Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y45/S2

Santiago wasn't sure what was wrong with him, he had started practice with a few solid if not inaccurate hits, but now he was off and kept missing completely.
Aurora missed the bludger she was going for.
Teddy was glad that the Beaters bludgers were missing him.
Milo figured it was probably safe to congratulate his roommate, especially after he'd caught the snitch a third time now. "Wow, way to go, man! Wish we could play like that in the games too, aye," he called out to Teddy.
Sen grabbed the quaffle again when it was thrown back out, just managing to hang on to it when a bludger suddenly slammed into her side. She liked it better when the beaters were bickering.
Teddy looked at Milo, appreciating the comments "Thanks mate." He continued to look for the snitch, a fourth catch would be even better.
Aurora missed the next bludger she was going for.
While Milo was definitely proud of Teddy, he couldn't but feel a little shown up by him at the same time. Maybe he should try to hit a few more bludgers Teddy's way while he was at it...
Sen made a shot but it missed.
Teddy couldn't believe how this training was working out for him, three snitch catches and no bludger hits. He was doing great.
Milo decided Teddy was definitely looking too happy with himself. "Heads up! Spoilers, it's not a snitch!" He said as he knocked a bludger straight at @Teddy Pirrip
Milo was pretty sure he was one of the better players out on the pitch right now, and he'd just hit Teddy too so maybe that meant he was the best. Hopefully Rāwhiti was done grouching and was paying attention.
Santiago missed again.
Evie noticed the snitch being caught out of the corner of her eye, but did not let that distract her. Luckily, the chaser was hit by a bludger and this made it easier for Evie to save the shot. She threw the quaffle back out to the nearest player.
Milo fly past Santiago as he missed his hit again, barely withholding a suggestion on how to adjust to get a better swing. He'd just have to tell him after practice.
Finally Santiago saw a bludger and readjusted his grip before letting it swing. Thankfully this time his aim was true and hit Milo fair and square. @Milo Frogg
Milo figured he should probably look to get in another hit, even if he'd been on a pretty good hotstreak already. He didn't need to look for a bludger for long, since Santiago hit one straight into him, causing Milo to splutter and yelp as he tried to keep a hold of both his broom and his bat.
Teddy expected it would happen sooner or later. Milo's bludger hit his side and the pain shot through his ribs. Clutching the broom tightly, Teddy gritted his teeth and flew on, trying to make it look as if it hadn't hurt as much as it had.
Evie watched as the beaters managed to hit the younger seeker. She then quickly reverted her attention back to the player with the quaffle.
Aurora missed the bludger she was going for.
Teddy flew on in search of the snitch.
Aurora didn't hit anything.
Teddy pressed on, a facade of calm determination masking the ache left by the bludger hit.
Santiago was pleased with himself and he hardly even minded when his next shot went wide.
Milo tried to shake the hit off, wanting to return the favour to Santiago as quick as possible, but he needed a little longer to catch his breath and shake off the hit before he could make any of his own.

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