Open Girl Talk

Winnie Marsh

Dramatic | Hog's Head Bartender
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Grades and school work aside, Winnie's semester was going suspiciously well. Her two best friends had sent her roses for valentines day, and she was spending time with a boy, a real boy that was a year older than her, amazingly sweet, and on the quidditch team, in short the exact kind of boy she wanted to be seen with. In the same league, Diana's spin the bottle game was also successful, and on such a high note, seeing her life was falling into place, Winnie felt as if she were unstoppable and nothing could knock her from the tower of confidence she was building. It was with this confidence that Winnie was beginning to make more daring choices with her appearance, all for the sake of self expression and discovery. One of these 'daring' choices being the colours in which she painted her nails. Despite it being a small change, the choice to paint her nails more vibrant colours or add sparkles felt like a small victory for her as it deviated so dramatically from her usual choices of darker or neutral tones, and highlighted the brighter and happier mood she was in.​
After painting her pinky finger, Winnie smiled and admired her work, pleased with her decision to paint her nails with rainbow glitter. It absolutely stood out from her uniform and caught the light perfectly. Though not a moment later Winnie looked up and found herself distracted from her nails when she noticed Analei walk into the lounge, and a an urge to speak to the girl overcame her. "Hey, Analei!" Winnie called out, a wide smile appearing on her features. "Sit with me, I'd love a client to practice my nail art." In the wake of the drama between Diana, Edmund, and Analei that Winnie was a witness to, and the addition of the spin the bottle game, a conversation with her almost friend sounded amazing, especially under the guise of offering a manicure.​

OOCOut of Character:
Godmod of Analei has been approved :p
Analei wasn't sure how she was feeling as of late. She was trying to keep everything out of her mind, hardly talking to anyone and just focusing on her studies. It was difficult to do, which was unusual for the Hufflepuff as she knew that her studies were the most important thing. Analei wondered if it were the quiet environment of the Library that was making her mind wander, but she didn't think being in the Common Room was going to be much help either. The Student Lounge wasn't somewhere she ventured much, but she figured she'd give it a try - perhaps the gentle buzz of the lounge would help her focus; or at least, not focus on the problems she was having in her life.
Life had different plans for her, however, as she heard a voice call out to her. Analei smiled when she saw who it was - she liked Winnie and was happy that the girl seemed to like her to; enough to call her over to sit with her. Analei went to the Ravenclaw girl, and sat down. "Sure - but, I'm - uh, really sorry about the state of them." Analei admitted, not showing her hands just yet. Looking after her nails wasn't something she really did. She didn't chew them that much, but she would never get a hand model award, that was for sure.

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