Open First Ball.

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Clara McCarthy

🧁 Flourish and Blott's worker, Cupcake princes 🧁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (13 October, 2049.)
The first semester will be through and the second semester will approach each day after the winter holidays. Clara really enjoyed the evening because she didn't have to think about homework anymore. Therefore, she decided to go to the party because she had earned herself some fun tonight. Pulling on her all-loving dress, she walked down the school steps and headed straight ahead. The girl reached the ball and went in slowly and leisurely. everyone looked so nice and elegant. she hoped she wouldn't spend the evening alone and at the dinner table. The girl went for a snack and looked around hoped see familiar faces.
Philip wasn't into parties since he doesn't have anyone to take but this year, he decided to do it differently and go by himself. Dressed into a nice suit and tie, Philip head up to the Great hall where the elegant party would be. The boy didn't find anyone familiar, not even his relatives. So, to occupy himself, he went to grab a drink by the snack table full of delectables and non-alcoholic drinks. As he sip on his cup, he studied everyone on the dance floor. Everyone happy but him. "These people." He scoffed loud enough for the person near him hear it. Couples mostly at the dance floor. He scoffed again and took a sip of his drink.
Clara looked to one older boy and he looked a little weird abput the ball. "Are you okey?" She wantes ask him and be shure about him. Clara always was so nice to everyone and take care with others. Yes, she was first year but she was wories about him if she don't know him.
Lumio liked parties, he liked them a lot. He liked going to them and being a part of it. So, he’d put on what was enough of a fancy outfit for him and he was at the ball. He hoped to run into a few friends, or have a good time at the celebration but he wasn’t sure what to do first. There was certainly less to do at this event as there were at the halloween one, certainly there would be no spooky hallway at this event. He grabbed a drink and took small sips as he glanced around the room, watching as other couples danced, as people danced with friends and just had a good time. He took a few long sips as he looked for someone to speak to. It was as then he noticed Clara, the girl who he'd made pasta with that one time, and he spotted her with an older boy. he walked over to her, "Clara! Hey! Hope I'm not interrupting," he spoke loudly, greeting her with a warm tone. He looked to the older boy, "I'm Lumio!" he introduced moving to extend a hand to the older boy, "This is great! Hall looks so different from just this morning!"
As he was looking at the other people dance, Philip didn't know someone was listening to him. The boy turned to a blonde younger student. His demeanor change suddenly, the Slytherin didn't want the young students to look at him like he has a lot of problems. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I was just talking to myself. I'm Philip, by the way or Phil if you're comfortable to call me like that." He smiled at the girl.

Right then someone walked toward them and the newcomer called the girl Clara. She has a nice name. He thought and smiled at the boy who introduced himself to him and offered a hand. Philip took the offered hand and shake it. "Philip or Phil, whichever is easier to say." Philip smiled and retracted him hand. "It is definitely different. I don't go to Yuleballs a lot but I appreciate the work they have done." The Slytherin said while admiring the ceiling.
Clara listned the boy and she was understand him and what he feals today. Bad days always was happen but be with friends and eat someyhing good, thad day turned good." Don't need apologize! It's okey and you have a bad day? I think you need eat something that you feal better our drink cacao with Marshmalow! Nice to meet you Phil!" She smiled to him and later see here his friend Lumio from Gryffindor house, he was the brave man who make delicus pasta.

"Lumio!" Clara say with hapily voice.."No, I'm happy see you here. How are you? I'm so happy for a holiday and going home, you stay shcool?"Clada finished talk and listened how Lumia says his name to the other boy and she smiled to him. "Hall looks realy good ans i agree with you!" Clara take the some juice and drinked. Then later she take some cookie and eating. Food was so delicus..
Lumio was pleased that Clara seemed happy to see him, ”I’m good! I’ll be heading home, well, Italy, so home away from home, but so excited,” he told her since he was very much looking forward to going home, and spending christmas with his family. He smiled at the boy who introduced himself to Lumio, ”Good to meet you Phil, you in like sixth year?” he asked, curious about this boy, he wasn’t someone Lumio thought he knew from Gryffindor, but Lumio also knew he could be wrong about that. The Gryffindor nodded as they both seemed to agree with his sentiments about the hall, that it looked nice, that it was just a really good hall with good decorations. ”I bet by tomorrow it’ll all be gone, as if nothing even happened,” he said. ”Do you think they get the house elves to help? Or is it all just magic?”
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