Hai thar

Jade Rousseau

OOC First Name
So I saw this forum as an affiliate with GForce ;D Hehe.
Anyway, I'm pretty new at roleplaying and I'm still reading through of the documentations. xD Wahh this is gonna take a bit of time. :p
Meh, I shall be making a sig and avvy soon too. Hopefully. >_<

My OOC name shall be Lighty, 'cause I'm not a fan of giving my RL name on forums, and Lighty's my interwebz name. =D
Hey Lightly!

Welcome to Hnz, I'm Madz, I dig the personal name thingy. :drat: kinda always been like that buttttt :woot: welcome >D role playing fun once you get used to it. Oh and if you need help, I don't mind helping. Buttttt there's two admin Nicolas and Cecily to help you anddddd global mods like Patricia Styx, Hadan Johnson, and Andromenda >_< to help. I think that's all >D welcome!
Welcome to the board, Lighty. :)
I'm glad you've already started wading through the site docs. ^_^ One less link I need to pass on. :p

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to shoot me a PM. :)
Otherwise, enjoy your time here and I'll see you around! :D
Jade Rousseau said:
Bahahah you seem like a hyper person XD But I am too =D
Thanks! =)
Haha thanks :) and no problems!
Hey there, Lighty!
I am Kaitlyn, known as Sir Kaitlyn (knighted. xD )

Welcome to the board! ^_^
Would love to see you around and RPing. ;)
If you have any other questions, my PM box is free, and I am almost always online. =))

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