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Mercy Lee

Yep, Mercy needs some friends :) I'm not 100% finished developing her yet, but she's 21, works as a muggle beautician, and has Obsessive Compulsive disorder. She's quite heavily into cyberpunk clothes and music, and tends to keep to herself a bit. She can seem a little snooty, but that's just because she likes to weigh people mentally before she figures out how to act around them.

I'm not looking for a love interest for her. She finds touching people quite scary at times, and she'd probably have to be heavily medicated or extremely drunk to even kiss someone (all those germs and bacteria being exchanged? YUCK!) so a relationship is out at least for now. I am looking for friends though, anyone will do as long as they can put up with her being... quirky at times.
I have a twenty year old girl called Candie. Well, Candice but no-one knows that.

She's interesting and very friendly. When she was younger there was an accident she was involved with where she lost all of her family, though she just found her baby brother. Because of the accident she has been stuck with a childish way of thinking, she thinks relationships are yucky and stuff like that.

She is an artist, always takes her sketchpad and a pencil with her everywhere and she has three tatoos. She's nice to everyone unless they say something about something sensitive to her and wouldn't care if Mercy is snooty.

How's she??
REmember what we discussed... well i was thinking that Sarah could know mercy already and know about that. That is if you still have the option open... well PM me or something i guess.. we can discuss more in depth.
Tracy: Hmm... I can see Mercy being a little bit weirded out by Candice. She likes looking outrageous and different herself, but she's slightly wary of other people who look/act outrageous (they might have germs.) and tends to steer clear of them a bit. I'd imagine they might be friends, though they wouldn't be very close, and it would take a lot of mental work on Mercy's part to get past the whole 'zomg she sits on pavements and things SHE'S SO GROSS AAAAA' thing.

Cole: Know about what? (I'm so dumb, I already forgot hahaa. Fail.) I'll PM you :)
I dunno - It could be interesting to play out, but like I said there's not a high chance of them becoming friends. So I guess it's up to you :]
Actually I have the power hungry, sort of snobby Vicky B. you can befriend if you can. She's the personal assitat of a member of the American Wizardnot and local star that's in the country to keep Rosalba company while she sees her daughter and new grandchild. Vicky went to Beaubaxtons so she can be a bit acid tongued herself. Care to get to know her?
o_O Could you explain further? Vicky sounds like the sort of person who would intimidate the HELL out of Mercy; Mercy's pretty much like a lamb or something, she scares really, really easily.
Hey, i do still have Sarah!!! She could be a friend to Mercy if you'd like. Since they are the same age and all and come from the same place they might ave a lot in common...

I think Sarah and Mercy could be friends, though Sarah would have to be pretty careful around Mercy because the whole no-touching rule. They're not from the same place though, Mercy has no idea who her parents are, but I think she's chinese. (Since Lee is a chinese last name.)
Vicky B. could if you piss her off but she likes to pretend she's a nice person. Basically she used to be a mean girl at school and still keeps some of it up but wants to get to the top of the Ministry so she smiles and acts friendly. Funny thing she's looking.
Oh no problem... Really, i thought she was Japanese... Oops... Well anyways. Yes that would work, Would you like me to start?
I think Mercy would still be really scared by Vicky... powerful, sure-of-themselves people scare her a lot. They could maybe be friends, but chances are Mercy would just be scared.

Cole, sounds good :) Oh, actually looking at her sister's bio, turns out Mercy IS Japanese :lol: I need to find these things out.
Hehe, score one for cole! Lol

Yeah okay, i'll start it right away :D
For when our plan succeds, PREVAILS! part of that world goes to you.
When I rule the world, I'll plant flowers!

Sorry it took me SO long, but I've replied now ^^ Any other takers? Mercy still needs friends :)
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