Ford is practicing

kendall noticed kiera's reactions were much quicked that fords, for she sped off towards the ball.. but if ford was faster than her, he would still have a chance of reaching the quaffle before her...
River watched the game play out in anticipation. She decided to give her teammate some encouragement. "Come on Kierra! You've got it!" she yelled down the pitch hoping her teammate could hear her.
Ford had momentum on his side at this point, he was flying at speed with Kiera, but as soon as she threw the quaffle, he sped up. As it dropped down, Ford gunned the broom towards it, he saw that Kiera was close too. He pushed his broom as far as it would go, and soon he was neck and neck with Kiera. Ford slowly pulled himself ahead pushing his broom to it's limit and leaning as far forward as he could without falling off. He grabbed the quaffle with the tips of his fingers and brought it close into his body, sheilding it with his arm. Immediately, Ford kicked in the magical brakes on his broom. He stopped and almost got the air knocked out of him from the sudden change in inertia. He turned ninety degrees to his right and sped off, circling the edge of the pitch.
Ford sped around the pitch, about fifteen feet above it. He was pitched at a ninety degree angle, his feet towards the stands as he flew around the pitch. He sped around behind the hoops then cut his speed and made a tight circle, kicking out the rear of the broom, and coming face to face with the hoops, and threw the quaffle towards them.
River had been nervously watching Ford's every move, trying to anticipate what he was going to do next. He was finally face to face with her and the hoops, and what was really seconds seemed like days when he threw the quaffle toward the hoops. It was all happening slow motion before River's eyes. She saw the red ball hurtling towards the right side hoop, so River flew toward it. She clenched her knees tightly around her Firebolt, reaching both hands out to the quaffle. She caught it. She could hardly believe it. She had actually blocked the shot. She was so excited that she was cheering and flying in circles around the hoops. Once she had realized how stupid she must look to the others, River took her spot back infront of the hoops and said, "Oh, sorry. I was just really excited that I actually caught it." She had a wide smile on her face, and threw the quaffle hard to Kierra.
Ford watched River make an amazing catch. He hadn't moved since he threw the quaffle. He nodded in acknowledgment of her good block, then turned to keep up with Kiera.
Kiera caught the Quaffle from River. "Amazing catch!" she said with a grin. She turned and began to make her way back down to the other side. Ford was really close behind her. I need to lose him... Quickly she barrel rolled right into a left barrel roll into a sudden dive. She hoped this might confuse him a little as she sped towards the hoops.
Ford quickly turned from nodding to River to find Kiera slipping into a barrel roll with the quaffle, Crap, Ford thought, and leaned forward to speed ahead towards her. He looked towards the oncoming weather, it was a lot closer, moving towards the castle fast. He was still a bit behind her, and sped forward very quickly.
Kiera was approaching the goals very quickly. When she was right on them she threw the Quaffle towards an ungaurded hoop. The ball was straight and looked like it would go straight through.
Kendall heard what she thought was thunder far off in the distance, so she turned towards the weather that was approaching their way.. "guys we better go in soon!" she yelled, her back still to the pitch...

she turned, and kiera was nearly right on the goal... "ahh.." kendall screamed, trying to get to the far post in time, however, kiera had gotten there yards in front of her, there was just no way she could make it..

the quaffle said through the far hoop with ease.. "sorry ford... i wasnt really paying full attention to the game..." she said, ashamed of her foolish mistake... kendall had a tendency to get distracted quite easily...
"It's alright," Ford said emotionlessly. He wasn't angry or upset, just in his quidditch mindset, which was devoid of emotion. He swept down and grabbed the quaffle, "Does anybody remember the score?"
River shouted down to the other side of the Pitch answering Ford's question, "It's 10 to 10." She could feel large drops of rain splash on her head and face, as she looked up the sky was a very dark grey.
Ford nodded to River as the rain began falling and the wind began picking up. Ford was all for playing in the rain, he had determined that Quidditch was like football ((read soccer for us Americans)): it was best when played in inclimate weather. He flew towards the middle of the field to toss the quaffle up again.
(((i <3 soccer! lol)))

Kendall noticed ford wanted to keep playing... she had never played in the rain before and was kind of nervous, but she knew that she would possibly have to face these harsh conditions during any one of her quidditch games... she was already starting to get pretty wet, 'what the heck..' she thought to herself, and she repositioned herself in front of her teams hoops...
Seeing that nobody objected to play in the rain, Ford smiled. Although it was more of a twisted sneer than a smile. He lowered his broom to the ground, then shot upwards at a very high velocity and flung the quaffle up in the air when he reached his previous altitude. The quaffle flew in a high parabola, and Ford looked at Kiera, "Wait for it to reach this altitude," and zoomed off to fly in circles, waiting for the quaffle to reach his height.
((I was kind of going for a toss up, like in basketball or something...or some sport...I dunno which; don't really follow sports.))
Though River didn't much care for the rain, she was use to playing quidditch in it. When she tried out for the team it was pouring down raining. Wiping her somewhat matted hair out of her eyes, River watched as Ford tossed the quaffle into the air.
(((oh gotcha)))
Kiera flew to the same level as Ford. When the Quaffle reached their level she grabbed for it and snatched in out of the air. She was not use to playing in the rain she wobbled a bit from the sudden movement.
Ford saw Kiera grab the quaffle through the wind and rain, both of which were growing in intensity by the minute. The rain pelted his face as he raced off towards the other chaser, he was having trouble navigating through the gusts of wind, but he made it to following right behind her. He dove below her and paced her for a moment, then suddenly shot up, right beside her, hoping to surprise her.
Kendall noticed that Kiera had gotten the quaffle first.. however, she knew that FOrd would recover it..

as kiera flew in her direction, ford caught up to her.. 'wow, he has amazing maneuvering in the rain..' she thought to herself... when all of a sudden the rain picked up and they were obscured from view....

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