Guess who's back, back again?

Skyler Marsh

Active Member
OOC First Name
I was really really tempted just to paste the entire lyrics of Without Me in here and walk away whistling quietly but I guess I'll actually re-introduce myself instead :r


I'm 19, from New Zealand, and genderqueer. I use Z pronouns (ze/zir).

I firsty firsty first joined HNZ oh gosh like three or four years ago, or something. I had countless characters over the years, though the most memorable were probably Kyle Alcott and Maria Madison. My life got really erratic though, and I didn't have internet access for a really long time, and now all my babies have grown up and moved on BLOO BLOO :C

So here we go, fresh start! Dipping my toes back into the world of RP oh so hesitantly.

RP aside I'm a cosplayer, a writer, a dancer, a humungous butt, and have a part time job as an inanimate object.

I've got a really terrible sense of humour and enjoy inflicting it upon others, so yeah talk to me let me make terrible jokes at you that you know must be funny on some level but are a reference to something you've never even heard of but is hilarious to me WOOO

I know quite a lot of people on here IRL and am somewhat nervous HEY HEY GUYS I CAME BACK AFTER ALL

More info about Skyler will be forthcoming when it's not five in the morning whoops

welp that's about it I guess

/worst re-intro thread of all time
Oh Liv you and me could write a bad welcome thread <3

it is good to be back, and there will be much hugging of cats and sobbing over cute in celebration because these are simply the best activities there are :D

Thank you both :)
Skyler Marsh said:
Oh Liv you and me could write a bad welcome thread <3

it is good to be back, and there will be much hugging of cats and sobbing over cute in celebration because these are simply the best activities there are :D

Thank you both :)
and it shall be lovelyy <3

haha, sounds like all we do anyway though :p
Olive Mayfield said:
Skyler Marsh said:
Oh Liv you and me could write a bad welcome thread <3

it is good to be back, and there will be much hugging of cats and sobbing over cute in celebration because these are simply the best activities there are :D

Thank you both :)
and it shall be lovelyy <3

haha, sounds like all we do anyway though :p
That's because we are the best people with the best hobbies :p
Welcome back Rowan ^^! Nice to see old members though I don't quite remember you :shy: sorry :x
omg, no! I remember you now xD sorry about that :3

Yay welcome back! ^_^
Thank you both! :D I never made a particularly big splash around here back in the day so I'm actually quite surprised and delighted to be remembered, especially after so long :)
I remember you, Rowan. Girl with the Dark Mark tattoo if I am not mistaken.
Welcome home! ^_^
I haven't been here very long, nearly two years now, so I don't think I ever meet you :unsure: If I did, don't take offence because I have the memory of a goldfish, and I'm sure some people would agree with this fact. :r

Anyway, Welcome back! It's always nice to see people coming back, hope we can roleplay sometime.

I too am only relatively new, only being around for two years, but it is awesome to see you have come back after four/five years away :hug:
Gosh! Thank you all so much! I'm really startled so many people remember me at all :D

*person with the Dark Mark tattoo (I don't use gender specific pronouns.) But yep, that's me :D

Hi Frances and Melissa :D *huggles all round* I hope to RP with you both soon aaaaaaaaaah this is exciting ^_^ Can't wait to get Skyler up and running around, though apparently I've missed Sorting by a gnat's wing D=
I don't think so, I just checked it out and the thingy is still up and stuff :D so here's the link and send in an application, see what happens.
It might be closed but the topic not closed, I'm not sure, but I think they'd close the topic first so there wouldn't be any confusion, but that's just crazy ramblings from me :p either way, doesn't hurt to give it a shot, huh?
Aaah thank you! God, everything's shifted around so much since I was last on, it's horrendous trying to get reacquainted x_x

Transfers seem to already have been closed though, and I'd want to bring Skyler in as a transfer, so I guess I'm stuck until next go around :C *sits on the kerb kicking stones and biding zir time*
:erm: that sucks, I guess you could just pop Skyler into one of the other schools untill next year. ^_^ Cheer up, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons arn't that bad :p
Oh, I know, and it'll give me more of a chance to flesh out Skyler's backstory and experiences... it's just frustrating having missed it so narrowly! (And most of the people I know IRL on HNZ are graduating this year... siiiigh :C I have the worst timing!)
I must admit, I got to agree, if you were like... maybe two days or something earlier you would have caught the transfer? I'm not sure, since I don't really pay that much attention to it :r but yeah, an added chance to put in some back story and some get to know you time for your charrie, always good :woot:
I've got to be honest and admit I don't remember you. :( (Please don't be terribly insulted. D: )
But welcome back, nevertheless! ^_^
Aaaaack, I know, it's the most frustrating timing ever D= I'll have to jiggle the backstory I had planned for Skyler quite a bit to account for the age difference and extra wait :C

No worries Nick :] I don't think we ever really talked or RPed anyway (except for the one time I apologised for having gone w a a a a y over all the word limits and stuff writing Kyle's werewolf application WHUPS) I'm glad to be back :D
Skyler Marsh said:
Aaaaack, I know, it's the most frustrating timing ever D= I'll have to jiggle the backstory I had planned for Skyler quite a bit to account for the age difference and extra wait :C
I once held back one of my students because I didn't want him to grow up yet :r so I held him back in Beauxbatons and changed his age xD
On another case, my sister accidently graduated one of her inactive characters, before she was supposed to be graduated, and I made on of my sixteen year old randomly turn eighteen because him being a teen annoyed me :D So you shouldn't have to change it that much. :p

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