Open First Year Castle Tours!

Eurydice found that the boy named William was barely helpful. Of course she knew that the house elf, apparently named Mr. Dak, was not owned by William himself. That was fairly obvious because everyone knew that kids could not own house elves. And it was quite unfair that he got to bring their house elf with them when she’d had to leave hers at home. Miss Zeeny would have been most helpful with getting ready every day, and she would have shared with her cousins too. Eury however, decided that she liked Mr. Dak. “Do you mean you’re contracted to the Headmaster along with your family Mr. Dak? Can I call you Mr. Dak? I’m Eurydice by the way.” she said with a big smile, “I apologize for badgering, I just missed my house elf when I saw you. I was disappointed when I was told I couldn’t bring her along and I assumed it was because family house elves were not allowed at Hogwarts,” she explained to Mr. Dak, though perhaps to William as well as she turned to him. “Think you could ask your uncle for me?”

@William Potter-Cade @Dakrey
Dakrey continued to be surprised by the way he was treated by Eurydice, he hoped the rest of the students at the school would be as nice and respectful, it was doubtful but the house elf was nothing if not optimistic. “Dakrey is a free elf, so I am not obligated to serve the Cade’s but I choose to, at the suggestion of master James Dakrey has come to Hogwarts to watch over the children and help master with his additional responsibilities, in order to do this I am temporarily contracted to the school and Dakrey will perform the same tasks as the other house elves, working in the kitchen, cleaning and all the normal elf things, Dakrey will continue to serve the Cades in whatever way possible,” Dakrey began to fidget with the material of his vest the longer he went on talking. “Apologies, Dakrey doesn’t usually talk for so long, it is nice to meet you Miss Eurydice, your house elf must be very lucky to have a mistress as lovely as yourself, Dakrey is sorry you were not able to bring them to school, Dakrey would have enjoyed meeting them,”

@Eurydice Nightray
Even for Daiki there were some elements of the school which felt immediately overwhelming, that primarily being the sheer size of it. He had been going to get some food when he'd passed a rather large crowd of primarily first year students who were about to tour the place. He happily joined the crowd of people. There was lots of discussions going on, but Daiki was just stood waiting for it to get started.
Jasper enjoyed finding his way around the castle on his own. Exploring and figuring directions out was the fun part. Even still when he heard they were offering tours he decided he should tag along for the information, "Hey, I'm here for the tour too." He wasn't quite sure who was leading on this, if it was the elf, the professor, or the prefect, so he just announced it to the group and hoped for the best.
Even better than a tour, Rina thought, would be to let the students have longer to explore the castle on their own before classes started. At least a few weeks to get settled in properly before they had to keep to schedules, hoping to Merlin that they wouldn't get lost on the way. She'd joined the tour not because she wanted someone to tell her where she needed to go, but because she could find out more about her classmates before they were separated for their lessons. There were only a couple of students dressed in green, and wandering up towards a boy on his own, Rina paused beside him and crossed her arms. "Who are you talking to?" she asked him, giving him a confused look and wondering if he'd seen a ghost she didn't know about. Would this castle have ghosts? There was an elf lingering around with some other students, so she didn't see why not.

@Cal Greenleaf
Cal was startled, someone had approached HIM! Nerves had taken over after the realization that he had just been caught talking to himself. Cal summoned any reserves of courage he had deep down and tried to put on what he thought would be a nonchalant face and said, "oh! uh, nobody," trying to move past and possibly make his first official magical friend Cal extended his right hand, "Nice to meet another Slytherin, I don't see many of us on the tour! I'm Cal! What's your name?"
Arthur felt no less confused when a new day began. He was still seemingly magic. Still seeming had a wand with which he could cast spells. He was thankful when trying to find his way back to the great hall to eat he was able to spot the tour and joined the group. His hands shoved into his pockets to stop them from twisting nervously.
Sophie smiled and waved when she recognised her roommate joining the tour. She was still getting to know a lot of people around here so it was nice to see a familiar face around. Sophie nodded quickly. "Yeah of course! You can totally call me Soph" Sophie says with a smile, she didn't mind people calling her that nickname. Sophie shrugged. "Hmm, probably, I'm sure more will come though," Sophie says with a smile before Demi spoke to other people as they await for the prefect to start the tour. Sophie looked around noticing there were more people joining in now.

@Demi Zephyr
"Probably because the Slytherin's will have all snuck out to hide, being in big groups leads to exposure they don't won't," Elio offered conspiratorially to a young Slytherin who'd asked why there weren't many of them about. Elio wasn't a Slytherin of course, but Kael was and he knew that his cousin-friend wasn't going to offer to show him around the castle, best to do it a bit like this. Then he would have more of an idea about what's up and what's going on. "Hi Cal, don't mind me, couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Welcome to Hogwarts hey? You too!" He said, turning to the girl next to him. He didn't know why he felt the need to be this welcoming party, since he'd only been here like half a minute himself! Still, the kid seemed nervous, as did most of the students here and that spoke to Elio on another level. "This tour starting soon?" He called up to the Gryffindor Prefect. He could tell others were concerned too, and had chosen to be the voice of the group for this minute purpose.

@Cal Greenleaf @Sabrina Bonrepos
Eurydice continued to be surprised by Mr. Dak. A free elf! That was amazing! The Cades must have been treating him well for him to continue serving. She wasn't sure if the Nightrays had free elves under their employ, but she was sure that her parents were making sure that they were treated nicely and fairly. Mum didn't suffer disrespect in the household (except between Daddy and Uncle Miah since Mum seems to have given up on that), and she may not be a Pureblood, but the family did listen to her as the matriarch. "Well, I'm happy that you have such a good family, Mr. Dak. They're very lucky to have you," she said with as much seriousness and solemnity an 11-year-old girl could have. "I think you and Miss Zeeny would get along, though she would probably tell you I'm a brat," she said with a giggle. Miss Zeeny has helped take care of her since she was born, after all, and she's seen Eurydice in all her moods, even scolded her for it on occasion. "I should probably let you return to your duties Mr. Dak, thank you for telling me of your situation. I really appreciate it, I'd give you a hug but I don't want to overwhelm you," she said with a grin. It was then that she noticed a familiar voice calling up to the prefect that was to head the tour. "Eliooooo-nii!!!" Eury called out excitedly, waving an arm to catch his attention if her yelling did not.

@Dakrey @Elio Boneheart
Jonah had been holding on to Hina-nee when Eury had decided to run off. Traitor. He'd seen her approach some random guy, but she seemed more interested in the guy's house elf, which made a little bit of sense? Jonah wasn't really sure. The Nightrays never made much sense to him. Well, any of Auntie Ai's kids, really. Jai-nii and Tizi-nii were all so old, and Kael-nii was a bit mean and scary. Eurydice was nice, but she got jealous easily, and he never knew when she would get jealous. Apparently, now she was jealous that someone had a house elf. As soon as he had seen Rose though, he had also let go of Hina-nee's hand and left her side to pounce his triplet into a hug. "Ro! You're heeeere! Think Eli's coming too?" he asked unsurely. Jonah hadn't really talked to Eli all that much since the first night in Hogwarts. Except for letting him know about the tour, it was more of Jonah letting Ro know and Eli was just there too. He wasn't mad at Eli, he just didn't know if Eli was still mad at him. And he didn't want to know if Eli hated him. That would just be too much. He barely noticed the guy that Ro was talking to.

@Rose Edogawa @Eoghan Blyth
Hinata was feeling a little overwhelmed as the group got larger and larger. It was only Eurydice and Jonah at her sides that was keeping her from moving away from the crowd to settle at the edges by the wall. It didn't take long though for Eury to run off after a house elf had popped in to the group. Unsurprisingly, Jo had also left as soon as Ro had arrived so Hina was just there standing awkwardly in a sea of first years. She had begun to slowly slink away to the edge of the group. With her two bodyguards-slash-guides gone, it would probably best for her to stay at the rear like she had done in the last few years.
"Hey Eury!" Elio said, trotting over to the younger girl and poking her in he forehead. "You look cute in the yellow robes. Bet Aunt Ai is happy with that," She wasn't really his aunt, not like biologically, but it was polite to call adults aunt or uncle, at least his mum had always told him that. If they were family friends at least. Sometimes it was really confusing, but then again, that was just life, right? "This tour will be fun, hey? Noticed Kael isn't here." because of course not, Kael wouldn't have been caught dead here even if it would have been helpful to his sister. It was probably more people than he was willing to tolerate. "Are you excited for classes? You'll have flying soon right?"

@Eurydice Nightray
"He's not coming," she told her brother, knowing full well Eli was probably in the towers staying well away from them. She looked around the room, noticing Hina slinking off to the side and rolling her eyes. This is why she never could find her way around. She might have to resort to escorting her older sister around the castle herself if this kept up.

@Jonah Edogawa
Eurydice giggled and rubbed at her forehead after Elio's greeting. A bright smile on her features when he commented on her house colors, and she gave a twirl to top it all off. "Mummy and Daddy wrote to say they're proud of me," she said with a nod. Her parents had a competition going about where she and her siblings would end up. Now that Eurydice was in Hufflepuff, they're two for two, so now they're debating on Nik's. "Kael-nii said he already knew what he needed of the castle. I went here with Hina-nee, though," she said, looking around, trying to find the older girl but she was not where Eury had left her. And neither was Jonah. She nodded at Elio's question though wrinkled her nose at the thought of flying in the sun. "It'll be annoying since it's hot. I miss home, it'll be cold there by now. And I don't know if I have any interesting classes. Maybe Transfiguration? I got plants and history this semester, boring stuff."

@Elio Boneheart
Leah stepped down from the bench she had been standing on, and all she had to do now was wait. And soon, first years started to appear and she waved enthusiastically when she saw Ruth. She beamed at her cousin and stood up a bit straighter, wanting to show off her authority just a bit. But she was a little thrown off when an older woman approached her. She guessed she was a professor before she said so and for a moment Leah thought she might have gotten in trouble but quickly understood she was new and wouldn’t know her way around the castle. “Oh, of course you are welcome to join.” she said quickly. “Professor…Marigold.” she added, unsure if it was her first or last name and how formal she was being at that moment. In the time it had taken for her to greet the professor a small army of first years, and a few older students, appeared. She blinked in surprise and blushed a little when an older boy spoke up to ask if the tour was starting soon. “Yes! Just giving stragglers a chance to join.” she called out before collecting herself. Leah cleared her throat and smiled at all of them. “Welcome to Hogwarts everyone!” she started. “I hope all of you have made yourself at home already. But the castle is pretty big so I thought I’d help out and show you around a little bit.” she explained. First she pointed to the doors that lead to the courtyard. “Over there is where you’ll find the courtyard. A love place to hang out with friends or do some reading when the weather is nice. Out there is also where you’ll find the Conglomerated Art’s Club room, if there are any artists here.” she said with a grin. “And obviously over there is the great hall which all of you I’m sure are well acquainted with. Or you must be starving.” she laughed. With the basics of the ground floor covered she waved her arm and gestured to the stairs. “Now follow me!”
Marigold was happy to be included and she grinned at the student, as she seemed to be trying to work out how to address her. "Cooper is my last name if you want to address me as Professor," she said nodding. She didn't specifically like being called Professor, and would address that with her own students when it was important, but for the moment she just smiled. This was a great idea, and she was happy to see all the students taking advantage of it. Perhaps she would see some of them in her class one day. She followed along as the tour started and made a mental note to give points to the girl when it was over. It wasn't easy keeping it together like she was doing right now!
Miroslav had bought just before coming back to school, some pretty fun things. He was determined to just have a good time at the school. So in his pocket was a stink bomb and upon reaching the entrance hall, he knew immediately what he had to do. He reached into his pocket - perhaps not the safest place for them - and then he tossed the stink bomb to the centre of the now moving group of students, professor and house elf, and watched gleefully as it went off.

-thanks to Kadi for giving me the okay for this-
Eoghan turned away from Rose, resisting the urge to give her some sort of retort. He knew what it was like to not want to engage with anyone, but if nothing else it just confirmed why he needn't bother trying to make any friends. Thankfully it didn't take long before he could make his excuses to leave. As the area was suddenly engulfed in a thick stinky fog, Eoghan heaved his way further from the group, deciding his need to be involved wasn't as strong as his need to protect his senses. Without another word, he turned on his heels and left before he could have been convinced otherwise.

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