For The New Archer

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Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
The new year, brings with it new characters and whole load of new plots.

This here is Tybalt Archer.</SIZE>
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He's a first year Gryffindor. He's an Archer, and he is, like most Archer's colourblind. And the first born of two.
Before I get into Tybalt's personality, I should explain a little about his history. Tybalt was born in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother is a muggle born witch who studied at Salem which his father was a student at college in Atlanta. They moved to his mother's home town in Georgia when he was only a few months old. Tybalt was born with bright blue eyes and was small. He is colourblind. During his school years before Hogwarts, Tybalt was pretty badly bullied. It was pretty relentless, so he's happy to turn over a new leaf now that he is at Hogwarts. Just a few months before Tybalt turned eleven, his father uprooted the entire family and moved them to New Zealand, the reason for which Tybalt doesn't know, but he whole heartedly trusts his dad, so didn't ask too many questions. However the move has put a strain on his family, and small cracks are beginning to form. Tybalt is Stefan's cousin. Neither know of the other's existence. But, share a lot of the same traits, and could be mistaken for brothers had they been at hogwarts at the same time. Though the clear differences between the two being, Tybalt's lack of bruising and scaring.

Despite what Stefan had always been lead to believe by his father he has a pretty large family. His father had two brothers and one sister, and his mother one sister. The two just vanished shortly after they annouced that they were having a baby together at 17, and were both disowned from their families. They disappeared without a trace, and an unborn Stefan with them. In the first few years, the two families believed they would return, that they would go, see sense, get rid of the child and come back. But they didn't. Tybalt's father who'd always treated his brother poorly, felt very bad about everything, and was always very keen on finding him, but his searches had been fruitless. Until, he discovered that his brother had gone to New Zealand. It had been all hushed, and done with the account of an old school friend that Stefan's father had. He decided to continue his search there in New Zealand. He didn't realise that Stefan was to be a muggleborn wizard. The odds of that happening pretty slim. That and Tybalt's father isn't looking for a teen, he's looking for his brother.

Tybalt is a very shy boy, he's small for his age, and nervous when meeting new people. He tends to struggle to find the right words, and will take a lot to trust someone fully. He's very studious, he will work day and night to be on top of things. He has to, his eyesight being so poor, it has made things pretty hard at times for the him. Tybalt, unlike Stefan has glasses, with the right lense, and also a pair of contact lenses. Which he wore a lot more than the glasses. The glasses, adjusting to the right amount of light necessary for Tybalt's eyes. Tybalt however is fircely loyal. Even if he doesn't trust the person, if still counts them as a friend he'll protect them, and fight for them. However, when it comes to himself, he fights little. He'll roll over and do what they say. Take the hits. He has a good heart, and the right intentions. He rarely gets angry, ((this will change depending on other things)) and just tries to stay away from trouble. He loves reading, and drawing despite not really being able to see colour. Very much in the same way that he likes taking photos. He doesn't mind being colourblind, he deals with it, pretending it's not there. Tybalt is however very bad at more or less all sports. But it doesn't mean he won't try them.

What do I need for him?

Well, I was thinking of a number of things, firstly friends. He needs people who'll be patient with him. Generally people who are kind and honest. People who don't use him, or are bullies to him. People to help him open up and be more confident. People he could enjoy being around. People he could make laugh, or who he could take an interest in.
Secondly, a few love interests and a final, for the coming years. While nothing will be set in stone, options for things that could be done would be nice. Tybalt won't get dating until 4th year, at least.
Thirdly, people who knew Stefan. This would probably be short topics. Those who knew Stefan, and were curious as to who this little Archer was, and if he knew Stefan. Or even knew of Stefan. This helps in my plot to get the Archer's to meet. In the end, it could be passing looks, or a small, do you know kind of thing. I have a small plot idea in my head for this, but, want to see who'd be interested.
And lastly, a bully. Because Archer luck is terrible luck. Someone who periodically makes his life miserable. Not often, just every so often to make Tybalt feel like crap. Maybe just getting worse over the years, until Tybalt snaps and lashes out. He'd just be so tired of being walked all over that he'd snap and lunge at the person, letting the anger wash over him, and lead to Tybalt basically standing up for himself.

I know this is a lot of information, but, I need a lot.

Thanks to anyone who replies, or even reads it. Post here, or PM me with any ideas.

Emzies :emzies:
Hey Emzies!

It's almost weird seeing another Archer around the site! But indeed a very interesting plot idea you have going for their family!

I have the youngest Night as a Gryffindor first year, Indiana Night. She's a very happy-go-lucky person and very enjoyable to be around. She is used to having a shy guy around, her brother Kayden for instance who was very shy for many many years as she grew up. Both being Gryffindor first years will surely have many chances to run into each other around campus. She'd make a nice friend for him I think while he is working on opening up to others. Indiana could be the person to lean on when he gets put into a position he is uncomfortable with as she isn't afraid to speak her mind and tell others off to defend a friend. Having only one parent with her at home has caused the girl to grow up rather quickly but still enjoys having fun and is sure to stir up trouble where she sees fit. Indiana is a very open person and won't be afraid to tell him what she thinks about everything and anything once they get closer. Prehaps that might even cause an upset between them, her telling him that there isn't a need to be shy at Hogwarts. Even her Native name describes her personality, being named for a bear shows that she is very brave. The brown bear stands for courage, strength, protection and life this she can be all of this for any of her friends.

In the coming years we can turn their relationship towards love and see how they work out, or have one crush on the other for awhile before annoucing their love on time or even to late. This doesn't matter to me right now as Georgiana will be sure to keep her sister from dating any one at a young age like she had. And I figure she'll have more of a guarded heart for awhile, letting in friends but lovers having to push their own way in.

I also have Georgiana Night who knew Stefan through Kate and I believe they talked once at a Ball. Being a Prefect now they could have a quick thread of him needing help and her wondering if he is related to Stefan and such as you've described.

Well I guess that is all for now :hug:
Steph :)
I like it. I think they'd make pretty good friends. Since while similar in some ways different in others. Tybalt would enjoy her company, and plus they are in the same house. So I think it could work very well. As for the love interest for later, I think they'd probably be more a friend thing. We'd have to RP them before anything was decided. But I think if they did, they'd be pretty good together. But we should test it, or just see where the relationship goes.
What do you think? Would you like to start something or shall I?

And the Georgiana thing sounds good too. Maybe it could be during the topic for Tybalt and Indiana. We could have it in the Gryffindor common room, and she could in passing see him and just say something. That or we have a separate topic.Whatever is best for you!

Thanks For replying! :hug:
Hey Emzies

So for your new Archer I have Rose Bellard.She is a first year Gryffindor too.She is small also but makes p for it with her personality.She is very protective of her friends.She is also able to stand up for herself and others and even if she doesn't know the person if she sees them being bullied she will go over and give out because she hates bullies and sees them as cowards for going after people who are weaker then them.She is easy going and laid back but has a fiery temper.She never really gets mad though unless she is in the presence of a bully.She is honest and funny.She has lived a rather sad life as her father has never once spoken or looked at her since the day she was born as her mother died giving birth to her and Rose looks exactly like her mother and her father wasn't able to cope.Basically she grew up by herself with the help of her mothers friend Lucie.She easily makes friends and is easy to talk to.She is kind and always has a warm smile on her face.She is very adventurous and loves to explore.
So she could be a good friend of Tybalt.She would make sure no one ever bullied him again.I think they could be good friends and if things go right maybe there could be a little love interest in there some time in the future.

And I also have Kate for Tybalt.She would be very interested in probably recognize him.She would definitely ask if they were related.

So that's all I think ^_^ Hope it suits

Oh hey there Emzies.
Firstly, I am crazy impressed with how in depth the background of your characters are.
Secondly! I offer up Kovu if you have any use for him. I won't go into too much detail, I can give you more info if you're interested, but I'll just tell you briefly what Kovu's like.

Kovu Lothorien

Kovu comes from a pureblood family of three older brothers and one younger sister. Being the youngest, he's always felt like he was in the shadows. Kovu, like Tybalt was bullied, but for a completely different reason. Kovu was a small and unattractive boy and when trying desperately to compete with his brothers' popularity he tended to act cocky, which added insult to injury, because most believed he had nothing to be cocky about. However as he gets older, he gets taller and his looks are improving massively. He still acts kind of cocky most of the time, but it's more of a defense mechanism he's developed from his previous bullying, to act as though it didn't bother him. Hogwarts is a fresh start away from all the people he used to know and away from the shadow of his brothers, who all attend Durmstrang. He's the type of guy you love or you hate, but if you do love him, he is extremely loyal and will always back you up. I think Tybalt and Kovu could both help each other in different ways.

I apologise if none of that makes any sense, it's difficult to describe how Kovu is without RPing him. Let me know what you think. Kovu could potentially be the kind of guy that Tybalt can't stand, so it's up to you, haha.
Professor Kingsley could be one of the people who mentions Stefan to Tybalt. You know how teachers are with the whole "are you related to so and so?"
Tybalt Archer said:
I like it. I think they'd make pretty good friends. Since while similar in some ways different in others. Tybalt would enjoy her company, and plus they are in the same house. So I think it could work very well. As for the love interest for later, I think they'd probably be more a friend thing. We'd have to RP them before anything was decided. But I think if they did, they'd be pretty good together. But we should test it, or just see where the relationship goes.
What do you think? Would you like to start something or shall I?

And the Georgiana thing sounds good too. Maybe it could be during the topic for Tybalt and Indiana. We could have it in the Gryffindor common room, and she could in passing see him and just say something. That or we have a separate topic.Whatever is best for you!

Thanks For replying! :hug:
Ty & Indi

:) I agree they'd be good friends. And as we go along we can see how they fit; if they get close enough to be best friends then later on it'd be like Harry and Hermione, to weird to think about them dating haha. If you want to start it you can!

That sounds like an interesting plan, I'm sure Georgiana would be curious to meet any of her younger sister's friends anyways so she can pop in at some point sure!

-Steph :)
Oooh replies! Yay!

Johanna, I like the idea of them. In the sense of she would try to protect him. I could see it being kind of in the sense of her saving him or just giving him a hand if he gets pushed to ground. And they could develop a small friendship from their. She could help him with the bullies and he could be someone she could talk to. Someone she could be herself around. I could see him developing a crush on her, but probably never acting on it. It just being a sort of crush for helping him. I like them together more as friends.
So, would you like to start it or shall I?
As for Tybalt and Kate, that would work great. Maybe he could go to lunch and run into her. She could then tell Stefan. Which might encourage him to return to the school, out of curiousity.

Taylor, thanks!
I don't think Tybalt would like him very much. Not in the beginning at least. He would be a little worried that he'd turn around and bully him. Tybalt would want to maybe stay away. He's pretty small, and he'd feel intimated by him. Maybe not. Although to be honest, I think if we RP them and see where it goes.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Cyndi, teachers did that to me and my sister all the time. So that would be good!

Steph, Okies, I will start it and PM you a link when it's done. And I agree with you. I think they'd have a better relationship as just friends, like Harry and Hermione.I think that would be Awesome with Georgiana too!

Thanks for all the replies! :hug:
Rose and Tybalt
I like the sound of that ^_^ I can start one tomorrow!

Kate and Tybalt
Yay Stefan maybe returning :woot: Who would you like to start that?
After multiple looks at this I finally decided to post.

This is my handsome Gryffindor Cato Austman, and he loves taking risks. He the 5th child in a family of 8, so he is always seeking attention from people. His eyes are a mixture of brown and a deep orange, which he likes to flaunt. Cato is a prankster and he loves to tick people off. He has been taking karate since he was 5, so he is able to defend himself pretty well. I was thinking Tybalt and Cato could be either friends or Cato could be his bully. Either one is completely possible. Cato also loves to make people laugh. He is like a jester when he sees sad people. He is ignorant of peoples situations and feelings at time because he likes to have the attention focused on him. He is like 5 feet tall, but he is very skinny. No matter how much he eats it is like he cannot gain weight. (He does gain weight, but he is a really busy body, so he burns it off quickly.) He can be either a friend or a bully for Tybalt. Tell me what you think. :)
Johanna, Sounds good!
And yes, I'll start that one soon!

Cato, I'm very interested in the idea of them. I don't really know how Tybalt would react to him. He might be wary but, might also enjoy spending time with him. I think it would depend on how to two met I guess. So yeah, very interested. Would you like to start something or shall I?
I can start something. Then I will PM you the link. :)
Sara is always up for talking to Tyler. (if you don't already have enough people who know Stefan. :wub: )

Cato, thank you very much!

Maia, there is always room for more! I'm up for it. Would you like to start something, or would you like me to?

Johanna, Awesome, thanks!
I'll do it if you want-the library maybe? Not sure where. :doh:
If you have the time, then I would mind if you started it. Also anywhere is fine. Wherever you'd prefer!
As a friend and someone Tybalt could trust, Paxton would be an option. He doesn't have any potential friends yet. He's the strong, silent type who was raised to be a gentleman. He's a half blood from Texas and has a very slight Texas accent. He's casual and confident and is kind of an immovable mountain. He does enjoy sports and martial arts, but you're most likely to find him with a book, often a Hemingway (his favorite author) or some poetry, though he might be reading that book in a tree, or I'm planning for him to have a favorite spot on a cushy window seat in the common room. His muggle father moved the family to New Zealand when he got a job promotion, and Pax is a bit bummed about not being able to go to Salem, but of course he took it in his usual, stoic, unflappable stride. I'm not positive about his entire background yet, but I think he has some brothers.

Though he's tall for his age and develops muscle easily (so he might look physically intimidating in a way), he's gentle and considerate and protective and is not the type to bully anyone. Bullies, however, are likely to find themselves on the dangerous end of his temper, especially on behalf of others, but he'll personally take a lot before exploding. He is a very steady kind of guy with a big presence, kind of giving off a vibe that he's not someone to be messed with because he just doesn't process things like a normal kid. In some ways, it's like he's 11 going on 80. There's a wisdom there beyond his years.

I quite like the idea of them together. They would be very contrasting since he is very small and he would be a lot bigger, so he would be very worried about first meeting him, and then he'd probably really enjoy the company since Tybalt also loves to read, so yeah. I think they could make really good friends.
Would you like to start something or shall I?
Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart (11), First Year Hufflepuff and the cutest little ball of sunshine that you will ever meet. Kelsey is Energetic, being energetic makes Pip a very interesting kind of girl. She loves being in control of her energy. Pip is the kind of person to put all her energy into anything she does, that includes any extracurricular activities as well as in schooling or other such functions. Humorous, is another reason why Pip likes to be around other people, whether they be older or younger than her. Age does not bother her as she has decided that anyone is allowed to be funny or see people be funny. She is a very funny young girl because of this. Cheerfulness, is just another reason as to why Pip is the way she is. Pip is a happily cheerful kind of girl. She has never to her knowledge felt sad. This is due to her parents deciding that she need not know of the kind of things that happen in the muggle world. She has never seen violence and so has lived a relatively comfortable live for a young witch. Her parents doing this don't mean to cause any harm, they just don't want their daughter to get hurt in anyway, shape or form. This of course leads into her being just a little naive about certain things, which includes life in general. Her grandmother and grandfather are the only other people, besides her friends and other such people that she gets to see as they are scared she will learn about her sheltered life and not be happy about it.

So I can see that you are rather over loaded at the moment, but this is just incase you want another rp. So I could see Kelsey completely overlooking the fact tha Tybalt has colorblindness, infact she is liable to not even know what that means as she is very naive. It could be interesting for her to be faced with this sort fo situation and Tybalt have to explain things to her, but that it entirely up to you.

Okie dokie...I have Kyndel James here. She is my little bundle of energy and spunk. I'm pretty sure at times she's borderline ADHD. Think a mixture of Katalina and Kynleigh with a dash of Serena thrown in there. She's always super positive and loves to meet new people. I can offer her up for anything that you need for Tybalt (with the exception of a bully because she's just not that kind of person). I'm wide open for suggestions : )
Teigs, sounds good I like the sound of that! Sounds like an odd but nice pair.
You want to start something or shall I?

And Katie, sounds good. I think they'd make good friends. Would you like to start something or shall I.
I can start something since you've started the last couple that we've done. I'll link it here when I get it started : )
Um, if you want me to do it you may have to wait until say six o'clock ish tomorrow. Otherwise you can start it.
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