Friendless :(

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Hmm, posssibly... that might work, actually, because Veronica was raised in the muggle world, so just learning this, she might want to live up to expectations of her house... it could work ^^ You wanna start a thread??
I have little Taemin here :D {he's surname is Lee}

Taemin is charismatic. He is a kind, polite, and an understanding person to those that are the same back to him. He is typically a happy, but shy person with a secret dark side to him. Smiles are a must for him. He is quite studious but would go out with his friends then study. He would be the person in the back of the classroom, waiting for someone to come and talk to him, but not willing to go and initiate conversation. Taemin is a loyal friend, and would rather die trying to protect his friends then betray their trust.

Taemin is also well, he’s a rather unusual person. He’s hyper and playful but he also has the ability to be a complete jerk when he wants so. He’s not the type of person that anyone would like to make an enemy out of. He loves doing really random things like spinning around in circles for no reason or standing on his head at the top of the stairs (told you he was weird at times just for the fun of it). But, he does have a serious side; a side that makes him strive to be the very best that he can be in whatever interests him the most.
It sounds like Charlene and Taemin could definitely be friends. They're a lot alike, in my opinion, especially in that they are persistent in doing what they want. So they could be like friends...but also sorta competition? Like they could always try to outdo each other.

Taemin is awesome lol xD
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