- Messages
- 313
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Sophie<3
- Wand
- Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
- Age
- 31

Gabriel Evald Rosenberg
NAME MEANING- Gabriel (Ga-bree-el): Means God is my strong man
- Evald (E-vahlt): Means Rule
- Rosenberg (Ro-sen-berg): Means Rose Mountain.
NICKNAMES Gabriel has the nickname: Gabe. He get's called that way by his siblings and dad.
BLOOD STATUSHe's an half blood wizard, both of his parents are magical. But there are muggles in the family line.
PLACE OF BIRTH:Gabriel was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He had an nice childhood there and likes the place.
CURRENT RESIDENCEGabriel now lives in Wellington, New Zealand together with his cousin Liam Waldgrave. He likes living there and being close to all stores.
NATIONALITYBoth of his parents are born in Sweden. Gabriel can speak fluently Swedish and uses it around family. He usually talks English with people outside of the family.
BIRTHDAYFebruary 13th, 2032

Gabriel was born as the second child nd only boy from Adela and Mans. He was born in Sweden, Stockholm were he still lives. He could get along fine with his one year older sister Sofia and two younger sisters Novalie and Giselle. When Gabriel became six years his mother died from a very high fall from her broom in a Quidditch Match. Gabriel his mom was a player from The Nordic Quidditch Team. Adela was hit by a beater that hit her head with The Bludger Bat. There is still a investigation about why the Bludger Bat hit his moms head by the beater. They don't know if it was on purpose or a dumb mistake. Gabriel wasn't really nice to his father after their mom went away, he loved his dad very much but he just couldn't deal with it yet on young age. He showed much anger towards the people that he loved the most. Gabriel will go to Hogwarts New Zealand just like his sisters.
Little Gabriel

Alex Pettyfer
HAIRGabriel has short dark blonde hair. He usually likes it short and puts gel into it. When he was younger he got it longer and had some curls.
EYESHis eyes are dark blue of colour.
HEIGHTGabriel was tall for his age. He is tall and slim, but trains for his muscles.
DOMINANT HANDHis dominant hand is right.
CLOTHING STYLEGabriel's clothing style is casual. He likes wearing jeans and a t-shirt. And wears a lot of sport outfits also because of his occupation. But when there is an event he will dress up nicely.

- Funny: Causing laughter or amusement; humorous.
- Hotheaded: Having an impetuous or quick-tempered nature.
- Social: Affable, cordial, genial, and gracious.
- Sporty: Fond of or good at sport.
LIKESSport, Attention, Quidditch, Party's, Hanging out with friends, Being the best in everything and Winning.
QUOTE'' No Pain no Game.''
DISLIKESWeak people, Books, Reading and Studying.
SECRETSGabriel doesn't have secrets at the moment.
GOALSHis goal was to become an famous quidditch player professionally.
FEARSLosing the people he loves.
STRENGTHSGabriel is Strong, he is strong with his body and when he sports but also with his mind. He knows what he can do and what not. He is also confident, he knows that he is will be the best in the things he likes and you can see that at him. He isn't afraid of a challenge. That makes Gabriel also a Sportive type, he loves Quidditch very much but he likes every sport and also some muggle sports. At last he can be very charming, because he likes attention and is good looking boy. He has Swedish beauty on him.
WEAKNESSESGabriel can be very Rude, because when he doesn't get what he wants or has planned he can become very angry. Especially to adults he can be rude, because he don't like the rules that they make and how they tried to stand above them. Gabriel is also very Competitive, because he likes to win things he can lose his mind about competing to others. He cannot act normal when he lose something, he can be very angry and mean to others. That is what happend when he lost his mom too.
PERSONALITYGabriel is a sportive boy. He likes to make out of everything a challenge and he is very competive about what he does. He isn't really a very nice boy when it comes to rules, he doesn't follow them he makes his own. Gabriel is a charming boy that likes to get attention especially from girls. This element from his personality looks the same as his older sister Sofia. Unless his sisters he just wants to play Quidditch and likes to watch it because their mother was once a Famous player. He wants to follow her steps into that world. He likes every sport also the Muggle ones, he just wants to show that he is the best in it. In making friends he is a natural, because he isn't afraid to walk over to people to chat. But when Gabriel notice that somebody is weak and especially when it comes to sport he can be rude and mean to those. He can push people away with his temper, he can become very mad if he loses something and can be very angry. At home he can be a pain in the ass of his father and sisters because he just wants to do what he likes at that moment.

He would smell grass, leather and gel.
MIRROR OF ERISEDIf he would look into the mirror he would see himself as an famous quidditch player.
His fathers death body
- Wood: Ash is Stubborn. Ash wands bond to their owner and do not do well in the hands of others. The master of an Ashen wand may well be stubborn, but arrogance and pride will be met with a wand that is even more stubborn than the wizard!
- Core: Useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.
- Inches: The wand of Gabriel is 14 Inch

Hogwarts New Zealand
HOGWARTS HOUSESorted in Gryffindor
Gabriel was happy being sorted in Gryffindor he wished to be there just like his sister. And had good hopes of being succesfull with quidditch with this house. He hadn't thought of any house but Gryffindor and felt at home there.
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES- Gryffindor Quidditch Team
TITLES EARNED- Chaser Gryffindor Quidditch Team
FAVORITE PROFESSORHis favorite Professor was Cyndi Kingsley because she was his head of house and seemed to be nice.
LEAST FAVORITE PROFESSORHis least favorite Professor was Kalif Styx, because he seemed grumpy and not nice.
OCCUPATIONChaser at Thundelarra Thunderers

FIRST CRUSHSara Benivieni
FIRST KISSSara Benivieni

![]() MOTHER Adela Greta Rosenberg (Deceased) BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Was Married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Hufflepuff OCCUPATION Nordic National Quidditch Chaser | ![]() FATHER Mans Erling Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Was Married EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Shop Owner of Rosenberg's | SISTER Sofia Gabriella Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Dating EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Gryffindor OCCUPATION Professional Dancer |
![]() SISTER Giselle Saga Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ alumnus HOUSE Slytherin OCCUPATION Activist | SISTER Novalie Emilia Rosenberg BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts NZ HOUSE - OCCUPATION - |
RELATIONSHIP WITH PARENTSGabriel had an good relationship with both of his parents. Since he is the only boy next to his sisters he had an special relationship with his mother. And when she died he missed her a lot and was very angry. But he was admired by the sport she played and followed in her footsteps. With his father he has an good relationship, but he had had some arguments with him also since he had some big temperament.
RELATIONSHIP WITH SIBLINGSHe has an good relationship with most of his siblings. He and Sofia are closer when they grow older, but they were very different from eachother. She didn't liked him playing quidditch and was concerned about him. Now they are both older they can get along good. And since he and Sofia are the oldest he shares an responsibility for their younger siblings. Although Sofia got that more. With Giselle he has a lot of arguments, they think different of quidditch and fight a lot about it. And their personalities are more the same which make them clash a lot. With Novalie he has an good relationship, he is protective over her and has a lot of fun together since she likes jokes and is playfull.
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