Five O'Clock World

Emilio Abramo

Maple with 3 Dragon heart Strings Core, Eleven and a Half Inches, Hard
Tagging: Sara Moon
Location: Obsidian Harbour - main street
Wearing: black suit and black wizarding robes


Emilio Abramo had been in New Zealand all of three days and already he felt bored of the place, true he had not had any opportunity to see any of its famous beauty but he didn't think that he would get any time to see the country side when he had to work all the time. Today was actually a relief of sorts, as much as he adored being Guardian, getting out of the house was far more agreeable to him. If only Merlina would venture outside more, though that in itself could cause all sorts of concerns and incidents to happen. As it was, she had spent her first few days owling the different companies belonging to the family to let them know when she would arrive and others, she would simply show up and surprise. She was going to be out and about tomorrow and two of the shops along Obsidian were on the list of places to go, so that of course meant that he had to make sure they were safe, that there were no back doorways to dark alleys or employees that had one too many grievances.

He had left the Matriarch to be back at the house with his twin Eva, this job only needed one of them and considering how much of a shine his twin had taken to the house elf, he knew she would prefer to stay back at the house. Emilio smirked to himself, Eva had gotten it into her head that Merlina's house elf was doing things about the house to undermine their authority and position, she was determined to catch him using magic to mess up the wards that she had put in place, so that he could put his own there instead! Emilio thought the whole thing hilarious and decided to just let them at it, Eva could just mention it to Merlina or confront the little guy but that just wasn't his sisters way.

Glancing about him, he noticed how quiet the streets were at this hour, another twenty minutes or so and people would start leaving work for the day and heading home and then the place would be nearly deserted. He stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets and walked along the cobbled street, the breeze lifting the fringe of red hair back from his green eyes. Maybe he was wrong about this place, maybe he should give it a chance, he could definitely get used to the peace and quiet, that was for sure.
Sara wasn't tired, per se. It had been a sedentary day, involving mostly paperwork and little else. Things were better at work since she and Mason had discussed her lack of field work. There'd been no malice in his failing to assign her cases. She worried that part of it had been his trying to protect her, but felt it was easier to accept his explanation that it had been due to his not wanting to show favouritism. As it was, her caseload had increased, and she'd begun to enjoy paperwork again. The trip away with Mason had been a welcome break, but she was glad to be back up to speed. She'd decided to take a detour to walk in her old neighbourhood before apparating home. Mason probably wouldn't be home for a while, and it was the kind of day she liked to spend by the sea, with a breeze bringing the sea-salt smell to her nose. As she strolled along the beach, a thought entered her head that she hadn't gone shopping in quite a while. She'd removed her shoes, and wore only a light dress. Since it was Summer in New Zealand, the weather was quite pleasant, and she kept a spare change of clothes in the office in case of emergency, but it hadn't been called for today. The breeze flung her hair behind her, and she meandered her way up toward the boardwalk, slipping back on her shoes as she neared the shopping area.

Walking, she found someone was constantly in her sightline; a man, with auburn hair. She awkwardly tried to change route, and found that he was going the same way. So much for a aimless stroll, she had now found herself accidentally trailing an innocent civilian. Laughing quietly to herself, Sara couldn't help but find the situation quite funny. This poor stranger had no idea there was someone following their every move; albeit not purposefully. Eventually feeling this carry on was slightly ridiculous, she quickened her pace to a jog until she was alongside the man, who looked around her age. "I'm sorry sir, this probably sounds really odd, but I've been walking behind you for about five minutes, and we seem to be taking the same route on this stroll, so I thought I'd say hello," her amusement was clear in her face as a laugh escaped in the middle of her explanation. "My name is Sara Moon, and I have been your inadvertent stalker this evening while attempting to stroll aimlessly." It might be nice to chat to somebody new. She had plenty of friends, but everyone had their own lives now, and it was hard to keep in touch all the time.
The late afternoon was quiet enough that when the footsteps sounded behind him, his hearing tuned in immediately. They were distinct, a woman's footfalls and they were not turning off anywhere but seemingly following him. Emilio carefully and discreetly slipped his hand inside his robe and let his fingers wrap around his wand, was someone really intent on taking him on here, in broad daylight with still a few people milling about? Did they know who he was and his purpose for being here? A calmness centered him, he would not go for the kill, explaining that would take far too much red tape, he would just obliviate and he could do that better than just about any one he knew.

The footsteps suddenly quickened, Emilio slowed his steps, his wand lifting gradually from his robe. He turned to face the woman just as she came along side of him but she had no wand in her hand, she had nothing but mirth dancing on her features and momentarily perplexed, Emilio let his wand slide unnoticed back into the pocket. Emilio had seen plenty of beautiful women but something about this woman's face, the sheer amusement that glistened there made him actually smile back at her which was not like him at all. True the smile was not broad or all encompassing but it was still a smile, one of amused confusion as the woman spoke.

The accent was not Kiwi, that was for certain. It took him only a moment to decipher it's origin as the woman now introduced herself to him. Sara Moon, his stalker .. inadvertent perhaps but his nonetheless. Emilio found himself giving his head a slight bow to her as his hands moved down to his sides and into his trouser pockets.

"You really should have more care Sara Moon, stalking people is a perfectly good way to get yourself hurt. I could have been anyone but the ... gentleman that I am" he bowed his head to her once again before straightening up, "I am Emilio Abramo and I would be delighted to have you walk with me a while ... one never knows who might inadvertently stalk you."

He turned in the direction that they had both obviously been going in and began to take smaller steps, an easier pace, a more relaxed one as if he was not prepared for this chance meeting to finish so soon.

"I think you must watch your moral compass Miss Moon" he wanted to smack himself for the Miss part that was strongly emphasized but he had found himself instantly attracted to this Irish beauty which was a complete first for him. Had he really had to come all the way to New Zealand to find 'the one'? He had never believed that love at first sight was possible but chance meetings and strange women walking up to him like this did not happen, most were often too damn afraid for starters.

"If you will allow me to walk you wherever it is you were going, I think I would breath better knowing you are not about to run off and stalk someone else" he cast her a side glance, a teasing smile ghosting the corner of his mouth.
She seemed to have startled the stranger, which broadened her smile even more. She'd become used to only meeting people through work, and she felt she was probably still to young to be so settled in every aspect of her life. Yes. she loved her joy, and she loved her boyfriend, but she wasn't ready to close the friend circle yet. When her companion smiled, Sara found herself happy at the development. She'd forgotten how fun it was simply to bring joy to a stranger. "I'd like to see them try to hurt me!" a laugh escaped her lips. She was in an oddly festive mood, finished work for the day, and rambling a bit before she headed home. She'd prepared dinner for herself and Mason that morning, so there was no cooking to do, only heating up a curry when she returned home. It was nice to have found a way to pass the time before meal time. "Very true," she nodded sagely, noting the surname. "Abramo isn't a surname I'm familiar with; where are you from? If you don't mind my asking" Curiosity may have killed the cat, but Sara was incurable. Her mother joked that it was a disease, but she'd found plenty of others who were afflicted with the same condition in Ravenclaw, and indeed it was quite useful in her line of work.

The relaxed pace found Sara humming to herself a bit as she walked. She didn't really sing much anymore, and there had been a time when she'd adored music. She sang when she cooked, and around the house, but nothing structured. "Very formal, aren't we Master Emilio?" The sarcasm was blunted by a kind tone. "Well, if my moral compass is incorrect, then it's bad news for the ministry, we wouldn't want a rogue auror would we?" She knew she probably didn't look like somebody's idea of an auror, but she felt that was part of her edge. "I'm not really going anywhere in particular; I thought I might browse the shops for a bit before heading home for dinner. And why would I stalk someone else? I've already achieved my goal of pestering a random stranger. I can sleep easy," Her arms swung at her sides as she pondered where she'd like to go. "Have you seen the lighthouse yet? I broke in there once with my partner; I used to live around here then." That had been a fun night, though it probably hadn't been a particularly responsible escapade for two aurors. "Well, we were partners at the time, we haven't worked any cases together in a while. What brings you to the Harbour?" He certainly wasn't a New Zealander. His accent reminded her a little bit of Mason's, but it wasn't quite right. She imagined Mason would find this story quite funny; her accidental harassment.
Emilio had been surrounded by such serious people it seemed all his life that Sara's easy laughter and beautiful smile dazzled him spectacularly. He was amazed that a pretty face could so easily distract him when it had never happened before, he was not immune to beauty but he had seen enough of it to know that it shouldn't effect him the way it was doing now ... or perhaps it was just her, Sara Moon herself that was having this strange effect on him!

"I do not mind at all" he told her, a hand now moving from his trouser pocket and becoming expressive, fingers seemingly talking for him as was such an Italian way.

"It is Italian, I am only new to this country" he didn't want to reveal too much, though it was no real secret except for Merlina's privacy especially from the paparazzi. Emilio gave his head a slight bow once again and found himself chuckling this time as Sara referred to him as Master but oh, what he wouldn't give for that to be the case, her master, her anything! He felt utterly foolish suddenly, where were these preposterous thoughts coming from?
It was as if someone had given him a love potion only moments before and as she was the first he was seeing, she was all he was seeing! He didn't feel ill though, nor did he feel as if she were the very center of his entire universe, so a love potion could possibly be ruled out.

His attention was picked up when she mentioned a rogue auror and awe passed over his face. He was sincerely impressed now that there was genuine intelligence behind the beauty, what a fantastical combination he mused as he looked at her almost wistfully before gathering himself together.

"An auror ... well you can walk me home instead of the other way around, I feel so much more protected now" he ran his hand through the wavy fringe of red/orange hair that always seemed to flop before his face as Sara spoke about a lighthouse and a partner. He felt his breath hitch until she enlightened him to the fact that it was work partners, an auror team instead of life partners. This gave him a great sense of relief.

"I have not seen the lighthouse but I would be happy to" he told her wanting to slow his pace some more to delay the inevitable for as long as possible but if they slowed down any more they would stop altogether.

"I am here on business" he told her and because she was an auror and he trusted her word on that, he explained to her in brief detail that he was a Guardian to his pureblood relation who would soon be matriarch of the family and he was scouting the harbour to make sure that he knew every alley way, exit in and out and any possible spots that trouble might lurk when Merlina arrived there.

"It was an honour to be chosen, my sister ... my twin Eva, is Guardian with me but ... when our two years are done ... I will return to my true profession in the Italian ministry or perhaps by then something will keep me here in New Zealand" he gave a flippant wave of his hand making light of what he was already visualising, that Sara Moon would be that something.
Emilio seemed to be relaxing somewhat, which pleased her. The tiny brunette was totally oblivious to her companion's interest; since she'd begun dating Mason seriously, she barely noticed other men romantically, and she'd never been particularly good at knowing when someone was attracted to her. Emilio's words prompted her to clasp her hands in front of her chest, an expression of delight gracing her features, "How funny! My boyfriend's Italian; I thought your accent was familiar, but his has a different inflection, he spent a lot of time in Greece. His name is Talarico? Mason Talarico, you hardly know his family do you?" In true Irish fashion, Sara always looked for connections. Back home it was easy to find people in common, she often forgot other countries weren't small as Ireland, both literally and figuratively. When Emilio stopped speaking for a moment, and looked at her, she imagined he was probably wondering who exactly this odd person was. She'd managed to curb her eccentricity a bit since leaving school, at least until she got to know people a bit better, but at times she couldn't help but just speak her mind.

"You should. I'm really good," her face was serious, but her tone was joking. Sara loved her work, and was good at it, but she would never be so boastful in seriousness. "Great! It's this way, we have skip behind these houses, which is probably frowned upon, but it'll be fine." She lead the way to their left, off of the road. The top of the lighthouse was just about visible. As Emilio began to explain his work, the humour left Sara's face and was replaced by wonder. "That is so interesting! How old is the tradition? If it a case of one branch of the family become guardians, to another branch which is the matriarch, or patriarch branch? Our work isn't really that dissimilar, both involve protection. Why two years? Are you looking forward to going back to your former career?" Realising how intrusive these questions were, she found herself cringing. "I'm so sorry, I always ask too many questions, I get carried away." Shaking her head at her own faux pas, she stopped suddenly, "Wait, did you say you're a twin? I'm a twin! I have a twin sister, Kate. I'm the elder, but she's far more grown up, married, a kid, twins on the way. I'm not as far behind in the settled stakes as I was two years ago, but still.. We have younger twin siblings too." Happy to have found something in common with her companion, she began walking again, a pleased grin lighting up her features. "How do you like New Zealand? Do you miss home?" She turned to her companion, her eyebrows raised inquisitively.
"How funny! My boyfriend's Italian; I thought your accent was familiar, but his has a different inflection, he spent a lot of time in Greece. His name is Talarico? Mason Talarico, you hardly know his family do you?"

And that was it ... the one word that dispelled all his perfect visions dancing like fiend fyre through his head, Sara and he holding hands, embracing, kissing, declaring their love... each one popped like someone had gotten a pin and sharply destroyed his stupidity. It was like freezing cold water being tossed upon him and he felt a slight shiver at the name she mentioned ... Talarico ... it had a ring of familiarity to it. He could not recall any Mason but he had a vague recollection of a ... Frank in the ... Improper Use of Magic department, only because he had been called in to obliviate muggles who had been in contact with bizarrely charmed devices but ... there was also Frank Talarico the curse breaker, a damned good one at that if he recalled. Were these men any relations to the one that had obviously bewitched Sara Moon? He hoped not, perhaps extremely distantly but for Sara he found himself shaking his head slowly as if he had given the matter some consideration.

"It does not sound like a familiar name" he would have flicked his fingers off the tip of his chin and swore a little if she hadn't been there to witness it, he wanted to spit to the ground as well cursing the stupid name ... Talarico, what had they ever done for Italy but populate the country side with idiots that thankfully came to New Zealand, not thankfully - maybe Emilio could look in to getting Mason sent back to Italy for some reason or other, then Sara all devastated but hopefully not too much would turn to him ... he would win her heart from this ... Mason ... what sort of a name was Mason?! Emilio wanted to roll his eyes but even in this half light Sara would probably see it.

He didn't doubt for a moment that she was good at her job and smiled at her, indicating that he believed her completely when she detailed how they would reach the lighthouse.

"Frowned upon but not illegal?" he questioned, true he was with an auror but he could not risk getting himself into trouble when he was a Guardian. She led the way and he followed, looking at her from this vantage point meant that he could gaze upon her head to toe and she wouldn't be able to see him. Mason Talawhatever was a pain in his head already!

"Ahhh, if I tell you anymore then I may have to obliviate you afterwards" he told her and said it in such a serious fashion that it was difficult to know whether or not he was teasing her, no matter that he was. Suddenly Sara was firing questions quicker than any beater on a quidditch pitch could pummel a bat at a bludger, he had no time to answer as another question was posed, so he came to a stop just as Sara did too. She had the most amazing eyes, they were wide set in her face and it suited her, the eyes in this light looked almost black but they were most likely a rich chocolate brown, they were startling and Emilio felt his breath hitch in his throat.
She threw some more information at him, she was a twin as well ... he kept his face as impassive as possible at her quip about Sara being a bit more settled than before and wished he could meet Mason in a dark alley and then have Sara tell him days later about how very unsettled she was now!

Sara didn't seem to stop for a breath, she spoke on and on until at last Emilio laughed and rubbed his fingers to his forehead.
"This I know is a very Irish thing ... also a very Italian thing ... to speak with such velocity. I will try to answer your questions but ... ask them one at a time!" he smiled at her, wanting to reach out and push a tress of hair back from her face but instead ran his hand through his own hair instead, "Let me see ... It is a very ancient custom. At one time ... I think back in the late 19th century pure bloods ... some families still do but not so much ours now ... they, cull the diluted from the trees, they disown them. I mean you would not find Eva or I on the Caliburn or ... Fiorelli pureblood family tree but we are still family, they stopped cutting the diluted blood lines out and made use of us" it sounded so mercenary now, "it is a great privilege, an honour. We do only two years of service because the family recognises that we should have a life too and ... they take care of us after our two years, Eva and I will want for nothing right into our old age because for two years of our lives ... we were willing to give our lives to protect our matriarch to be. It is not as simple as a branch ... it is only those that are half-bloods, any family member providing it is not a pureblood can be a Guardian."
He inhaled deeply, letting the breeze caress his face before he looked at the direction they were heading in, "What was your next question?"
It was a shame Emilio didn't know Mason's family, but not entirely surprising. She'd been a nervous wreck about meeting them for the first time, and admittedly the evening hadn't gone entirely to plan. That night she had found out about his former marriage. That was the one and only time she'd feared that their relationship might end. Since then, they'd come out much stronger. Communication was much more open, and the two shared more than just love, they were comfortable with each other in an odd way. She still looked forward to seeing him, got excited at the prospect of spending time together, and yet she was much more secure in herself around Mason than she was around anyone else. "Not illegal that I know of anyway, but I am living with the Head Auror, so we should be fine." There was no instance in which she would make use of Mason's job, but she become suddenly aware that she didn't want Emilio to think her approaching him had been any sort of attempt at flirting. She'd been an incurable flirt, always, and at times wasn't aware she was doing it. For Sara, flirting wasn't serious, nor did it really display interest, it was just a bit of fun. This attitude hadn't been a problem when she was consistently single, but now she made a real effort to ensure that men knew she wasn't on the market, and she wasn't looking to trade in. She had no interest in being single anymore.

Emilio's empty threat made her roll her eyes. "You underestimate me Emilio Abramo." Andronikos had taken a considerable amount of time working with her on training, and she spent any spare minute she had in the day working on her skills. She didn't doubt she could take Abramo in a fight. "So, do you get any sort of formal training to be a guardian, or is it a learn-on-the-job situation?" His whole family set up still puzzled and intrigued her. She'd have to ask Mason if this was a common Italian thing, or if it was exclusive to Emilio's family. When he began to describe the situation, she found herself frowning. The whole thing didn't sound particularly familial. Were the halfbloods supposed to be grateful that they hadn't been cut out? "Hmmm..." She didn't want to insult her companion, and decided to try a more tactical route. "And you're totally fine with that? That the... Purebloods, are the leaders? Forgive me, it's a new idea for me. I'm a muggleborn and I've always though that, being pure of blood was..." She wasn't entirely sure how to phrase this "Impossible, in this day and age. I don't see what the difference is, other than people sticking with what they know, and that isn't always a good thing." She realised she was probably sounding a bit judgemental. "I don't mean any offence against you or your family, I'm just interested, as I said, I've never heard of your sort of set up before." Sara couldn't image feeling loyal to people who saw themselves as above her. "Do the guardians get a choice? If you were asked to be a guardian, say, could you refuse?" She hoped the answer was yes and there wasn't some new form of servitude being forced upon her companion. As they broke the tree line, a smile crossed her features again, though a little subdued given that she was still bothered by what she couldn't help seeing as an unjust situation. "There she is," her hands flicked out to gesture toward the lighthouse. The beacon was lit as the evening was growing darker.

Emilio smiled at her as a breeze blew in from the sea, this was a nice part of the world he had to concede and he hoped he would get to see more of the place before they had to leave. He had no idea as yet how long they were to stay for, that was all down to Merlina Caliburn of course. Sara informed him that it wasn't illegal and he had partly guessed it wouldn't be but even so, he had to be careful. She mentioned her living arrangements and again Emilio felt a tightening of her solar plexus, so her boyfriend was the head auror and they were living together! Could the evening get any worse, what other revelations would there be?

The worst part about all of this was he had been quite happy walking by himself, knowing the extent of his own loneliness, happy in his solitude and life until she walked up to him like a dazzling light revealing to him just how pathetically empty and bereft his life really was. He knew he was hopeless in relationships, he could barely keep one for longer than a few weeks, he got too possessive, too domineering, too opinionated, he had always blamed his father's treatment of him as a child but he knew that excuse could only go so far. There was a time when he had to man up and take responsibility. Who in all that was magical was this woman!?

He had never before met anyway who could make him contemplate his own inadequacies ... could make him feel! Emilio watched the eye roll and knew that he would never, could never underestimate her ... even if he didn't actually know her ... how strange though that it felt as if he had known her all his life.

"From the moment we get our wands ... we are taught protection spells especially by family members, our training is all about protection ... defence it is not about fighting or getting our Matriarch hurt in any way. It is about saving a life. Every Guardian is advanced and exceptionally so at protection spells, wards, guards, shields for plots too" he told her as they continued to walk along behind the houses.

"They are not ... the leaders" he smiled, no one outside the family seemed to get that, "there is one ... only one that governs the family, has complete control over every business and franchise. The position of Guardian had been that of outsiders long ago but it was a member of the family, a half blood that went to the matriarch at the time and suggested that protection of the family sovereignty should be by the family. It was discussed for a long time ... or so I heard and eventually it was agreed. The matriarch had never wanted any family member to put themselves on the line for her half blood or not but when the very idea was suggested by a half blood kin, it was hard to disagree with it. Ever since, we have taken our duty most seriously ... no one has ever refused ... not in my lifetime and I know of no one that has ever even contemplated it" he could understand how a muggle born would see things that way but didn't want her to think it was barbaric or draconian in any way.

"There are still pure bloods in the world .. or those that say they are" he found himself laughing, "I've often thought the same thing myself actually but when I see the actual tree of the Caliburns, it's almost as if they have arranged through each generation for a pureblood to align with another ... to the point where one groom was 63 years old and his bride was a precious 17 years, I know back the tree about four maybe five generations, there were first cousins having to marry first cousins" he would have told her how his twin Eva felt about it all but that would be breaking his sisters confidence and that was definitely not something he ever did.

At her words, Emilio turned his gaze and looked at the lighthouse before them, the evening had rolled in without him even realising it and now the beam of light that shone from the lighthouse eclipsed part of that darkness and illuminated the ripples of water out at sea. The breeze blew the salty tang towards him and he closed his eyes as he inhaled before slowly opening them again.

"The world is changing ... I know that if Merlina Caliburn has her way ... the Caliburn family will at last come into the 21st century. There are fewer purebloods now, it is why they need us even more" he shoved his hands into his trouser pockets as he stepped forward to look up at the towering lighthouse, "This .... this is amazing. Does anyone live here?"
Emilio's description of their training gave Sara pause. She would've thought combat was important, but then if the goal was to protect someone else, rather than oneself, it made sense. She loved her family, and would protect them without the thought, but the thought of placing more importance on one family member than others was something she found unjust. She chose not to voice this particular opinion, having only met Emilio a short while before. If they became better friends, the conversation might recur and she could probe a bit more, but she didn't want to cause offence.

It was one of her less attractive traits, and one that she was painfully aware of, that Sara tended to judge quickly. She tried to be a kind and accepting person, but her opinions were hard to shift. "Your family must be close then, but why is it only two years? Do other guardians take over then? If there's nobody of the right age, what can be done? Sorry, I know you asked me to slow down my questions," pausing for a moment, she contemplated what she'd just asked, she wanted to retain the core details to ask Mason about them at dinner, it was possible he would know of Emilio's family, even if the reverse were not true, "Okay, I'll pick my favourite; why two years?"

When Emilio began to explain the lineage, Sara found herself fighting to hide her shock. A seventeen year old married to a sixty-three year old! Never mind relationships between first cousins, which made her feel somewhat sick; a child marrying a pensioner! She'd worried people would judge the age difference between she and Mason, but if this was how things worked in the old families, then nobody could bat an eye. "Oh. Wow." The two words were all she could utter, her eyes widened to the point of comedy. She was glad it was nearing darkness, so Emilio couldn't see the full extent of her shock. He'd laughed at the idea, which proved to her that there were still aspects of magical life that were foreign to her. The idea of a young girl being shackled to someone that much older than her was something she couldn't rationalise, and yet it seemed almost normal to Emilio.

"That's sad too though, if family members must always marry purebloods, then they mustn't get much choice. I would hate the idea of not being able to marry for love." In her mind now, she could't imagine being told she couldn't be with Mason, though Mason was of mixed blood, so thankfully that wouldn't be a problem, and his family seemed to like her. Emilio's question halted her reverie; "Not that I know of, though since the light is on, I imagine there's a keeper of some sort. Could you imagine living in a lighthouse? I think it'd be nice, though space would probably be an issue, so maybe a single person, or a couple, but I don't imagine a family could live there, unless perhaps there was a house attached." She seemed to remember some muggle move she'd seen where a family had lived in a huge house with a lighthouse attached, but couldn't recall the storyline. It was getting darker, and she was keeping an eye on the time, knowing Mason would wait if she weren't home, and not wanting to delay him. She still had some time though, before the head auror would leave his desk.
He nodded his head in answer to his family being close but he meant his immediate family, he certainly wouldn't know every branch of the rest of the family if they all stood before him though the Caliburn's and some of the Fiorelli's he did know, had to know in a sense but he still wouldn't have said that they were very close.
He glanced from the lighthouse out to the sea ahead of them, it wasn't choppy, it was a calm enough evening. Emilio felt himself grinning at Sara's apology for not slowing her questions down.

"Two years is what has become ... as you say ... manda...tory" his English was very good but keeping up with Sara's accent was proving a little more difficult, "some guardians stay on, for some it becomes their life long career. I believe that Bianchi had once a guardian that was with her for 24 years. There ... has uhm ... never to my knowledge been a ... space, a .. gap between guardians. There has always been someone to take up the mantel" he shrugged and moved to survey the light house from a different angle, this was certainly impressive. He remembered as a boy seeing his very first one and wanting to live in one when he was older ... perhaps someday he still would!

He knew it was difficult for anyone outside of the family to try to rationalise how they did things, he wasn't even sure if other pureblood families did the same as the Caliburn's and it certainly wasn't something you just walked up to someone and asked!

"I think this is why the lady I am guardian to has left Italy for here, she does not want to marry just anyone ... she wants to marry for ... love" at the last word he turned and looked to Sara. Was she really in love with this Mason person or was she settling somehow? She didn't seem the type to settle and he had formed that opinion on what exactly? he chided himself mentally. Maybe she had and she can now have an alternative! The thought pleased him more than he could say.

The sun was setting, a perfect deep orange glow filling the evening sky. He knew he should be getting back but was loathe to leave her company and yet he felt that if she were the one to break the meeting up he would be devastated that she had left him to return to her auror.

"Perhaps I will return here during the day time, I might be able to garner a tour from the keeper or discover if he wishes to sell" he chuckled lightly as he walked towards her, "It was a pleasure to have met you but please ... auror or not, do not go stalking strange men unless it is in the course of duty. I would hate to have to worry about ... the safety of the male population of New Zealand" he smiled at her, feeling that desperate pang to want to stay right there looking into those beautiful brown eyes but his time was not his own just yet.

"Goodbye dear Sara Moon" he tilted his head in a benevolent bow and then turned, apparating back to the outside gates of the manor.
Emilio's must be a large family, if there has never been a gap. Sara knew about big families. having come from one. Her aunts, uncles, and cousins had played an important role in her life pre-magic, but since finding out about her powers, hiding it from her family had created a distance, as had distance itself. They still met up, they were still probably closer than most families, but she could feel the change. As Emilio continued to explain his family's situation, she couldn't help admiring his commitment to his relatives. She wondered idly if she would've had that sort of loyalty when she wasn't acknowledged on a family tree, or feeling lesser. He said that wasn't the way it worked, and she believed him, but it was difficult to grasp, and Sara wasn't a person who regularly had difficulty with understanding complexities.

"I couldn't imagine marrying for any other reason." Sara was clueless as to the man's thoughts, as she mentally pictured where Mason was, he would be leaving work in the next few minutes, she would have to excuse herself. She imagined Mason would find this story interesting, he'd probably like to meet Emilio, if there were ever time. They found it hard enough to find time together, though this was much easier since they'd moved in together. An evening spent in comfortable almost-silence with Mason was sometimes the most wonderful way to end a day.

Before she had to say goodbye, Emilion did it for her, his words prompting a soft laugh; "The male population have nothing to worry about from me." She barely noticed men anymore, certainly not romantically. Before he left, she needed to maker sure they stayed in touch, Emilio was a potential new friend, and since her old group had become so scattered, she wouldn't waste an opportunity; "You can contact me at the ministry, you should come for dinner some time, I'm sure Mason would love to meet you, and I'd like to meet your sister." Smiling at his boy, "Goodbye Emilio," she waited until he'd gone before twisting on the spot to return home.
He knew the words before she even spoke them, he knew in his heart that Sara Moon the auror, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, who had captivated him and enchanted him from the very first look, could only marry for love. He would have expected nothing less and he ... he could not marry at all because he had the awful sinking feeling that the one ... The One, was standing right before him now. How strange that he should feel like this, that he should fall so completely when he had put up so many barriers and walls all his existence to such ridiculous emotions.

As they prepared to part from one another's company, Emilio felt his entire being sigh at her invitation to dinner. He would have loved that very much but with Mason? His eyes closed a moment before opening them again and giving her a beatific smile, letting her know that his sister would undoubtedly like to meet her too and dinner would be a pleasure. Sanity made him leave first, he had to be away from her but she didn't leave him ... she danced through his thoughts all evening and into the early hours of the morning, so much so that he knew he had barely slept a wink of sleep that night and was certain he wouldn't get a decent nights sleep for many to come.

-------------------- EnD--------------------​

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