Open For Virtue of Strength

Rowan Baros

finding fate | astro researcher | new mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Last night had managed to be both the best and worst day for her and it wasn't even Christmas yet. Rowan could have almost laughed at the entire thing if she didn't feel like she wanted to cry instead. Except, that wasn't really how she felt at all, she just felt... numb, like nothing really mattered anymore, or like, the world finally decided it didn't need to spin on it's axis so everything else was slowly catching up with the new world order. A new world order that completely sucked by the way. Rowan had lined a bunch of dummies up against the wall. She never really practiced like this, but, she needed to blow off some steam, the feelings she tried to keep herself closed off from bubbling slowly beneath the surface. She only ever did this when her emotions were so tangled up she couldn't keep track of them and she needed some kind of stress relief to stop her head from exploding. It was the only way she could concentrate, through violence. She'd started off with a couple of low level spells, expelliarmus, stupefy, the trip jinx and gotten increasingly more violent as the time wore on. With each spell, her anger seemed only to rise as she thought about what Elio had said to her on the cliffs, until finally, "REDUCTO!" The dummy in front of her exploded and splintered, and Rowan had to duck from a few of the more problematic pieces heading in her direction.​
Bear couldn't believe she had stayed. There was no part of the frizzy haired girl that could even explain it. How had the lessons drawn her in so much. Her Elders gave her one final choice. She had this year - they felt she was making a mistake and was just enchanted by what she saw. Maybe they were right. Maybe this year she'd just find that it was all hocus pocus and that the magic she would learn at home was better. Maybe. An explosion from nearby alerted Bear, and her curiosity got the better of her. The second year peaked in, and found a girl, ducking to avoid practice dummy pieces. "Do you know a spell to put them back together?" She asked, entering the room. "You seem like you're... in need?" She said. The girl had always been taught to watch for signs of emotional needs. And if the girl offered information - the preteen would give her a crystal to help her.
"AUGH!" Rowan screamed, about to throw her wand, but thinking better of it. She turned angrily when a voice asked her a question that she obviously didn't want to hear right at this moment. "Do I f*cking look like I care?" She asked, seething as she looked at the mess on the floor in front of her. She must have been incredibly lucky, given none of the splinters had managed to hit her, or the other girl in the room. She turned away from the girl and the mess, huffed, and flung herself on to the bench at the edge of the room, head in her hands as she tried to control her breathing. She knew magic was dangerous when people were worked up, especially when they didn't have full control of her abilities yet and she had a thumping headache she couldn't seem to escape these days. It was like the world was trying to make her angry on purpose. "In need of what?" She snapped, realising the younger girl had said something else too. She really just wanted someone to leave her alone. She was hot, sweaty and in pain, both physically and mentally. She was not prepared for a conversation right now. Not that there was much her five foot two self could do if the small fry tried to talk to her, except maybe snap.​
The girl was quite loud, adn vocal. Perhaps she was in pain. Bear looked to her back and began searching, but flinched when sworn at. "My elders say that when people yell at you when you've done nothing, it is because they are unhappy with themselves." Bear wasn't afraid, and she was willing to help if she could. She took out a few different crystalline objects and smiled. "I have a few healing crystals. My elders gave me extras. I have a selenite left if you'd like to carry it on you. You don't have to meditate with it but it's recommended." She rambled a bit. "It's supposed to help you with desired outcome of a thing." Spoke the Aussie native. "You look like you're in need of something for your emotions is what I meant. Most people don't blow things up and scream unless they're mad, right?"

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