Gryffindor Quidditch Practice Y43 S1

Rāwhiti pressed on, determined to catch the snitch and prove himself. This was the start of his journey to Quidditch stardom, and he wasn't going to go down without catching anything.
Aurora didn't hit any bludgers
Isaiah hit another bludger and reluctantly send it flying for @Elara Chatelain.

Elara x2
Soren x1
Zephryn x1
Genevieve x2
Louis x1
Aurora x1
Joshua x1
Timothy x2
Rāwhiti x1
Isaiah x1
Elara should have been paying better attention before she was hit by another bludger. Cursing, she readjusted on her broom.
Aurora missed the bludger she was aiming for.
Isaiah swung his bat at another bludger and send it flying for @Aurora Archer.

Elara x2
Soren x1
Zephryn x1
Genevieve x2
Louis x1
Aurora x2
Joshua x1
Timothy x2
Rāwhiti x1
Isaiah x1
Elara kept seeking and seeking.
Louis grabbed the quaffle and tucked it under his arm.
Zay took a second to fly a bit higher and watch how the team was doing.
Louis tried to score again, and missed... again. He threw up his hands in anger and flew off.
Aurora didn't hit a bludger in the right direction.
Isaiah noticed Louis growing a little frustrated, hoping he wouldn't start acting badly towards the other chasers like he had done before.
Flying on, the twinkle of gold Rāwhiti had seen before caught his eye again. Not wanting to miss the opportunity he flattened himself to his broom and shot forwards, arm outstretched. He pulled around quickly as the snitch zigzagged, pushing himself to fly faster until at last his fingers curled around the ball, gripping it tight. "WOOHOOOOO!" Rāwhiti yelled, spiralling upwards quickly before he hit the stands, taking a moment to decelerate again. "GOT IT!" He called out, showing the captain proudly before letting the snitch go again. Finally he had proven himself.
Zay looked around when he heard someone cheer, his eye falling on their newest seeker. "Nice work, dude!" He grinned when Rhawhiti showed him the snitch before eventually glancing over at Elara from the corner of his eye since he knew she might be disappointed not to have caught it first.
Elara saw what she thought was the snitch ahead, but before she could get too far, Raawhiti came out of nowhere and snagged it. Her face dropped. Even though she was no longer the alternate seeker, it felt like she was never going to be as good as the other seekers to bring Gryffindor to victory. She gave a semi-encouraging smile towards the third year before focusing on something else.
Rāwhiti couldn't keep the grin off his face as he flew off again, looking for the snitch with fresh vigour.
Zay swung his bat at another bludger and send it soaring towards @Zephryn Spencer. He knew the seekers were the main targets during games but it would be unfair to only aim for them and it was good for everyone to learn how to deal with bludger hits. Himself included.

Elara x2
Soren x1
Zephryn x2
Genevieve x2
Louis x1
Aurora x2
Joshua x1
Timothy x2
Rāwhiti x1
Isaiah x1
Rāwhiti was still buzzing from his success as he searched for the snitch, looking forward to his next catch.
Elara kept to herself as she searched for the snitch.
Rāwhiti flew a few loops as he searched, mood ecstatic.
Elara looked around at nothing because the snitch was still not there.
Rāwhiti kept searching, hoping for a second catch soon.
Rāwhiti flew on, doing another slow lap of the pitch.
Elara sought (?) some more. It had been 84 years since the snitch last appeared to her.

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