Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y47/S1

Ivy watched fraiser steal the quaffle from Alicia. She hadn’t thought that she could do it from a team mate but she realised he may have a point. And practice was good to take it from opponents in matches. As well as being aware so that they didn’t take it from you. It was a shame that he didn’t score. But she took the pass oit and started the flight around keeping sure to hold on tight and make sure it wasn’t stolen from her.
Happy with another save, Teddy threw the quaffle back out and Ivy was quick to take possession.

Edit: Mia posted at the same time :)
ivy focused as she drew nearer the hoops. the ball tight in her grip she could almost hear her brother coaching her. "Careful, don't be obvious in your approach, keep your options open. make sure you are close enough. Take your time, aim your shot. breath" she followed the advice especially the last bit took a deep breath aimed and threw the ball. she watched it sail through the air and neatly through the hoop.
she couldn't help the huge grin that spread across her face and only just about managed to stop herself from whooping at her success. she had just gotten her first goal as a member of the Gryffindor team. she let out a small "whoop" anyway. it was her first goal and she was excited about it. some times you didn't have to be cool.
As he circled higher, Rāwhiti was pleased that even if he wasn't having any success, the rest of the team were.
It was annoying to see Ivy score but she did her best to put on an encouraging face unlike some of her earlier moments. She'd never make the team after all if she was seen as a bad teammate. When the quaffle was thrown back into play Veronica made quick work of getting another shot at goal. This time it went in.
Fraser grabbed the ball after it was thrown back out after Veronica managed to score.
Alicia followed Fraser, hoping for a chance to steal the quaffle from him this time.
As soon as Fraser got close enough he tossed the ball and happily watched it sail through.
After her goal it seemed like something had changed for the chasers. She cheered as veronica got a hoop. and then flew alongside fraser as he also scored. it was a good feeling, getting three set of points together with her team mate in very close succession. She took the quaffle as it came back into play and flew for a few moments before passing it to one of her teammates.
Well obviously what happened here was Teddy thought he'd give the team a break and let the chasers score a few goals for a change. At least that's what he told himself to make himself feel better.
Santiago swung and missed again. What was going on with him today?
(I wasn’t meant to hit score. I was meant to hit other action)

Ivy could t see where her team mates were. But she realised they weren’t going to get the pass. She leant forward on her broom and sped towards the ball catching it herself before it went out of play.
She turned around and headed back towards the goals. Feeling a little flustered that she had messed up so much as to pass to no one. If this had been a proper game it would have been an easy hand over for the other team. She approached the goals and focused trying not to get flustered or too confident after scoring on her previous attempt. She breathed, aimed and threw and was pleasantly surprised that the ball made it through the ring glancing off the rim as it did.
Rāwhiti continued circling higher, returning to the same level as the rest of the team.
Ivy kept flying so pleased with herself that she had managed to score not only once but twice.

Edit: fixing a typo
Rāwhiti peered through the throng of his teammates, wondering if the snitch was hiding among them.
Santiago saw a bludger and swung. He grinned as it went where he wanted to this time. He decided to give Milo a break and aim for their captain instead. @Raawhiti Te Rangi
Rāwhiti had been so focused on the snitch that he didn't even register the bludger coming his way. He let out a low 'oof' as it collided with his side, looking over to see who had struck him. As he did, his heart skipped a beat. It was close, but Rāwhiti didn't hesitate as he slammed close to his broom and shot forwards, eyes locked on the snitch hovering just above Santiago's shoulder. He twisted to the side, dodging hitting the younger boy by a hair as his fingers finally closed around the snitch. Relief flooded his body from the fingertips down as he finally felt the cold metal in his hand. Letting out a slow sigh, Rāwhiti just looked over the snitch for a long moment before releasing it to resume the hunt.

((just had to hit him to summon it apparently lmao))
Santiago was glad his bludger hit had seem to work like a good luck charm as he flew off in search of another bludger.
Ivy looked and found y see any other chasers going to get the quaffle. So she flew and caught it. Looking to see where her team mates were and wondering if she was missing out on some chaser drill happening outside of the main area.
Double post because I forgot to hit post before and my action timed out. 😣
Rāwhiti was buzzing with relief as he resumed the search, letting it wash over him. Maybe everything would still be fine.
Ivy looked around trying to find the other chasers. But none were near her. She looked up and realised she was practically at the hoops. She threw the e ball without much time to aim and wasn’t surprised when she didn’t score.
Alicia grabbed the ball as it was thrown back into play.
Rāwhiti flew wide around the pitch, hoping to get another catch in soon.

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