opinion acting = boo :p

Anyway! If you need any help around the site, feel free to pm me or one of these lovely people! Most people on the site are also happy to help ^_^
You lucky thing joining now.... Sorting is happening :woot: :frantics: here

Oh, and feel free to join us in the shouty box below, saying anything that comes to mind! Or in Final Spamination

It's lovely to meet you - I look forward to roleplaying with you at some point!
Anyway, again, welcome!

Hey Natalie/Sara!

Welcome to HNZ! ^_^ I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.

Welcome to the wonderful world of HNZ, where we give out free crabby patties :D

Hope you enjoy the site (Oh you will :shifty: )
Hello Natalie & Sara,

I'm Cyndi, one of the admin and also from the U.S. I hope you both enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. :)

See you around!
Ahoy there! Welcome to HNZ.
I hope you enjoy the board. ^_^

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