Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y46/S2

Raawhiti Te Rangi

boisterous 🏉 your best friend seeker + captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Emery) (Bisexual
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
8/2045 (17)
Rāwhiti was nervous about this semester's match in a way he didn't think he ever really had been before. It was a good thing for him that Ravenclaw hadn't actually gotten to play their match about Slytherin last semester; they hadn't had a real match to warm up, whereas Rāwhiti knew his team had done a great job against Hufflepuff. On the other hand... all of that made Ravenclaw a completely unknown quantity. He had tried to sneak into the stands during a few of their practices to get a feel for how they were playing things this year, but when push came to shove he didn't have any idea what Gryffindor would be up against for the cup.

All that was to say; Rāwhiti knew his team needed to work harder than ever this term. He waited for the others to join him on the pitch, grooming the tail of his Firebolt and making cheerful conversation as the team filtered in, pleased that he felt he could properly face them this year, with a win under his belt. Once the team had assembled, he cleared his throat and spoke loudly. "Alright guys, we all know cup match is coming up. We don't know how Ravenclaw are playing things this year, so we need to be prepared for anything. We can't take it for granted that we can cruise to a win, so I'm expecting everyone's A game. Today's about honing those techniques and getting ready for the match, so try to play tactically. Chasers, practice passes and steals, and alternate which set of hoops you're going for. Teddy, I'll have you at the north hoops, Veronica to the south. Beaters, primary focus is myself and Milo. Give us hell, because you know that's what Ravenclaw will do." He said, looking around the faces in front of him with a final nod. "Alright, that's all. Let's go!" He blew the whistle around his neck and mounted his broom, kicking off to start the practice.

Aurora tried to hit a bludger as she shot up into the air.
Fraser was on his broom and was able to grab the quaffle as it was tossed into play. Immediately heading towards the hoops.
Teddy headed up to the north hoops, ready to defend them.
Santiago was ready for practice and wasted no time getting in the air.
Josh quickly followed the younger chaser as they had possession of the quaffle
As soon as Fraser was close enough he tried to score but he missed.
Aurora didn't hit anything.
Teddy caught the quaffle and tossed it back out to play.
Josh got a hold of the quaffle once it was thrown back and made his way around towards the hoops.
Milo gripped his broom tightly as Raawhiti addressed the team, eager to get up into the air already. It was good Raawhiti seemed to be taking Ravenclaw as a serious threat to them and the cup but their chances had never looked bright for Gryffindor to take it all. Now he just needed to prove to their captain that putting Milo in the game was a smart choice, no, THE smart choice.

Kicking into the air, Milo tried not to spare too much thought about what Raawhiti (or Teddy) were up to today, keeping an eye on the beaters as he started scanning the pitch.
Rāwhiti kept an eye on his teammates as he took to the sky, pleased to see everyone taking his instructions to heart as he began the search for the snitch.
Milo shot past Raawhiti with a whoop, intent to keep ahead of the other seeker.
Rāwhiti rolled his eyes as Milo whooshed past him, pulling back and flying low in the other direction instead.
Milo was glad he'd put on the speed when he had, spotting the snitch glimmering ahead. It didn't seem like Raawhiti had spotted it yet, but even if he had Milo had the advantage. He ducked close to his broom speeding up more until he could close the gap, wrapping a hand tightly around the snitch with another loud whoop as he pulled his broom to a quick stop. "Yeah! Ravenclaw won't know what hit them!" He announced gleefully.
Just as he had been feeling so good... Rāwhiti cursed himself in the back of his mind as he saw Milo catch the snitch, when he had been certain the younger boy was just showboating. He bit back a sigh and grinned, giving Milo a thumbs up. "Good work." He called out, before returning to the search, only more determined to feel the snitch in his own hand as soon as possible.
Milo preened as Raawhiti complimented him. He just needed to do that like 12 more times and then maybe finally his captain would actually listen to him when Milo offered him some much needed advice on running the team.
When Josh was close enough to the hoops, he threw the quaffle towards the left hoop, cheering happily as it sailed right through!
Rāwhiti kept one eye on the team as he carried on his search, perking up as he saw his roommate make a shot. "GOOD ONE!" He called out to Josh cheerfully.
Teddy watched the chasers, relaxing a bit when Josh scored at the other end. He remained focused, ready for when the quaffle would to make it's way back to his end.
Rāwhiti kept his gaze wide, scanning the pitch for any suspicious flutters of movement as he flew on.
Aurora didn't hit anything.
Fraser flew towards the hoops and caught the ball as it was tossed back out after Josh's successful score. Fraser began heading towards the other hoops.
Santiago swung his bat but missed.
Miro couldn't wait for his next practice with the quidditch team, and that day he practically sprinted to the pitch as soon as he could to make the most of the time the team had to practice before their next game. He quickly retrieved one of the school brooms and a free beater bat as soon as he could, and smiled as he listened to Rāwhiti's speech. As soon as he was allowed, Miro flew into the air in search of a bludger. He began to chase a bludger he saw in the corner of his eye and reached to hit it, frowning when he missed by a few centimeters.​

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