Open Focusing On Working

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Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had been very excited to be a part of the accio yearbook. She knew that she was an intern and she would need to work hard to be able to actually get the place on the team. She had spent the time following Eugene around and now was on her own, moving around to be able to take pictures of the people who were dancing and enjoying themselves. Rosie waved excitedly as she spotted Branson and then spotted Aurora too. She wanted to spend time with her sister, but she needed to be working, to be focused on getting the pictures, she knew her photographs would end up in the yearbook. She could not do this wrong, she had to do this right and not let anyone down.
Margo felt a little lost as she made her way to the great hall. Her had found a cool jacket on her travels and given it to her for her costume and she held it close to her body as she took the first few steps inside. She never understood how her aunt could travel all over the world without a second thought while she got nervous whenever she had to take a different set of stairs. She liked all the pretty costumes that came out during the feast but she could do without all the creepy stuff. So she kept to the well lit areas and got some snacks to pick at and keep her hands busy as she took in everything. Eventually she spotted a familiar face and decided to say hi. "Wow you look busy." Margo said kindly. "Do you want some?" she asked and offered out her plate that had a few pumpkin and bat shaped sweets.
Slate thought it would be nice to go all out this year. He did not know what Sadie and Soren planned but he and @Alexander Woodlock put their heads together and decided on a set. He walked into the hall and looked around to see if he could spot the same costume he was wearing. This actually felt good as he seemed to be unrecognizable underneath. Seeing as his friend was not yet there, he decided to walk around, passing by the snack table until he spotted Rosie. She was talking to Margo and decided to say hello. He approached them, waving a hello. "Hello.", his voice was muffled through the costume, and wondered if his classmates would know him easily.
Xinyi was running late, having spent a while on his hair, but that was alright. He hurried down, looking around. Usually he tried to avoid crowds, but he spotted Rosie, and he slipped through everyone else to come up next to her, just a little bit behind. "Hello, everyone," He greeted, his hand hovering but not quite touching the small of her back. "You all look great," He told them all, though he meant it just a little more for Rosie.
Rosie looked up from her camera and smiled easily at Margo. She glanced at the plate that margo was holding out for her and gave a little smile. "Aw, thanks Margo," she accepted, taking one of the bat looking sweets. "I've been meandering my way over to the snacks, but not quickly enough," the girl said. She glanced as the banana approached them, and while the voice was familiar, she didn't particularly know it. Or couldn't place it immediately. "Hi," she greeted back, perhaps Margo would have a better clue of who it was, but it didn't stop them from still being nice. She glanced eagerly at the next voice from behind her, leaning a little into his hand and then smiling. "Thanks!" she said. she had time to spend with some friends.
Margo smiled. "Well I'm happy to be of service." she said and was surprised when someone in a large banana costume joined them. It took a moment for her to place his voice but she eventually figured it out. "Hello." she said and waved meekly to Xingyi. "Does anyone else want some?" she asked with a small laugh and offered over her plate to the boys even though she wasn't sure if Slate could eat much in a costume like that.
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