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Evanna Farley

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OOC First Name
So I've started my study at university and I need some destraction from that from time to time. Also I'm a sucker for firsties so please forgive me :r</FONT></COLOR></SIZE>

Okay so this here is Evanna Farley, she's one of the two upcoming firsties I have. Evanna was adopted by the Farleys at the age of five, having a bit of trouble adjusting to her new life she almost immediately found support in Abel, who had now become her brother. He's her confidant and she would do pretty much anything for him. She's a failry insecure girl, dealing with trust issues and always trying to cover up her insecurity one way or another (often pretending she's confident, while in fact she is not). She's very skeptical of people and won't be one to just become friends with anyone. Evanna doesn't easily open up to others and she might come of as rather cold unfriendly to anyone who first meets her. Once you get to now her however, you'll find out that she is a great friend and can be quite fun. For Evanna I'll need a few friends, as she's not one to be surrounded by a whole group of people. She needs a couple of people she could trust, even though it might take a while for her to do so. I have no plans for her whatsoever yet, so let me know if you guys have any ideas!

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And here's her brother. Abel Farleyis a very relaxed and laid back kind of guy. He isn't one to be full of energy all of the time or to go explore to be able to know all places around the castle. That's not his style, he might only be tempted to do so if someone is truly convincing, but he's not one to easily change his mind. Other than being a big goofball and loving to joke around from time to time Abel is a very honest guy. He'll say what he thinks when it's necessary, even though the truth can be hard to hear. He's confident in what he does, but he's also a caring and protective guy. He'll do anything for his friends and his sister and can get a bit over-protective from time to time, so it won't do well to hurt his friends. Other than that he's just generally fun to be around. For Abel I need a couple of friends, obviously, and maybe one or two possible best friends as he is one to enjoy having a load of friends but will also need some more serious friendships. Both of them are too young for romance ofcourse, but any future ideas are welcome. Let me know what you guys think!
Hey Marijke!

So Abel and Sofia we already spoken of, but I think that my unsorted Sofia Rosenberg would be nice with Evanna too. Sofia is dealing with her mothers death and perhaps they can support and find comfort with each other's problems or difficulties. But Sofia loves attention and big groups and is not really staying with one person. But maybe the fact that she would like Evanna a lot can change that we could just see. Sofia is also confident and would not be sad if someone is rude or cold to her, she just doesn't care much about that. Let me know what your thoughts on this are. :)
I have an upcoming firstie! Xena Dragonslayer. I haven't got a tonnnn of info on her right now, but she definitely likes hanging out with people :p . I have no idea how she'd interact with the two of these guys, but it would be fun to do a topic and just see how they mesh? Because I can see Xena and Abel getting along, but with Evanna, they'd either be really good friends, or not at all :p And it could be a fun dynamic if she was friends with Abel and not Evanna, or the other way round, if the two would work like that.
Jamie! I'm not sure if Evanna would be a great support, as she's a rather closed off person and doesn't like to talk about emotions. In her eyes that makes a person look weak and she doesn't want that. However she might accept the fact that Sofia and her have some common ground and even if I'm not sure if they'd become friends I'm really interested in putting them together and seeing what happens!

I think Xena getting along with Abel and perhaps not with Evanna could be so much fun! I can imagine Abel just being his laid back self and hanging out with anyone really, whilst Evanna might get a bit irritated if her brother starts hanging out with people she doesn't get along with very well herself. Putting the three of them together might be a fun start?
We already talked about Abel and Aodhan so I figured that if those two are going to be best friends, he'd probably have to talk and get along with Evanna too, right???
Did you want the three of them to meet before school/on the train/at HNZ? ^_^
On the train would be so much fun! :woot:
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