Open Glamorous Dancing

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Estella Fuentes

class of y42 📓 | 'essie' 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
[Open after Tamara and Jess]

Estella was wearing a really good dress with matching nails, jewellery and shoes, and she was very excited to show off her outfit tonight. Her and Rose had agreed to go to the Yule Ball together, much to Estella's relief, as she definitely didn't want to go alone. When she heard Sawyer was going with Ivy, the Hufflepuff couldn't help but feel a little betrayed, for reasons she wasn't sure why, and she just hoped that she wouldn't bump into either of them tonight. As Estella entered the Great Hall with Rose, she beamed as she looked around. It wasn't as decorative and pretty as the Valentine's Dances, but it was definitely a big event, and suddenly Estella wondered why she hadn't bothered going the year before. She instantly turned to her best friend, glad that she didn't have to look around too hard to find someone. "What can we do to make this night fun and distracting? I say we dance. Or did you want to have something to eat or drink first?" she asked, not wanting to take any opportunities away from her.
Rose wasn’t one to go to dances or the ball. She usually stayed at the dorm to care for her plants. Her friend Estella had asked if she wanted to attend with her and Rose couldn’t say no. Her friends were important and so she gave in. She could always do her plants tomorrow. Rose smiled and wore a last minute dress that she borrowed from someone. Rose was holding Edgar since she wasn't going to leave her plant alone and her macrame holder wasn't really easy to use with a dress. They entered the great Hall together and Rose looked around. ''We can dance'' Rose said, even with one hand she could still dance. ''After that we can get something drink and eat?'' Rose smiled ''How did your exams go?''
Maisie was eager for the dance, and had done her best to dress herself up. She hurried downstairs, skipping all the way. She was in such a rush, she didn't have time to properly slow down before she had rushed into the hall and knocked straight into someone. Maisie gasped, stumbling backwards and barely managing to keep herself upright. "Oh! Oh my goodness! I am so sorry!" She babbled, checking to make sure the other person was alright.
Estella smiled as her friend agreed to dancing before eating, and she couldn't be more happy that they had the same idea. At the question, Estella just shrugged. "Good I guess. I did better than expected in Divination. I feel like if I just keep making things up then eventually I'll ace it." Estella told her. She didn't like Divination much at all, but the professor was nice and she was willing to at least take it for another year before giving up. "What about yours? How did your Divination exam go?" Before Estella could listen to her answer however, a younger girl crashed into her and Estella jumped, trying her best not to fall over backwards as the girl began apologising. "Oh, that's okay. I love your dress!" she exclaimed, looking it up and down. It was such a pretty shade of pink.
The dress that Estella was wearing was pretty. The blue tones suited her perfectly and Rose smiled. Dancing first was more fun although she only had one hand free. Rose nodded she also hadn't expected such a decent grade for divination. ''My divination exam went fairly well, I am still not good at predicting anything'' Rose said. Soon a younger girl crashed into Estella and Rose clutched Rose her little pot tighter. She didn't want Edgar to fall on the ground. ''Everyone okay?'' Rose asked both the girls.
Maisie relaxed as the other girl was alright, smiling brightly at her compliment. "Thank you! I just love this dress," she gushed, swishing it around and liking the feel of the fabric on her legs. She turned to the other girl then, her eyes lighting up. She hurried over, positively gushing. "Oh my goodness, that plant is so cute!" Maisie giggled. "Why do you have a plant with you? I love it!"
Estella smiled at the younger girl as she took the compliment well. She seemed really nice and Estella was glad that she bumped into her. As the girl then complimented Rose's plant, Estella was quick to chime in. "It's her best friend! A close second to me." she said jokingly, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. She knew the plants meant a lot to Rose and was happy that someone was complimenting the plant rather than picking on her for it. "Did you want to dance with us?" Estella asked the younger girl, hoping she would say yes. "We were just about to head out onto the dance floor."
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