Open Flower for the King

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Open after @Norton Gillespie

If he was being honest, Elliot found Norton to be a bit intimidating. It wasn't anything Norton had done, by all counts he was super friendly, but something about him being older, and on the quidditch team, and the King of Flowers just added up to making Elliot nervous to approach him. The rose delivery helped at least as an excuse for the interaction, and Elliot hoped he could catch Norton around the Wild Patch still during all the rose hustle today. "Norton, are you still in here?" He asked, checking around the patch curiously for Norton's curly hair.
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Norton had never been on this side of the rose giving, working on growing them had given him a new appreciation for the previous kings and queens of the wild patch as well as an appreciate for the organisers of the event and of the rose delivery people. Norton had been tidying up the area a little and looked towards a voice when it asked if he was still there. He smiled at the younger boy and nodded, Norton wiped his hands on the already dirty gardening trousers he wore, "Elliot right? What can I do for you?" he mostly bounced his way over to younger boy with a wide smile sitting on his expression.
Giving Norton what he hoped was a friendly smile, Elliot nodded when Norton came over, a little glad he remembered his name from Wild Patch things, or maybe just being around the common room. "Yep, that's me," He said with a little laugh, immediately regretting doing so. "Um, you've got a rose!" Elliot said, grasping at something to move the conversation on. "Here." He pulled out the red rose gently, trying not to muss its petals or the note that came with it. It didn't surprise him too much that someone was sending Norton at least one red rose, he seemed like one of the people who'd get them pretty easily.

You’re so important to me, I don’t know how to say it. But… I think you know.

<3 April
Norton smiled widely as the boy told him he had a rose, and when he looked at it, it was a beautiful red rose. He had to think he knew who it would be from, he had sent a red rose to her too. He was fairly certain that the red rose said more than he had yet managed to, but she perhaps felt the same way. He took the note that went with it and read it through. Smiling fondly at the words, knowing exactly what they meant, exactly what she meant. He felt the same way, was sure he was there, but using those words still felt so daunting. Norton loved her. He loved her. He just had to find the courage to actually say those words out loud. He looked up from the note and seemed to remember the boy who'd delivered it, "Thanks for delivering this," Norton spoke softly and sincerely. "Do you want a rose for your troubles? We have some spare?" Norton couldn't help but want to spread some of the love he'd felt because of the note.
Whatever Norton's note said, it clearly meant a lot to him and Elliot almost felt like he was intruding just standing there. He couldn't help blushing a bit and fumbling when Norton offered him an extra rose as well, he wasn't sure where to put it but it seemed rude to say no. "Um, yeah okay, thank you. And thanks for.. all this." He said, waving a hand to encompass all the Wild Patch work. Elliot had partly signed up for deliveries after seeing how much work Rose and Norton seemed to be putting in with the Wild Patch for roses and had wanted to help. It was a little daunting now, but he was still glad he was helping.
Norton had been quick to hand the other boy one of the spare yellow roses, there were more than they would ever need just to be sure that there would be enough for the event. "All in a days work," Norton replied, he didn't think it was particularly right of him to take any credit for the work, he'd just helped to grow the flowers, nothing more than that. The hufflepuff smiled at the young boy, "How many do you have left to deliver?" he asked motioning towards the basket.
Elliot smiled when Norton handed him another yellow rose, taking off his flower crown to work it into there with the one that one of the other deliverers had helped him with earlier. "Thanks," He said happily, once it was securely in. "Uh, still got a few, at least five or six," Elliot said, peering into his basket. He'd been trying to deliver all the roses to the people he knew first to try and ease himself into it, but had found that list to be alarmingly short. Norton was one of the last people he could say with confidence he recognized and now everything was going to be a lot harder. "Oh, do you know where I might find Rose, actually?" He hadn't had any luck spotting Rose Holland about yet, but Elliot wondered if Norton might have idea since they ran the club together.
Norton nodded, "Good luck with the deliveries," Norton liked helping with this part of it, helping with actual rose deliveries seemed like a much bigger task. When asked about where Rose might be, he took a few steps to his jumper and from it fished out an old muggle watch, "I think she has patrolling duties around now, so you could try the prefect's common room," norton didn't know her schedule that well, and knew she'd be busy with the roses, but there was no reason that she wouldn't still do the prefect duties. Perhaps that would help him find the next person he needed to find.
Elliot nodded when Norton gave him a good place to start looking for Rose. "Awesome, thanks Norton," He said, gathering up his things. "I should get.. delivering," He said, raising his roses a little pointlessly before making his way out."Happy rose day. Oh, thanks again for the rose!" He managed before stepping out. Was that a thing people said? Happy Rose day? Should it be Valentine's day still? Elliot shook his head, making his way back to the castle before he could overthink it too hard, feeling a little better about finding his next delivery with a location in mind.

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