First Years, Lesson One

“Good morning, everyone,” Gabrielle greeted as the first years finally settled into their seats after a couple of minutes of rabble at the start of the lesson. She looked around the room, taking in the faces of the students. “Welcome to History of Magic. I'm Professor Moncrieffe, I was born in Bermuda, and I’ll be your teacher until fifth year. So, I’m going to go through the roll. When I call your name, if you could please just raise your hand, tell me if you have something you’d prefer me to call you, like a nickname or if you go by your middle name or something like that, and tell me where you’re from." She paused for a second. "Yes, I know you all hate these exercises, I do too, but it’ll help me put faces to names.”

She went through the list, making a couple of notes as she went before finally reaching the end. “Thank heavens that won’t take nearly as long next time. Alright, so this year we’ll go over some beginner topics - Merlin, witch trials, and so on. For some of you, this will all be completely new, for others, don’t discount it, you may actually still learn something if you bother to listen.” She gave a wry smirk, knowing some students from wizarding families would probably think they knew everything already. “Sure, we may not be doing any spells, but you won’t be doing yourself any favours if you tune out just because of that. If you come into any of your classes expecting to be bored from the outset, you're setting yourself up for failure. Besides, there’s more to magic than just wand waving and incantations, or huddling over cauldrons. You may find that understanding where we come from and knowing more about the world around you is far more useful than being able to turn a beetle into a button, just quietly.”

"But for now, since we've got a bit of time left...why don't you take the opportunity to chat amongst yourselves for a bit? Talk to people not in your house, if you haven't gotten to know them yet. You know, socialize and what not."
With that, she left the students to it, wandering around the classroom to keep an eye on things and talk to any students who had any questions or asking them a little more about themselves, before they were eventually dismissed.

RP the lesson. Feel free to tag me if you want me to interact being nosy about your character! You are also welcome to godmod Gabrielle asking more about where you’re from. Don't forget to read over the Classroom Policy!
Lilith was particularly excited for her History of Magic lesson. She was sure there was a lot of interesting things these lessons could offer her. As the students settled in and Professor Moncrieffe started talking Lilith kept a smile on her face, once her name was called she raised her hand before speaking up. "Lilith is fine, but if you'd prefer a shorter one you can just call me Lili. I am from Valtimo, Finland." She spoke as clearly as she could, definitely feeling the first lesson nerves.

Lilith listened to the Professor speak and nodded every now and then. She definitely would not tune out anything, she was just as excited to learn about the history as she was to learn to do magic. It was very important to understand the way things had been in the past and what lead the world to what it was today. Lilith wasn't too upset their lesson went by quickly, if she was being honest she preferred the first one to fly by fast, less dealing with the nerves of the unknown. As they were told to socialize the Ravenclaw might have winced, of course she was planning to do more of that this semester, but it didn't make it any easier to actually do it. Without thinking about it too much she said hi to the first person she saw and before she even knew it time was up and she was out.
The break has not changed her mind about how things at school have been progressing, in fact it feels even more now like her friends are avoiding her than ever. With the exception maybe of the girls in her dorm, who she sees every day, and maybe Jasper, none of her other friends even seem to care about anything she has to say. Does she chase after one friend in favour of another or does she turn her back on all of them? Honestly she misses Professor Potter, and she thinks if she could speak to her maybe she could resolve all of this. She had problems when she was at school, but they all seemed to be fixed now, she doesn't want to have to wait until she's her dad's age to fix everything, how if she supposed to concentrate then?!

She raises her hand when her name is called, offering a polite smile and introducing herself. "Victoria de Lacey, but please just call me Tori," she says, looking around the room for the rest of her housemates. "I'm homegrown, from just outside of Brightstone, actually," she says, and points in the general direction (which is probably wrong) of where Brightsone is. She hopes it will be enough for the professors file of notes she will probably keep on them. Do professor's do that? Probably. She isn't too fond of the kind of classes that has mostly only lectures and no wand work, and she's pretty sure this is going to be that kind of class, oh well, she supposed she could stick it out for now and then see how things go. It's a core class though, so she will need it until seventh year, and that's so far away. When the lesson starts to wind down, Tori turns to a girl next to her and grins, she vaguely knows her, but they've not spoken much, so this will hopefully change that.
The break came and went far too quickly, and yet perhaps it had not gone for long enough, and yet also entirely too long at the same time. For the greater majority of the time, Eli was forced to sit in his room on his bed and face Jonah as his parents tried to decide (not very quietly) whether or not they needed to be locked up together to fight out whatever was going on. Honestly, Eli can't say for certain that it worked, as he still is kind of mad and doesn't really know what is going on with his brother, but at least now, they are kind of talking... if that's what he wants to call it anyway. Still, it could have been worse, they could have made Eli drop out and be homeschooled or something crazy like that, because honestly, he isn't sure he trusts his mum (as much as he loves her) to give him a well rounded education. She's a flyer, she is not an educator - his dad... however briefly, also is not an educator, except that now he is. Eli has so many emotions at the moment, he doesn't know what to do with them now that he is back at school.

History of magic is a class Eli is pretty sure he can easily get behind because it's straight up just theory. As the professor calls his name (because of course this is another introductory class - honestly he really needs the professors to get together on this and maybe just have like a half an hour meet and greet at the start of every year so he doesn't have to keep doing this) he stands up and sighs loudly - "I'm Elijah, just Eli is fine, I'm from Japan in case my accent wasn't obvious," he says quickly. He's itching to get past all of this, the one good thing so far is that Professor Moncrieffe seems to hate these as much as he does and he vows that should he ever decide to return to the school as a professor (this thought nearly makes him gag) he will absolutely not be doing silly intros. If he goes the entire school year without knowing the names of his students, so be it. He sits back down as he finishes what he intends to say and then ignores the rest of the introductions (because he really doesn't need to know anyone he doesn't already know) and waits until the end of class so he can leave with Rose.
Vikram was glad to be back at school. He'd enjoyed his time at home, the holidays with his parents were always pleasant. Extravagant- they saved up all year and threw the best parties. He hoped they could invite Winnie and her family over one of these years. He fell back into his school routine easily. He stopped to see Winnie before heading off to class.

Vikram took a seat in class, pulling out a parchment and taking a few notes. The class sounded interesting enough- defense was an important part of things, he knew. He sat in History of Magic, finding the Professor interesting. He listened to a few of the other introductions before standing and giving his own. "My name is Vikram Bakshi. I don't really have any nicknames so Vikram is fine. I was born and raised in Dunedin," He offered with a shrug before sitting back down, unsure of what else he could share. He listened to everyone around him finish off, before turning to someone near him to try and talk until they were dismissed.
History of magic didn’t sound particularly exciting, but at least she would have to root around in plant pots of dirt like Herbology. She sat and waited for Professor Moncrieffe to come around to her when she was taking roll, when she did Esme raised her hand to confirm her attendance and gave the information that Professor Moncrieffe had requested. “Esme Potter-Cade, I’m from New Zealand,” She seemed to say less than most people, but her name didn’t require a nickname or shortening so she didn’t need to say much. When the professor moved onto discussing what they would be learning over the coming year, Esme made a few notes but it was mostly just the topics they would learn about. Once the lesson started to wind down she spent the rest of it speaking to the classmate at her side, and once it was over she made her way out of the classroom.
It was strange having all new classes and professors this semester, he felt like a brand new first year introducing himself to professors again and learning about new topics he had no prior knowledge about. When his name was called, Jasper answered, "Here," He answered, then after a short pause remembered he had to say more, "Oh, um Jasper is fine. I'm from Auckland." He answered before the professor moved on. He didn't speak again, except briefly to a couple of classmates at the end before packing up and leaving when dismissed.

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