Closed Getting Ready

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily was almost panicked. AJ had asked her on a date. AJ had asked her on a date. AJ had asked her on a date. AJ had asked her on a date. AJ had asked her on a date! Lily almost ran up to the front door of Elliot and Alice's apartment, knocking quickly and loudly. She bounced on her feet, twisting her braid in her hands.

When Alice opened the door, Lily almost immediately started babbling, too nervous to wait and just immediately cutting to the chase. "Alice!" Lily squeaked, taking a small step closer. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you're home!! I need your help, AJ has asked me to dinner tonight, please please please can you help me get ready?" She begged Alice almost frantically. "I-I need to do my hair and makeup and Erm, oh dear, I have nothing to wear!" She buried her face in her hands.
Alice was quietly reading a book, curled up on the couch near the window. She was engrossed in the story, forgetting all about the world around her until she heard a knock on the door. It sounded alarmingly urgent and Alice closed the book, frowning slightly in confusion. Who could it be? She wasn't expecting anyone, was she? Alice headed and opened it. Lily was standing there and immediately started babbling, it took Alice a good few moments to understand what she was saying. "Lily? Please calm down." She said gently, reaching out to touch her arm. "This is a good thing, right?" She asked, unsure about Lily's reaction.
Lily took a deep breath as Alice spoke, trying to steady her breathing. "I- yes, at least, I think so, I hope it is, oh dear," She bit her lip, twisting her braid. "I've liked him for a while, I just- I didn't think he liked me, then- he said he's been trying to ask me out for a while- we're going to dinner tonight- ohhh, what if I mess this up?" She fretted, giving Alice her biggest eyes. "I'm so nervous, Allie, I don't know what to wear, I want to look cute, please, could you help me get ready? I really want this to go well," She took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, but she just couldn't seem to shake the nervous excitement coursing through her. She giggled nervously, giving Alice a bashful smile.
Alice would be lying if she wasn't a little alarmed by just how flustered Lily got. She seemed almost in a panic, which didn't seem like a normal reaction to something like a date. She wondered if the younger girl was ready for this, though she kept that thought to herself. "Lily, calm down." She said slowly. "Take a few deep breaths, then I'll help you get ready if you want, alright?" She said, frowning a little in concern.
Lily nodded, taking a few deep breaths to try and settle her pounding heart. She smiled shyly at Alice, feeling a little bit calmer. "I'm sorry," She apologized softly. "It's just... been a long time since I've been on a date," She admitted, folding her arms loosely around her torso. "Thank you for helping," She added sincerely, tempted to hug Alice but holding back.
Alice smiled, glad to see Lily was alright. She had been genuinely worried there for a second. She nodded. "Alright, so what sort of help do you want from me?" Alice asked as she stepped aside to let Lily inside. "I'm asking upfront so I don't give any unwanted advice or anything." She said with a slight smile. "Just let me know what you're looking for."
Lily smiled and stepped into the familiar apartment, tucking her hair behind both ears and taking another deep breath. "I was just hoping you could help me find something to wear?" She asked, giving Alice another shy smile. "I really want to look nice but I'm afraid I would overdo it," She admitted with a nervous laugh, wringing her hands gently in front of her. "Did you meet him? I was with AJ at Blake and Lars' wedding, it was such a beautiful event, but I got overwhelmed and I can't recall if I introduced everyone, I know I wanted to," She bit her lip to make herself stop talking.
Alice closed the door behind Lily and locked it before turning to her, giving the younger woman her full attention. Alice nodded at her request, pondering it for a moment. "Alright, but shouldn't we go to your place then to look at your clothes?" She asked, then tilted her head. "Unless you want to borrow something? You can, of course." She hesitated for a moment at Lily's question, trying to recall who she meant. "I think I remember him, he was your date right?"
Lily giggled shyly, reaching up to twist her hair a bit in her hands. "I- well, it's up to you, really," She offered softly. "I can't think of a thing in my closet I could wear, but I may be fretting too much about it," She took a deep breath, trying to stay more relaxed. She blushed at Alice's question and shook her head. "Oh, no, he wasn't- he wasn't my date," She corrected gently. "He just happened to be at the wedding, and I didn't want to be a third wheel to anyone, we just ran into each other." She bit her lip.
Alice laughed softly, leading Lily up to her room. “Oh, you’re definitely fretting too much.” She told her fondly. “Let’s see what I have for you.” She frowned a bit as Lily explained he hadn’t been her date, that had been her assumption. “Oh, I guess I assumed.” She said as she opened her bedroom door. She headed over to her closet, passing the neatly made bed. “How does he know Blake or Lars, then?” She asked, looking back at Lily over her shoulder.
Lily giggled shyly, following after Alice easily. She twirled her hair around her finger, biting her lip. She felt nervous about this date. Not necessarily nervous about spending more time with AJ. She was more worried that he would spend more time with her and decide she wasn't worth the effort anymore. She followed Alice into her room, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh, he's a Quidditch player. He's one of Blake's teammates." She told Alice, fidgeting with her hair. She peeked up at Alice. "Do you have any issues with Blake?" She questioned. "I keep trying, but I just can't seem to get him to like me." She admitted. She'd been attempting to win his favor for years now, but he seemed like the sort that was just impossible to get close to. How had Lars ever managed it?

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