For a bit

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Arvo Tuuri

dead part goblin arithmancer
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
6/04/1952 - 2/03/2062

So, this is for KR and I. Should've been posted yesterday, but it was forgotten... xD
Until Monday (probably Tuesday, tbh - travel takes a lot out of me), I'll be nothing but a skeleton on here, as I'm in Queensland. Even then, I might be a little slow once I've returned, as I have been for the past week, as I've been sick and expect to be in the coming weeks. There is also uni work to be done.

KR will most certainly be gone for this weekend, and possibly more weekends, as she does not have access to a computer during these times. Her absence is for an indeterminable amount of time, and replies and such will be slower, if there at all.

So yeah. See you guys later! ^_^

:( I hope you both take good care of yourselves :hug: you know where I am always if you want to chat!! Love you.
Take care and hopefully you're both back to full speed soon.
Hope the travel didn't wipe you out too much :wub:
All the best to you both!
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