
Enrique Martinez

Active Member
OOC First Name
Silver Fir Wood, with the essence of a Unicorn tail hair .
Hello, hello!

So I'm Chibs and I hone from the glorious country of Australia, where the weather is bipolar and refuses to stay one way or another and it is near impossible to dress for a season because you're almost always guaranteed to have the opposite of what it should be.
I'm new about here, but even though I haven't really gotten Enrique here up and running, I'm already loving HNZ. Taking a look about the community and seeing how friendly and welcoming you all are; it's awesome!

So a little about myself and Enrique here. Basically, I enjoy the Harry Potter series; books and films alike, as I assume most of you all do too. :)
I have a particular liking for the Winter months and cannot go without the magic that is Pizza for too much longer than a few weeks. That stuff rules my life, I swear. xD

As for my character, Enrique here hones from Puerto Rico and is played by none other than Ricky Martin. Call me crazy, but lately that guys had this wizard-esqe look going on about him.... Especially with some of the getup's he's been wearing on the Australian version of The Voice. I don't know, I've just always liked the idea of him being a wizard haha, and hopefully a Professor of some-kind too! :)

So there's a little bit about myself and Enrique. I don't want to drag on too much here, because this ended up being far, far longer than I'd planned it to be! hahaha.
I hope to role play with you all down the track and have a great time doing it. :)
Hey a New Person!

Hi there Chibs,

I'm Teigan, I'm Australian too and now there is someone else to back us up when we say that our weather is Bipolar. (People don't believe us :tut: ) Those silly people. I have to say I have a celebrity crush on Ricky Martin, yeah he's gay but who gives right? xD

Anyway, its great when new members join the board and you came at the right time too, we are currently in our sorting phase and so if you decided to you, could make a little firsite, or transfer in an older student. Not to mention we have some Professor positions open as well. If you ever need any help, I direct you to ask either the Admins or our lovable Global Mods. They are all very lovely people and can help you with anything you need. Of course, you can always ask me if you don't want to approach them and I will try to help you as best I can. For your rules and regualtions whilst here and for any other information I woud direct you to our Introduction Page. It has lots of things that you might want/need to know about being on this site. Hope to see you around and to be rping with you!

Hi Chibs!

Ricky Martin is on the Australian version of The Voice? That's pretty cool! ^_^
I'm glad that you've decided to join and that you seem to love it already. I hope we don't scare you off anytime soon. :p I'm Cyndi, one of the admin on the site. If you have any questions or need any assistance, feel free to send me a PM. :)

See you around!
Hello Chibs!

I also happen to be Australian, Teigan up there happens to be my sister. There are quite a few Australian's lurking around here, so we understand what you mean by the weather! Don't worry about your character, I'm sure they'll come along just fine. It takes a while to get it up and running.

I'm really happy to hear that you don't find us scary. We don't bite (too much) honest! Anyway, if you ever want to roleplay, or just have a chat, please feel free to PM me on Speed here, or my main account Samual Kaster.

I hope to see you around! ^_^
Hey there Chibs!!

I'm Marga! Nice to meet ya!

Welcome to HNZ! You'll have tons of fun here! ^_^ ... Well, if you want to chat or RP or experience my craziness.... Just shoot me a PM... ^_^ ...

See you around!!!
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Hey there, Chibbs!
Welcome to HNZ. :) I'm Nick, the otheeerrr Admin here, and I'm from Canadaland&tade;.
I'm glad you've liked what you've seen of HNZ so far and hope that you continue to enjoy your time on the board.

If you ever need any help, feel free to contact me, and I look forward to seeing you around the board! :)
Heyy Chibbs!

A very warm welcome to HNZ!
I'm Emzies, and I'm from Scotland! Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have! Always happy to help out.

Welcome to HNZ Chibbs! :hug:
Feel free to shoot me a message if you ever need someone to roleplay with! Hope do see you around the board! :hug:
Many greetings to you all! It's pretty crazy seeing how many of us Australians have found our way onto here! :o (but awesome all the same)
I cant thank you all enough for the kind words of welcome! :)
I'll be sure to hit some of you up with a PM to roleplay as soon as possible; very interested to meet some of your characters and develop some relationships between all of them and Enrique.

Once again, thank you all. :D

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