Graduation 2041

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Justin Cliffeton

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OOCOut of Character: Spectators & Guests
Here is the area for invited guests, staff, professors and prefects to post while at the graduation. Please be reminded that you are also invited to start separate RPs that take place after the graduation.
Professor Kingsley loved graduation, so she made sure she was available to attend on the day of the ceremony. Dressed in a simple navy blue dress, the woman sat with her colleagues as the Head students took the stage. Clara's speech was thoughtful while Vladimir's speech was...interesting, to say the least. As students began to cross the stage to receive their diplomas from the deputy headmaster, Cyndi clapped for them, adding in a cheer when the graduate was one of her Gryffindors.
After returning for Sage's graduation, Ferdinand never thought he would be forced to return to the castle walls of Hogwarts New Zealand ever again. It was just his luck that Lux had contacted him and asked him to attend which he was initially annoyed about however as the date grew closer he in turn grew more excited to see his blonde friend. Since his own graduation they had lost contact, moved on to lead separate lives but he was glad to catch up with her and see if they could resume their friendship. Admittedly he had missed their interactions and the impending notion that they would see each other again that day caused Ferdinand to smile while alternately nervously adjust the tie of his uncomfortable suit as he watched the graduation ceremony. He clapped politely for the speeches and for every student as they received their diploma, only showing genuine excitement when Lux walked on stage. He cheered for her instead and waited until the ceremony was over before he approached her and struck up a conversation.
Victoire as a prefect was allowed to attend the graduations and though she hadn't attended the last one, she had decide to attend this one, and so sat in the Great Hall, in her gryffindor uniform watching as the students in the year directly above her graduated, she could barely believe that soon that would be her and her year, Victoire had some idea about what she wanted to do after school and she was so eager to be able to sit her NEWTs and then have at the world. There was so much exciting things in the magical world and she couldn't wait to be able to give it her best shot. The teen applauded happily for each of the students as they received their awards and couldn't help but feel so happy for them all, graduating and finishing their education much be such a proud feeling she couldn't wait until that was her, until that was their year, she did wonder briefly who would become head boy and girl in their year, and she was sure that Jean would make a great head boy, and surely would come up with more to say that the head boy that had just been. Each to their own, if that was only that boy had wanted to say he was entitled to that. Victoire just focused on how beautiful the head girl looked and felt a great sense of pride for all the students graduating.
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