Closed Flowers Enjoy Astronomy

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
The weather was very slowly turning, lots of the flowers had died out during the hot summer weather, and now the air was cooling, and it was raining a lot, she had taken umbrella, and a rainproof coat. She had come outside and walked to the gardens. It was raining pretty steadily, had been for most of the hour and she wasn't too sure it would let up any time soon. Rosie wasn't however going to let a little rain dissaude her from what she was doing. So she walked to the gardens and then to the wild patch. She took a spot on a bench, letting it soak through her trousers. She glanced about the flowers, "Hi flowers, it's me again," Rosie said, with a little smile, she took her bag and pulled out the astronomy book, she began reading from it, telling the plants the stories of the stars above them. Being easily alone in all of it, and not minding it in the slightest. Xinyi had joined her in it the previous and she could admit it had been nice with him, would be nice if he joined her again.
Xinyi had been thinking about this a lot, and he'd finally reached a decision. He didn't think anyone would really care what he did, and he'd kept it mostly to himself. He'd talked to his parents and gotten their approval, so it was basically a done deal at this point. The more he thought on it, however, the more he realized there was at least one person he should tell. A little part of him hoped she'd be a bit upset with it, but knowing who he was, she probably wouldn't be.

Still, Xinyi walked down to the gardens, smiling softly when he saw her. "Hey, Rosie," he greeted her, his voice gentle. "How are the flowers?" He walked closer, stopping a little bit away with a shy smile and his hands in his pockets. She always looked so at home out here in the gardens.
Rosie glanced up and spotted Xinyi coming towards her. She gave a little wave at him, she always enjoyed spenidng time with him. She gave a little shrug as she looked back out at the flowers. "They definitely need the company, and the stars are a fascinating thing to learn about," Rosie said. She still had the book open in front of her and looked back at Xinyi. "How are you?" she asked with a little smile. She was always happy to know how he was doing. He was her closest friend, of course Aurora was her best friend, but she could have dozens of close friends and she was happy to have one of those people be Xinyi.
Xinyi smiled shyly as Rosie spoke. She was adorable. His smile faded as she asked how he was. "Well, um, actually, I wanted to talk to you." He shifted nervously, staring at his feet. "I, um... I'm leaving the school, Rosie." He told her gently. "I'm going to transfer out next year." He shoved his hands in his pockets, scuffing his toe against the ground.
Rosie smiled at him and nodded, "Okay," she replied, she'd listen to whatever he had to say but frowned at his words. "Oh," she said, "Like forever?" she asked. Rosie knew that Xinyi wasn't always happy at school here and if this was the right decision for him she'd support him but she wanted to know if she was losing him for a year or two or for all of her schooling. She just cared about him, he was her closest friend at school besides Aurora.
Xinyi hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck and shrugging. "I don't know," he answered bashfully. He shifted a bit. "I just... want to find somewhere I belong," he offered softly, his ears burning. "My brother, he... he only needs me for the notes I take of class." Xinyi sighed, his shoulders slumping.
Rosie felt her heart sink just a little, but she nodded, she could understand wanting to go off and figure out where you belonged and she could support her friend, but she felt sad too. Rosie reached out and went to take his hand. "Well, I'll miss you...but if this is what you have to's what you have to do," she told him. "We'll write to each other though, as often as we can?" She wanted to try to persaude him not to go, but she'd be a bad friend is she did.
Xinyi was startled when Rosie took his hand, but he laced their fingers. He reached out for her, but second guessed himself and drew his hand back, curling it against his chest and looking away. "Of course," he promised softly. He didn't add how he thought she would forget him, how she had Aurora and Soren and she didn't need him around. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Rosie wiped at her eyes with her free hand and smiled at him. "I expect detailed updates, and I'll send you some too," she told him with a smile. She was really going to miss him. She glanced around the flowers that were dying. She wasn't sure how much more she should say. She wanted to tell him more about how much she'd miss him but she wasn't sure if she should. "I'm going to miss you so much," she repeated.
Xinyi nodded. "Of course," He agreed softly, peeking up. He was surprised that she looked almost upset. He took a careful step closer, opening up his arms almost shyly to offer a hug. "I'll miss you, too," He promised softly. He really would, he knew he would. He felt safe with her, though he often worried he was just in the way with Aurora and Soren.
Rosie noted that he was opening up his arms for a hug and she immediately accept, throwing her arms around him and pulling him in close. She was tightly giving him a hug, she held on tightly, not in part wanting to let go, but also just needing to give him this tight hug. Needing to hold on to him for this moment. She knew she'd miss him but she wasn't sure she understand the deepness to why she would miss him.

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