Gryffindor's First Practice

Team: North side Lions
Points: 200
Starting Location: NW

Andromeda caught the quaffle that Bruin threw to her and began to head towards the north side hoops straight away. She loved the atmosphere already that was being charged up through everyone. This year it didn't feel so awkward flying at high speeds while carrying the quaffle obviously the exhausting amount of practise she had put in over the holidays were already standing to her.

"Come on then you lot, you heard him game on!" she laughed turning to look to Cyndi, Mike and Harri. She couldn't believe she would be up against Kiera again but vowed to stay firmly on her broom this time around.

Action taken: flown closer to North Side scoring zone
Team: North side Lions
Points used: none
finishing Location: NNW
Team: North side Lions
Points: 200
Starting Location: in a circle

Cyndi watched as Bruin stopped the Hot potato game and decided to really get practice under way. She heard him put her on the same team as Mike, Harriet and Andy. Cyndi was a little dissappointed that the bludgers wouldn't be coming out today, but she really wanted to fly and didn't care if she had to be a chaser to do it.

Cyndi began to fly behind Andy towards the scoring area and noticed that Andy still had the quaffle that Bruin passed her. Cyndi got in position in case Andy passed the quaffle to her to start the game.

Action taken: following Andy and getting into position
Points used: none
Points remaining:200
Ending Location:NNW
Team: North side Lions (couldn't think of anything else Cyndi so if you want to change it fire away :D )
Points: 200
Starting Location: NNW

Andromeda turned and saw Cyndi flying close to her. She winked and tossed the quaffle to her prefect and friend.
"Give them hell Cyndi" she smiled before flying on to the scoring zone. She was completely psyched now and so wanting a really good game. She made it to the hoops and swerved her broom to hover infront of the center hoop. Watching the positions of the other team as well as her own.

Action taken: Thrown quaffle to Cyndi and flying on to NSZ
Points used: none
points remaining: 200
finishing location: North Scoring Zone
Team: North side Lions (no way... I like the name!)
Points: 200
Starting Location: NNW

Cyndi caught the quaffle that Andy threw and gave her a big grin as she told Cyndi to give the other team hell. Cyndi was ready to go.

Cyndi thought she had heard Bruin say game on before, so she looked to see where her teammates were. Cyndi decided to pass the quaffle to Harriet and hoped she would catch it.

Action taken: catching quaffle and passing it to Harriet
Points used: 20
points remaining: 180
finishing location: NNW
Action taken: flying to North Side zone
Team: North side Lions
Points used: none
finishing Location: NNW

Mike mounted his scarlet streak, and fle towards the North Side Hoops, where he saw Andy keeping, and Cyndi and Harriet, throwing the quaffle between them.
Team: North side Lions
Points: 200
Starting Location: NNW

Harri mounted her broom and flew up into the air, easily catching the quaffle Cyndi chucked at her she grinned at her team mates, "Heads up Mike," she siad chucking the quaffle at him hoping he would catch it.

Action taken: catching quaffle and passing it to Mike.
Points used: 20
points remaining: 180
finishing location: NNW
Team: North side Lions
Points: 200
Starting Location: NNW

Mike caught the quaffle, and threw it to Cyndi " Catch" Mike said. Mike watched to see the quaffle glide in the air,and wondered whether Cyndi would catch it.

Action taken: catching quaffle and passing it to Cyndi
Points used: 20
points remaining: 180
finishing location: NNW
Team: Me, Myself and I!!
Points: 200
Starting Position: SW

Hilary noticed that everyone was getting going quite quick. When she saw Bruin realease the snitch she started to search for it. As she didn't have a team she wasn't too sure about who she was cheering for but she tried to keep one eye on the game just to see how the players had improved or whatever over the summer. Deciding to return to her job she flit over to the NW quadrant seeking the snitch. Wow, I havn't done this in quite a while....

Actions: Watching and more Watching.... oh and a little snitch seeking
Points Used: Non.
Points left: 200
Ending position: NW
Team: South Side All-Stars
Points: 200
Starting Location: Center Circle

Kiera listened carefully as the new plan unfolded. To her, this seemed like the better idea. She loved actually playing the game. She grinned as she was assigned the team oppisite Andy. Kiera winked at the younger girl. It seemed the game was on again.

Kiera watched from the center field as the northside chasers passed the Quaffle again. Kiera waited for them to get close so she could attack. She could let them have their fun for now. She grinned wickedly as she made her own plan.

Action: Plotting
Points used:None
Points Remaining: 200
Ending Location:NW
Team: South Side All-Stars
Position: Keeper
Points: 200
Starting Location: SSE

Bruin watched as Andromeda put the Quaffle in play and Cyndi, Harriet and Mike began passing it around as they advanced down the pitch. His own team seemed to be settling into defensive positions nicely and Bruin rounded on his Scarlet Streak and hovered comfortably in front of the centre hoop.

Action taken: Got into position in front of hoops.
Points Used: None
Points Remaining: 200
Finishing Location: South Scoring Area
Starting Position: The Quidditch Trunk at midfield

The Golden Snitch burst from the trunk and darted in a zig-zag pattern down the pitch, heading north for now, but not for long.

Finishing Position: NE
Team:  South-Side All Stars
Position:  Chaser
Points:  200
Starting Location:  SSW

Kat saw that the quaffle was in play by the opposing team and watched as the three chasers from the north side approached the south end.  Kat looked at Kiera who seemed to be formulating some sort of plan and she figured that she would just follow Kiera's lead when she made her move.  Kat sat there floating, watching every movement between Cyndi, Mike, and Harriet, waiting for them to get close enough for either her, Kiera, or Ellie to intercept the quaffle.

Team: South-Side All Stars
Position: Chaser
Points: 200
Action: Waiting To Pounce :p
Ending Location: SSW
Team: North Side Lions
Starting area: North Scoring Zone
Points: 200
Position: Keeper

Andromeda watched her team mates, her current in-play team mates passing the quaffle up the pitch. She knew Kiera was about to make a play soon and made an attempt to note where her players were moving too. She smiled as she watched Bruin at the far end as pysched as she was to be back on the pitch. Something from the corner of her caught her attention, she glanced around to see the snitch to left and smiled. That was possibly the first time she had actually managed to get a glimpse of the little ball herself during a game. She turned her attention back to the pitch hoping Hilary wouldn't spot the snitch just yet, so they would have a bit of fun.

Action taken: keeping an eye on the opponents and my own team. {right now goggle eyed @-) }
Points used: none
Points: 200
Finishing position: North Scoring Zone
Team: Me, Myself and I!!
Points: 200
Starting Position: NW

SHE SAW IT! Hilary darted across the pitch heading straight for the snitch. She was the one and only seeker and it was within her reach. And then it was gone!

Hilary wondered how it could have escaped that fast as she once again restarted seeking the snitch.

Actions: Chassing and losing the snitch
Points Used: None
Points left: 200
Ending position: NE

((That's right, right? Because others posted before me it didn't matter that they weren't 'blocking'? Or did they have to post "blocking" me or be in a closer grid square? Let's keep the game going this time but I'm confused...))
Team: North Side Lions
Starting area: NNW
Points: 180
Position: Chaser

Cyndi caught the quaffle that Mike threw back at her. She figured that if they planned on scoring any points today, they would need to move the quaffle away from their scoring area. Cyndi decided to get moving and hoped that Mike and Harriet would be able to keep themselves open in case she got into any trouble.

Actions: Catching quaffle and moving
Points Used: 10
Points left: 170
Ending position: NE
Hilary Grace said:
Team: Me, Myself and I!!
Points: 200
Starting Position: NW

SHE SAW IT! Hilary darted across the pitch heading straight for the snitch. She was the one and only seeker and it was within her reach. And then it was gone!

Hilary wondered how it could have escaped that fast as she once again restarted seeking the snitch.

Actions: Chassing and losing the snitch
Points Used: None
Points left: 200
Ending position: NE

((That's right, right? Because others posted before me it didn't matter that they weren't 'blocking'? Or did they have to post "blocking" me or be in a closer grid square? Let's keep the game going this time but I'm confused...))
The rules seem to indicate that the players should post a "Blocking"-type action in either your grid location (would have been NW when they posted) or the Snitch's location (NE) in order to prevent you getting to the Snitch. Had it played out the way it did in this practice with a couple people posting, but nobody indicating blocking you from getting it, I think it would have been acceptable for you to have caught it (although I'm glad you didn't ;-) ).
Rule :cry: The Snitch Rules
The Snitch will be played a predetermined non-playing character (likely a Professor). The Snitch will "appear" via a post reading something like "flit flit, here I am catch me!". The Snitch will also post a grid location on the pitch where it is appearing. The first seeker to post successfully flying to that grid location and catching the snitch will be considered to have captured it, provided that they were not blocked by another player's post (see paragraph below for description) or the Snitch posted moving to a new location before they posted the catch.

It is possible, from a tactical standpoint, to "block" the opponent's Seeker from catching the snitch by posting after the Snitch and before the opposing Seeker. However, the blocking player must be in either the Snitch's or Seeker's grid location in order to do so. For instance, if the Snitch appeared in the NW grid location and the opposing team's Seeker was in the SW grid location, then any player in either the NW or SW grid locations could effectively block the Seeker by posting a "blocking"-type action before the Seeker posted.

How about we agree that both teams are trying to block Hilary from catching the Snitch right now as that will be a little more realistic (6-8 people all trying to interfere with her) and will give us practice doing so. Just remember the Nobody is that Fast Rule as well. For examble, if I had seen the snitch, but was hanging out at the South hoops, I couldn't have posted flying from SSA to NE in one post or posted two or three consecutive posts indicating that I was flying there to block her. I would have to wait for at least one opponent and one teammate to post before I could post again.
Rule 2: The "Nobody is that Fast" Rule
No player may post game actions consecutively (i.e. a minimum of one teammate and one opponent must post an action before a player may post again) with the exception of a Seeker in pursuit of the Snitch.

No player, including Seekers, may move more than one grid location (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) per post.

Sorry for the long post, but it's good we are doing this. Thanks for pointing it out Hilary.
(((Okay thanks Bruin :D I just thought we should figure this out as we actually have not played a sanctioned game with the new rules in play.... atleast as far as I can remember. So although we've figured out the grid and some such i also have never practiced like with the practice snitch and blocking and such..... and although I may be biast :p I think that the games will probably come down to the snitch capture, which with the new rules is as much in your guys hands as in mine. Well just about :D So anyways that is my mini speech on how we honestly need to figure out the more obscure new rules... like the snitch ones which Bruin just explained.

Okay sorry about that, I hope atleast one of you guys could get something useful out of my ramble... ))
[Just to point out as well for the chasers: when you CATCH a quaffle its -10 points and when you PASS the quaffle its -20 points. Seems harsh but they're the rules ]

Team: North Side Lions
Current Position: NSZ
Points used: none
Points: 200

Andromeda smiled as Cyndi caught the quaffle with ease, she was making her way up the pitch to keep obviously far enough away from their scoring area. Wise play. It was then she spotted Kiera giving her a wink which she returned with a grin and a shake of her head. This was going to be one interesting game.

Action taken: keeping watch on teams
points used: none
points: 200
current position: NSZ

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