First Years, Lesson One

Landon was very excited for his first Herbology lesson with his new first years. He was confident that he was going to have fun with them and would try his best to make the year as good as possible for them.

The Professor stood at the front of the Herbology greenhouse with a beaming smile on his face as he looked around the room, waiting for his new batch of first years to arrive. The greenhouse was decorated with still pictures of muggle plants, from daisies to tulips to orange jessamine. They wouldn't be learning much about them, but he still felt that the plants were pretty and that it gave the atmosphere a homely feel. He was sure that the muggle-born students like himself were going to like the interesting touch too and he hoped that it would make them feel comfortable during their first lesson with him.

Soon enough, the first group of students entered the greenhouse followed by more and more people which just made the man even more excited for the lesson. "Come in, come in!" Landon exclaimed as he gestured for a couple of hesitating children standing at the door to make their way inside.

Once everyone was settled Professor Carter began pacing the room in his best attempt to make himself comfortable. "Good afternoon first years, I am Professor Carter and I will be your Herbology professor for your first to fourth year." He said, his voice quite loud and clear around the greenhouse. "Now, can anyone tell me what Herbology is?" Landon pointed to a student in the front row and smiled at them. When they managed to get the answer right, Professor Carter beamed. "3 points to your house! Herbology is the study, along with the use, of both magical and mundane plants. The way muggles look after them are much similar to the way wizards look after them, but with obviously some magic involved." The man paused as he looked around at his students, some of which were writing notes already. Many of them were listening intently, which made Professor Carter smile. "But don't be too worried about all of that just yet. For now, I will be handing around pieces of paper and a pencil with a little introductory quiz on it. Luckily, it will only be one of your few assignments this year. I look forward to teaching you all." Landon handed each person in his class a single piece of paper and a pencil before dismissing them. Parchment was too overrated, and his students would be seeing none of that in his classes.


What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?:
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?:
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability:


Assignment: Just post attendance and fill out the form above! First poster, please answer the question. Please also take some time to check out the Herbology Classroom Policy.
Christa didn’t really think she properly knew what Herbology was, but she could guess it probably had something to do with plants, which meant her parents would probably want her to do well in it - she knew a bit about plants from her parents conservation efforts, but she wasn’t going to kid herself into believing she knew much - it was all mostly guess work. The Professor asked a question, but since she wasn’t really all that sure of the answer she didn’t put her hand up, even though it cost her three house points. She didn’t want to look like a fool in front of everyone. It appeared there wasn’t much to this lesson as soon they were handed small pieces of paper to fill out and Christa did that quickly before leaving as soon as they were dismissed.

Name: Christa Langley
House: Gryffindor
What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?: Magical plants! I don't really understand how there can be different ones.
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?: Outside!
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability: Will we be learning about magical plants right away or starting with the basics?

We will start with the basics first but it won't be long at all until we will be working with magical plants directly!
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Miles really couldn't say that he was all too excited about Herbology. Plants and the like really wasn't much of an interest to him, and he really couldn't see how anything he was going to learn was going to be interesting. Maybe if they covered some dangerous plants, now that could be cool, but he didn't think a bunch of first years would be doing anything of the sort. So, he didn't have high hopes for his first lesson, falling into one of the available seats and idly swinging his legs under his chair as he only partially listened to what the Professor was saying. Nothing interesting, that was for sure. There was another quiz to fill out, though Miles didn't spend much time of it. At the end of the lesson, he handed in his quiz before rushing from the greenhouse.


Miles Flynn
House: Gryffindor
What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?: Nothing, really.
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?: Outside for sure
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability: Nope
Herbology was another class that Finley could take or leave, he didn’t hate it, but he also preferred not to have to do it too. He knew that already, even though this was his first lesson because his dad had an herb garden and he hated that. he took a seat quickly and listened as well he could, nodding to some of the things the professor was saying. Soon the quiz was handed out and Finley filled it out before pausing for a moment to think about what he wanted to write. He hated these quiz things because he considered them quite useless. They weren’t going to start changing their structure just to suit him, so what was the point in pretending it mattered anyway? He yawned and quickly left the classroom to go entertain Lemon.​

Name: Finley Baros
House: Gryffindor
What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?: I'm not really, to be honest
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?: Outside for sure
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability:
Plants were okay, he supposed, so he figured Herbology as a class wasn’t going to be that bad. He slipped into the greenhouse quietly, raising a bit of an eye at the muggle plants. He’d thought they would mostly focus on magical, but he supposed he could kind of see the appeal. He’d seen most of them before, but he didn’t think they had much use beyond looking nice. He settled into his seat, a bit annoyed he wasn’t sharing this class with Daisy and listened as the professor explained what they had going on in this class. When he passed a quiz around, Chiro groaned at first before realising it was more a get to know you than a general knowledge things, which was a good idea, but he still didn’t like the idea of a quiz so early in the class. Still, once it was completed, he headed out of the class and went in search of Daisy.

: Hachiro Kaster
House: Slytherin
What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?: Learning about plants that are actually useful
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?: Outside
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability: none right now.
Lincoln was surprised by how many of the plants in the greenhouse seemed so normal, which was a little underwhelming. He wasn’t sure what he really expected but it wasn’t what he found. Pants and flowers were not something Lincoln had a particular interest in but he knew a good understanding in herbology would help with more interesting subjects like potions. Lincoln settled into a seat and paid attention Professor Carter as he introduced himself, but chose not to take notes, nothing being said seemed like anything that was important, or at least he figured most of it would be repeated in subsequent lessons. Lincoln took the quiz and quickly filled it out then handed it into the professor on his way out of the greenhouse.

Name: Lincoln Cade
House: Slytherin
What are you looking most forward to about Herbology?: Working with dangerous or unusual plants.
Do you prefer lectures or going outside?: Going outside.
If you have any questions, please write them here and I will answer them to the best of my ability:

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