For The New Archer

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I don't mind waiting, Teigan!
And thanks Katie! Now posted!
Sorry Emzies. This is going to have to wait until the weekend.
So I'm going to leave this here along with some Spoliers.​

I have the feeling she's going to be a Slytherin. She's a very two faced type of person. When first meeting someone she'll be sure to be sweet but if she doesn't enjoy the person that'll change right away. Depending on the friends she makes, it may stay this way or she might change. She'd be the type to pick on Tybalt for his glasses or even just being in Gryffindor if she gets in Slytherin. So Not sure how they'd work out. Need a Bully look her way.

Completely different than her older sister. And they aren't twins they are actually ten months exact apart but they look exactly the same despite a scar on Bitty's foot from her sister. She is much more of an honest person then her sister. She is more on the quiet side and I'm thinking she'll get into Ravenclaw of Gryffindor. The girl is going to be a bit of a nerd growing up and really being close to a few people. Bituin knows how to stand up against her older sister's bullying and won't be toleratable to any bullying towards herself or her friends. Well I figured she be a good match, more so than Josefina for him. Of course we'd have to take it one thread at a time :p
Oooh! Aren't they an attractive couple!

I think it would be funny, if he met Josefina first. Maybe she could be really mean to him, and then he would meet bituin, but he would mistake her for he other and get scared. Probably run, which could have a whole new dynamic to the relationship.
But I think that Tybalt would really like Bituin.
What do you think?
Tybalt Archer said:
Oooh! Aren't they an attractive couple!

I think it would be funny, if he met Josefina first. Maybe she could be really mean to him, and then he would meet bituin, but he would mistake her for he other and get scared. Probably run, which could have a whole new dynamic to the relationship.
But I think that Tybalt would really like Bituin.
What do you think?
The two pbs are in Romeo and Juliet coming out I guess 2013 together so there will be plenty of photos of them together :p

You're right that would be funny. Bituin would be so confused about the whole thing! Poor girl. Though they would be quite the nice pair, Josefina would have none of it of course. But he'd have to do something annoying for her to be mean to him right off the bat. Otherwise she'd be super nice till she figured she'd gain nothing by being nice to him, which I think she really wouldn't. He'd have quite the interesting time with the two I'm sure. At some point I think it'd be funny for Josefina to be so upset in him and her sister being friends that she fakes being Bituin and gets him to think Bituin hates him. It'd put a very interesting spin on their relationship. :p

I think we'll be great friends in years to come. I also know for a fact that she will become an amazingly beautiful girl
Indiana Night said:
Tybalt Archer said:
Oooh! Aren't they an attractive couple!

I think it would be funny, if he met Josefina first. Maybe she could be really mean to him, and then he would meet bituin, but he would mistake her for he other and get scared. Probably run, which could have a whole new dynamic to the relationship.
But I think that Tybalt would really like Bituin.
What do you think?
The two pbs are in Romeo and Juliet coming out I guess 2013 together so there will be plenty of photos of them together :p

You're right that would be funny. Bituin would be so confused about the whole thing! Poor girl. Though they would be quite the nice pair, Josefina would have none of it of course. But he'd have to do something annoying for her to be mean to him right off the bat. Otherwise she'd be super nice till she figured she'd gain nothing by being nice to him, which I think she really wouldn't. He'd have quite the interesting time with the two I'm sure. At some point I think it'd be funny for Josefina to be so upset in him and her sister being friends that she fakes being Bituin and gets him to think Bituin hates him. It'd put a very interesting spin on their relationship. :p

I think we'll be great friends in years to come. I also know for a fact that she will become an amazingly beautiful girl
That's good! They look good together.
I don't think it would really take much for her to get super mean to him. Tybalt doesn't in many occasions help himself in those situations. He'd Probably end up walking into her, or maybe she walks into him because he has to tie his shoe lace. Something silly and pointless. It would be overall super confusing for him too. He wouldn't really know how to act, or how to deal with them. So he'd just get really confused about his feelings.

When do you want to start this?

And, Teigs, thanks, will post when I get the chance.
Tybalt Archer said:
That's good! They look good together.
I don't think it would really take much for her to get super mean to him. Tybalt doesn't in many occasions help himself in those situations. He'd Probably end up walking into her, or maybe she walks into him because he has to tie his shoe lace. Something silly and pointless. It would be overall super confusing for him too. He wouldn't really know how to act, or how to deal with them. So he'd just get really confused about his feelings.

When do you want to start this?
They Do! I had to do some research on Tybalt to figure out his playby and then I saw the same and Hailee's for Romeo and Juliet and went, omg this is perfect!

I think that is a great idea actually. I think it'd be funnier for us if she did the walking into. She'd instantly start to get upset with him for being in the way. Ah I am so good at confusing other people's characters. He'd have to spend a lot of time with Bituin to know the difference between them. But yeah we can see how the three work out. Bituin would get so upset with her sister after learning about it she'd run right to him. And he..Oh! Such a funny plot for us :p

It does not matter to me. It can be now for meeting Josefina which'll give me a good chance to get into the groove of the two for rping. :)
Bituin San Buenaventura said:
Tybalt Archer said:
That's good! They look good together.
I don't think it would really take much for her to get super mean to him. Tybalt doesn't in many occasions help himself in those situations. He'd Probably end up walking into her, or maybe she walks into him because he has to tie his shoe lace. Something silly and pointless. It would be overall super confusing for him too. He wouldn't really know how to act, or how to deal with them. So he'd just get really confused about his feelings.

When do you want to start this?
They Do! I had to do some research on Tybalt to figure out his playby and then I saw the same and Hailee's for Romeo and Juliet and went, omg this is perfect!

I think that is a great idea actually. I think it'd be funnier for us if she did the walking into. She'd instantly start to get upset with him for being in the way. Ah I am so good at confusing other people's characters. He'd have to spend a lot of time with Bituin to know the difference between them. But yeah we can see how the three work out. Bituin would get so upset with her sister after learning about it she'd run right to him. And he..Oh! Such a funny plot for us :p

It does not matter to me. It can be now for meeting Josefina which'll give me a good chance to get into the groove of the two for rping. :)
Should've just asked! Instead of searching! Lol, but yeah it all sounds great!
Would you like to start something or would you prefer that I did?
Uhm Doesn't matter to me.

And I like searching, it didn't take long I found it on his bio :p
If you have a spare moment, go ahead and start it.
If not, I will get to it!
I can make it while you go sleep! :p
If you were still looking for a bully/enemy, I have Chad Aria . He's not a big bully, but I can definitely see him making fun of Tybalt. Chad is incredibly cocky and arrogant, he thinks he's the hottest thing around.
I'm a bit slow with replying, but I wouldn't mind giving it a try if you were keen :)
Always looking for more bullies!
So it sounds good. And taking long to reply wouldn't bother me.
Would you like to start it, or would you rather I did?
I would love if you did please ^_^
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