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Preston Paine

Well-Known Member
Curved 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Yo! I don't really have many RPs going on at the moment, and I'd like to get some more RPs going with several of my characters. So, here are the list of people I need RPs for:

1. Preston Paine. How can you say no that face? :p

He's my first year Slytherin dude. I really have only RPed him with two people and am interested in RPing him with several more first years. I'd like to think that he is becoming fairly popular since he is a decent guy and fairly attractive ;) . He's also muggleborn, but he doesn't admit this to anyone! I'm probably going to be starting an open RP in the dueling area at some point this week, so anyone interested can jump in. It would be much appreciated. :) Any other ideas for him would be appreciated as well.

2. Athena Zhefarovich. If only she smiled this much. xD

Athena is a Slytherin Fifth Year. I'm going to need a professor/staff member for a plot I have in mind for her. And, she could use a couple of other pureblood friends or non-pureblood enemies.

3. Ioan Finch.

Ioan is the leader of the Potions subgroup of the Scitorari and has been a member of the Scitorari for a long time. He is firmly entrenched in the dark arts and will probably end up in Azkaban one of these days. But, until then...I'd like to RP with him. If you have a character who might be interested in joining the Scitorari, Ioan could be a recruiter or something like that. If you have a character that you're interested in killing off, contact me! Or if you have any other ideas that you think Ioan could be helpful for, let me know. :)

4. Irene Finch.

Irene is Ioan's sister. She is completely stupid to the fact that her brother is one of the Scitorari leaders. She's an apparation instructor, so she could give lessons or be involved in some sort of splinching RP. And, she's currently without a beau. The person who RPed as her significant other is no longer here ( :( ), so I need to find someone for Irene to move on with.

You can use the OOC account tracker to see my other characters, but these are the four I'm really interested in RPing with right now. That doesn't mean I won't entertain other ideas though! If you don't want to discuss a plot here, feel free to PM me on my main account.

Hello Cyndi,

I can offer Icarus as the professor/staff that you need for Athena's plot. It would be interesting to see what you have in mind <_<

Other than that I'll be lurking for Preston's RP and depending on what he's going to do in the dueling chamber, I might have Minoas pass by.

Shoot me a pm if you are interested to let me know (Minoas' account) :)

Is it too late for me to continue that rp we had with Preston and Emalia? Haha! Otherwise I also have Ava for the plot if she would work? :)
I have leigh west, Alyce brown, or Briar rowan who could plot something with lrene.
Leigh is pretty quiet and likes reading but when she believes in someting she will stand up for it. alyce is loud and rather brash, and i am sure you know more about Briar than i can sum up here.

if you want Preston or Athena to run into Tara or Chayton then we can work something out. Tara is nice, bubbly and aways puts others before herself, sometimes leaving her a bit of a doormat, she loves drawing/painting though recently she is putting more energy into cooking as she sees more of a future in that than art. Chay is very shy, compared to his size he has no presence, he isn't the smartest but has a natural aptitude for mechanics. both of them are hufflepuff, tara sixth year chay is seventh.
anything is up to you.
Hey Cyndi!

Just wanted to tell you that I haven't forgotten about our Rp with Andy and Athena, I should be getting around to actually replying to roleplays in a few days. xD

Anyway, because I couldn't say no to that face, I'll also bring out my two first years. :r
So I have Abel Smith, who is a pure-blood and is pretty proud of it. He's not a fan of muggleborns, but isn't totally against the occasional chat with one, though sometimes he has been known to simply ignore their existence. He is a pretty quiet boy, but once his shell is broken, he can be pretty spontaneous. He's pretty sweet because he is the sort of person that would bend over backwards to stop a confrontation happening.

I also have Kieran Adam Boneheart, who is just really adorable. Kieran is much like a five year old, he doesn't really understand that sometimes it's not okay to be as excitable about stuff as he can get. Kieran doesn't really know how to hold a grudge and whenever he gets into a verbal fight, he ends up apologising and trying to start again. Kieran is a chatterbox and his emotions are pretty erratic. He has a very small attention span, but tries to remain focused (even though he often fails). Kieran can be hot headed, but always manages to feel guilty and that he did something wrong. He also has a twin sister in Hufflepuff.

Both boys are in Slytherin, so there's a chance that they'd sort of know each other, by face atleast. But yeah, your choice. ^_^
In my head I'm like "What are you doing? You can't even juggle one RP thread." But what the heck, I can't resist Cyndi's post. Okay. :trolol: xD</SIZE></COLOR></FONT>
Athena and Yerik​
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I know they've RPed before but it didn't end that good, so I was thinking if they could RP again? Perhaps as friends, since they're both pure-bloods, same year, prefects and Yerik is fond of befriending Slytherins. Plus she's not blonde so that's great for him. Friends, or more, anything is fine with me. Though I don't being enemies would work since there's no reason to hate her. What do you think? ^_^ I have a few ideas in mind, for Preston and the rest but I can only do one at the moment.
For fear of Donna's yelling, I will reply now. :mortified:

Liam: Awesome. I'll contact you when the new IC year starts as that is when I'll need you. :)
I still haven't started the PM with Preston, but I'll post it here when I do.

Donna: If you want to continue the Emalia/Preston RP, I'm fine with that. I don't think Ava would work well for what I have in mind. I don't want her getting onto Ava's radar. xD

Now, don't yell at me. K? I replied. See?

Mia: I don't know that Irene would be friends with any of those. Perhaps Alyce, but I'm not sure. She doesn't really get on well with many women. But, if one of them would have something to do with the Department of Transportation we could work something out, or maybe Briar and Irene could meet up doing something related to a portkey for some werewolves to go somewhere for their monthly meetings?

Chayton will be graduating soon, and I don't think I'll get to too many RPs before the IC year ends, so I probably won't be able to have any of my characters RP with him.

Tenilee: Hi!!!!
I could see Preston hanging out with either boy, but I think he'd really get on with Kieran. He sort of reminds me for what I had in mind for Preston's old best friend. Maybe when the new school year starts, we can have them RP?

Mintzy: Aww...thanks! I don't think that Athena would necessarily be his friend based on their last RP, but she wouldn't hate him either. I think she'd tolerate Yerik since he is at least a pureblood even if he is a little odd to her. So, l think another RP would be cool.

PM your other ideas and we can get to it when we both have more time. :)
Khushi: Hm...I don't know if they would be friends or enemies either. I haven't really explored his dark side, but he doesn't seem to be particularly fond of Gryffindor boys or at least one Gryffindor boy. I think we should RP them together and find out for sure. ;) I don't have anything planned for Preston during the break. Maybe we can have Preston and Kyle run into each other in NZ while they are shopping for year 2 supplies or something like that?
Can you? I'll get to it as soon as I can. :)
heyy cyndi i have wolfie if you still need a staff member. i know hes a nurse and every thing but hes still there if you need him at all
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