Firsties and Friends!

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Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (30)
I'm super keen to dive back into HNZ stuff with the new IC year, and I've got a sweet crop of new firsties looking for plots! (Names link to their bios if you want more detail)


Kauri Tipene
Kauri is my sweethearted sunshine son! Cheerful, friendly, and good natured, he's always trying to be the best person he can be and act as a role model to the people around him. He's accepting of pretty much anything except bullying, so he'd be a good friend for just about anyone. I've already got a couple of best friends lined up for him but more friends is always good so if anyone needs a positive influence in their life, Kauri's your guy!


Caro Taylor
Caro has one big ambition in life; to travel the world. Her family runs a ski lodge, and she grew up listening to stories the people visiting the lodge told about their travels, and dreaming of the day it'd be her turn to get on a plane and never look back. She's an excellent listener and full to the brim of fun, exciting stories, and she's not really used to having lasting friendships, so I'd really like maybe a close friend or two for her. I don't have any plans for this one at all, so throw me anything you've got!


Lourdes Brackenstall
Lourdes had an extremely sheltered upbringing, and has never really spent much time around people her own age before, making Hogwarts a somewhat overwhelming place. She's extremely composed and old-fashioned, and concerned with how people view her. She puts on a nice face, as is suited to a lady of her stature, but she can be quite mean behind people's backs. She's going to be part of Odette Harper's gang, so any plots related to that (or any other friendships) would be awesome, and enemies of any kind are always welcome!​

There are my kids! Friends, enemies, I'm super keen for any sort of plots! I'm also always looking to plot for my older kids so feel free to drop me a line about any of them! Wooo let's RP yessssss
I am here to offer HEATHER JENKINS and possibly all my newly sorted firsties :party:

First off is Heather, the next Queen of the flowers :teehee: she looks up to her sister very much since she found out about her. Heather is a positive and cheerful person, she doesn't have any negative vibes around her. When it comes to the wizarding world, Heather doesn't know a bunch about it because her mum didn't talked about it for a long time. So, she doesn't know what to expect of it. I think Kauri and her will work because of his cheerful and good nature attitude, and Heather needs another person to look up to other than her sister. Also, she can be a troublemaker if needed be :r but only to the point no Professor involved. Heather has the same craziness as Firmiana.

Let me know what you think :)
Aaah, I think Kauri and Heather would get along fantastically! He's not much of a troublemaker, so no worries there :) I think they'd make really well matched friends!
:party: Do you want to start inside or outside the castle grounds? I'm fine with anywhere :)

We already talked about this but look at them!!! they're gonna be such sweet friends and Xavier can show Kauri all about the magical world :wub: :hug:

But I'm also here to suggest my firstie Remy (he's in Hufflepuff) as a friend for Caro! Remy has grown up in a converted barn, and is a total farm boy at at heart. He doesn't know much outside of his day to day farm life, and what he has heard from his family, so I think it could be sweet if Caro told Remy all of her stories and they end up dreaming of traveling together and making a lot of adventures for themselves!!
I don't mind :D Maybe outdoors at school, if Heather's outdoorsy? Or meeting while buying school supplies could be fun!

Yeees :D I'm excited for Kauri & Xavier to be friends!!

And Remy sounds like a great friend for Caro! The thought of them daydreaming and planning to travel the world is super cute :wub:
Yaay! Sorry I saw this so late, I've been busy with con prep all week but I'll get a reply done asap! :D
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