Fresh and New Relationships

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Jacob Cooper

Well-Known Member
Jake needs friends!And now that andrew is leaving the site he needs a best friend and a girlfriend/mutual crush.Basically Jake is a friendly guy but he is also slytherin so some enemies will also be needed.If anyone wants to be friends or love interest or enemies you are most welcome.

Hannah Montez,Jake's cousin also needs friends.She is a year older to him.She is going to join HNZ as a transfer 5th year.All you need to know about her is that she is a typical GIRL.She needs bffls and she also needs love intrest/crush.She is also open for any flirts looking for a girl whose heart they can break.Thanks!
I have a 2nd year Slytherin called Shaylah. Her dad's just gone to azkaban so she's beating up anyone who even looks at her but if she sees a cute guy (Jake) then she could act differently towards him and then that could lead to something else.

Just an idea. :D
Well as you already know me im up for anything. Libbys kinda in same sit :p :)

I can offer you, a love interest, Lily Fossil/Livia Delaney, one person.

She's a b!itch, hated by a lot of people. Loves fashion, and trusts almost no one.
She's not too focused on school and would much rather do nothing all day or dance.

She and Shaylah also hate each with a passion right now, so maybe that could develop into an interesting plot?
Just an idea
Thanks all for showing interest!!!! :cool: I didn't know i would get so many replies.
Ashley:Hannah would like to be friends and they could also be roomies if you don't have any dorm mate currently.We could recruit a gang and have a couple of fun rps in the dorms :D .

Kenneth:I read that topic that Shaylah opened in the cliffs(i think)and I read.It would be interesting if She and Jake developed a mutual crush on each other :wub: .

Libby:You can always be Jake's best girl friend and we could be study partners and also recruit some people for a friendly or not so friendly quidditch game ;)

Imogen: I don't know which one is the b!tch but I guess your idea is good.Maybe,Jake could flirt with her and then she thinks he likes her and goes and tells Shaylah to stay away from her guy or sumfin like that.It sounds gud to me what abt u guys?
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