Getting A Head Start

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
Name: Marley Pattinson
Play-By: Zendaya
Text on Banner: Marley Pattinson
Colour Scheme: Pastel colours would be nice! Pastel pinks, blues and yellows would be cute!
Image Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Additional Information: Here's Marley's aesthetic! if you need inspiration or ideas! Other than that, go wild with it! Do whatever floats your boat!

If the images provided aren't great or don't suit the banner, feel free to use and find different images! Or lemme know if you want me to find other photos!

Have fun!

Thanks!! Hehe! :wub:
Ooops!! I didn't see this!! Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, I cant see it :( Not sure if it's cos the link is broken or if it was too late :(
The image host I use went down for a bit today, but it should be visible now. If you still can't see it, here's another version hosted on a separate site:


If you end up using it, I'd suggest rehosting just to be safe
It's so pretty!! Thank you so much Ana!! I'll use it once we get to sorting hehe!! Again thank you so much!! <3
Glad you like it! :D

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