Going Home

Graeme Fergusson

chaser for pride of portree & scotland | new dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
10/2022 (39)
Graeme had left the school in the late hours of the morning, skipping breakfast and avoiding lunch, he had packed the last of his belongings away into his bag and left the school without another word, not even with one last goodbye to Maya, walking slowly through the halls of the school as the hufflepuff teen bid final farewells to the sights and sounds he'd be unlikely to see again, and just in those moments found himself smiled slightly, he would sorely miss this place, the challenges and fun it presented but he was moving on to bigger and better things, the school had served it's purpose and now it was time for him to just move forward with his life or at the very least move it back to where it should've always been geographically, so the boy put the bag on his back, holding the broom in his hands and made his way out the school, thinking himself definitely ready for the wider world and all the challenges it would present. The teen had a number of things to do before he went home, since this hadn't actually been part of the plan when he'd headed for the school in September, first off, he went back to his grandparents house, or well, now just his grandmother's house where he had stayed for the duration of his time in New Zealand while not at school, Graeme admittedly felt a little bad for leaving her, but she was well cared for by muggle nurses, the teen just had final things to clear up at the house, pack away the last of his belongings that he'd brought with him to New Zealand, selling the bike he'd gotten for the summers and winters spent with his grandparents. The first thing he did when he arrived at this home was clean his old room, making it look barely like anyone had spent any time in the room at all, placing the final items on top of the rest in his rucksack, and using the wand and the magic he could now preform outside of the school to do it quickly, though really the boy was in no rush, he couldn't exactly arrive in Scotland in the dead of night.

The former hufflepuff wandered out of his old room and to the living area where his grandmother was sat watching some old muggle show on television, and though she could barely remember who he was, he made her tea and a little snack and then sat down in front of her to explain what was happening, what he was doing, why he was leaving, in telling her about how much he missed his home and why he was leaving his education to go back, he was a little surprised to find that his grandmother agreed, that she seemed to become more aware of him, really looking at Graeme for the first time in what felt like years and he could've cried from joy as she spoke about her home back in Scotland, and then telling a story he'd definitely heard before about the time she and his grandfather while travelling to back to Skye had taken a detour along the scenic route which had due to bad weather ended up taking three hours longer than it was supposed to, how his mother had complained and the fact he'd been just a little baby at the time crying relentless in the back for most of the journey, it wasn't a recent story but she definitely seemed to make the connection between the baby and Graeme sitting in front of her, which felt like an honest gift of a moment given Graeme knew he might never see her again. The teen reached out and took her hand shaking hand in his, glancing at his bags sitting accusingly at the door, accusing him of abandoning his grandmother but he knew this was definitely the right decision, that it wasn't the easiest decision and he had no idea what might come of it, but he knew it was the right one. Graeme said his last goodbyes to his grandmother, promising to write and to visit when he could, though both those statements were a lie, and it seemed the moment with his grandmother had passed and after three further long minutes of explaining it, he let go of her hand, gave her a last hug before turning on his heel and walking out the door, grabbing his things as he left.

However, this wasn't his tasks for the day over there were still things to be done, he made his broom small enough to fit in the bag, and swung the rucksack on to his back, before peddling the old and now small bike to where he knew he could just easily sell it off, or at the very least get rid of it, if he needed a new one he could get one in Skye, there was no sense in bringing this old bike with him, and following having gotten rid of it, he fixed his address, told the right authorities that he no longer lived in the country, or would not be living in the country any longer, sending a letter to Maya to explain that he would see her again soon, using the owls in the magical post office to send this letter to her, she knew he was leaving, but a part of Graeme thought that perhaps it hadn't clicked too much in her brain, that seeing him gone would make her believe it and perhaps a letter would soften the blow when the new term came and he wasn't there, and he fully intended that this letter to be the last he sent her or really anyone in a long while. Graeme knew that he loved Maya, he loved her dearly, he didn't doubt that this would be hard on her, he didn't know what he could say to make it better, what he could do to fix what he was doing, other than not do it, but he was just moving forward a plan he'd had in his mind by a year, when he'd realised he could sit and pass the apparition exam and be gone by the end of sixth year rather than seventh. With that sent, the teen only had one thing left to do, and he would be gone from this country forever, it was almost a strange feeling knowing that he was getting ever closer to being home, and there was even a chance his mother wouldn't be there when he arrived back, that she'd be at work, or that she'd changed the lock and he'd have to sit outside until she got home, because he point blank refused to break into his own home using magic.

Graeme walked to an empty, dark spot and apparated to his last destination, his grandfather's grave, it wasn't like the man had remember Graeme in the dwindling days, but Graeme owed him thanks and respect for housing him in this country, and so he conjured up some flowers and placed them on the grave as soon as he found it, kneeling down in front of it, glad for the dryness of the grass as he looked at his grandfather's grave stone, he hadn't told anyone at Hogwarts about this, about losing his grandfather, he had barely spoken about it, the man had been related to him but memories of him were scarce, they'd lived so far apart for most of Graeme's life it just hadn't merited him telling anyone what had happened, even if it had in the end helped the decision towards leaving, he had very little tying to this country with one of his grandparents gone. Graeme didn't want to become like this man, buried in some country so far from his own, he loved all the opportunities New Zealand had provided him with, but at the end of the day this place was merely just a stop on the road to his life, New Zealand had never been his home, it had been his school, with one final mutter of thanks the teen got to his feet and stretched his tired limbs, he'd been going all day and given he'd be arriving in Scotland at about eight in the morning he still had a full day ahead of him. The teen found a dark, hidden corner of the graveyard, he took out his wand and then from within the back pocket of his jeans pulled out a creased and faded muggle picture, just him and his mother standing before their small home from before Graeme had left, when he'd been barely ten years old, it seemed like a life time ago, the sun was shining, a sight rarely seen in his home, he was smiling as had been his mother, just such simple joy, a home he missed so close. Easily within his mind he conjured up the memory of this picture and the memory of his house, of standing in front of it, being maybe a five minute walk from it staring at how small it was, completely dwarfed by the hills, he could see it, closing his eyes tightly and with a turn and his grip tight on his wand he left New Zealand.

The first sensation that hit him was rain, but it hadn't been raining in New Zealand, Graeme tentatively opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, where all he could see were dark grey clouds and feel the patter of rain gently hitting his face. In that instant, Graeme knew he was home, the cool summer air breezed through him, as clouds settled upon the hilltops, making it difficult to tell where the hills really ended, he could feel the mud beneath his feet underneath his shoes and the definitive lack of warmth despite the fact it was high summer, he could feel and remember it all, exactly how it all felt. The teen looked forward and spotted his house, exactly where he'd left it, exactly how he'd left it, a small stream of smoke coming up from the chimney indicating that someone was in, faint lights in the windows. Graeme turned in a circle on the spot, glancing in the direction of Neist point, to the tourists he could spot climbing the hills, to the sheep grazing lazily in the hills huddled together to hide from the rain, to where the road and river leading back to the fairy pools and the main road, "Dachaigh," the word almost felt foreign to him, it had been so long since he'd used Scottish gaelic and so long since he'd stared at his home, the two weeks he'd spent here between first and second year seemed a long way off, like they'd barely happened but now he was here to stay. The teen took in a deep breath of the fresh morning air, oh how pleased he was to be back, how good it felt, how calming it felt. The sound of a car heading towards him down the road not three steps from him made him smile, the sound of strong Scottish accents drifted out as a couple argued directions, it was a sound that he could honestly say he missed, the New Zealand accent was something he'd never gotten used to, and his own accent had to be softened so that he was understood, but he knew he wouldn't have to do that any more, he continued to watch the car as it stopped in front of his house and one of the two got out and asked his mother for directions. It was as he saw his ma, for the first time in far too long that Graeme's mind seemed to catch up with him and he was pushed forward towards her, walking with long strides across the muddy grass, between the small flowers, the rain still pouring down, a light gust of wind bringing his unruly and unkempt hair in front of his face,

"Ma!" he called out to her as she seemed go to head back into the house as the couple drove off, Graeme couldn't help the wide smile which graced his features as she spotted him, an almost identically wide smile on her face, as she realised who it was, though it took her moment longer to recognise him, "Graeme," he heard her say, and he couldn't believe how thankful he was to hear that voice, his mother's voice sounded like magic in the freshness of the morning. The former Hufflepuff closed the distance between them in easy, quick strides, he wrapped his arms around the woman with out hesitation, who was smaller than he remember her being and just held her close, nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck as the smallest of sobs escaped his now slightly shaking body. Standing still in the rain he could feel the warmth of the fire, smell the familiar home, hear the sounds of the slowly burning fire and the muggle microwave, his mother was saying something to him, but Graeme just wasn't listening to the words, just to the sound. All too soon to Graeme, his mother pushed him out of the hug, putting her arm around him and leading him into their home, god he was so happy to be home, to see his mother, to feel the skye rain, to not just have lingering memories of this place to actually be there, be home at long last for good and all thoughts of how maybe this was the wrong decision, of how good the school was, how nice New Zealand was flew out the window, there was no way he was going back now, just as he knew he would feel towards it, Graeme was home and after being away so long he had no intention of giving it up, Skye was his home, this remote cottage in the middle of nowhere was his home, his ma was his home, not some house at some school on the other side of the world. The former Hufflepuff smiled brightly, a few stray tears on his face as he ducked slightly to step inside, not even noticing that it had been so long since he'd been home that he had needed to duck to get through the door.


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