Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

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Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hey guys, I have returned. Returning only works, however, if I have RP's. You know you want to help me out :)


Teddy Cameron

Teddy has taken a year off from everyone, travelling around the world for a bit of fun. He has now returned to New Zealand. He's pretty much the same as when he left; can be serious when needs be but can have fun as well. He isn't happy about the way he left things with people so he is looking to make new friends, as well as settling the problems with the ones he left behind. He would also like a girlfriend, preferably someone he hasn't met before, or dated before.
Wanted: Friends, girlfriend


Michael Abernathy
Cal Is a serious man who isn't often one to smile. He's had a few life problems and the most recent was the death of his girlfriend of two years. He doesn't really want a relationship because of it and, if there was one, it would go slowly and carefully. He is quite deep and, once he makes a friend, it takes a lot to drive him away. He is twenty two years of age.

So there they are :) Anything else you need to know just ask :)
Please reply

Welcome Back Summer! :hug:

I can offer Solenn here once more, we already RPed the two but that thread wasn't finished at all.
Perhaps she could be a love interest or something? Currently she got hired as a shop keeper at Madam Malkin's Robes. Since we Rped the two before I think you already know what kind of girl Solenn is? or you want me to give a short summary of her once more?
Do tell me what you think. ^_^
I think that could be pretty cool.
Perhaps it could be a small blossoming romance, starting with sweet visits to the shop or something? What do you think?
And sorry about not finishing the last topic.
Summer xx

Well I can offer you my newest character Selene Lovechild two either of your characters as either Girlfriend or simply just a friend. Selene is a funny gal with alot of happiness to share as she is always joking with her friends and goofing off. She grew up on a farm and so she is humble but with a college degree she has decided to work in the muggle world as her parents would not understand magic at all. She currently lives in California much to her mothers disapproval as a secretary to a major fashion magazine with little desire to actually model herself. At times she can become annoyed and flustered do to the wieght of her job but for the most part she loves what she does as it takes her to places in the muggle world she could never afford to go on her own. She went to Salem of course and graduated with okay grades as she spent most of her school time having fun.

As a girldfriend she is kind and supportive to whoever she dates, but do not mistake kind for submissive as she has no problem standing up to her man. She is laid back and easy going being not afraid of trying new things or being adventurous having growing up on a farm she is also not afraid to get a little dirty. She is trusting and rarely jealous which has left her open to some heartache but nothing that she can not handle as she hates to be needy or emotional. She is not currently looking to settle down as she is still young but if the right guy comes along then she may consider it given that she can truely trust the man she is with.

I also can offer Eric Evans as a male friend just let me know if you are interested and I can fill you in on him.
I could offer Elvera for either of them. I think that she was in the same year as teddy at school, but i am not sure. she could be friends with either, or i guess girlfriend, although she is a little scared of love as she has seen what it has done to both her mother and sister. she is quite serious and logical but she is also often carried away in thoughts.
I think that all links are in the siggie. She is 19 turning 20 next ic month.
let me know what you think

Okay, um. First,
Mintzy : Can you start one please? :)

Selene (don't know your OOC) : I think she would make a good friend for now, while Teddy is Solenn. She sounds like she could be good as a girlfriend though if something goes bad with those two. So perhaps a later girlfriend? And could you fill me in on Eric?

Mia : I think she was the year above Teddy, he just turned 19 this month (IC). I think she could make an interesting friend for the both of them as she seems to be somewhere between the two. Shall we start with Michael (he doesn't really have anyone at the moment) and try her with Teddy later?

Summer xx
I could have sworn that they were in the same year, maybe she has somehow gained a year or something, *goes to look in old accio issues*
anyway. I think that she will get on pretty well with Michael. do you want to start it or do you want me to? I have no preference as to where

checked, you were right, he is a year younger.
Hey it is me aka Selene/ Eric,

Here is a link to Eric's Bio for extra information on him Here

as for Selene that would be so cool to have a guy friend or two for her as she can be just one of the boys sometimes lol
Here is the topic, hope you don't mind me posting in the shop. I think it the a great place for their first meeting. :)
Okay, sorry for the slight delay.

I have replied to Elvera, I am planning on replying to Solenn now (should be done soon unless school demands me before I finish)

I think Eric would make a good friend for Teddy also, and having Selene as just a friend. Do you want to start something or shall I?
if you could start and then tell me who you want to rp with out of Eric or selene that would be great
it can be ever you wanted to be Eric lives in obsidian and Selene lives in California
Hi there, I've brought Lauren back. Remember her?
Perhaps they could RP again? Lauren was home schooled after her third year so she hasn't seen many of her old friends since then.
It would be interesting to see how they would get on now?
Would you consider them to be friends or?
Eric : Okey doke, will start that now!

Lauren : Hello there! I remember you :) I think they would still be friends. He is currently about to see Solenn so it wouldn't be anything more but I think they could be close friends :D
(It's Lauren)
Okay that's fine with me! :)
Do you want to start or shall I?
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