Closed Finish What You Started

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Elliot was not having a good day. The loss to Ravenclaw had felt devastating after so many months of planning a great comeback for the team, and now having to deal with this fight with Tilly and this Slytherin girl had him ready to throw in the towel. He was already tired, and now he had to chase her down. A part of Elliot just wanted to let her go, he still had to trek upstairs and talk to Abian and Professor Carter about Tilly anyway, but he was already mad enough about having to punish a member of his own team. It didn't seem fair that the other girl would get off scott free, especially since it seemed like she'd been lying about at least her name, if not her house. And Tilly had been bleeding. As mad as Elliot was at her, this girl had clearly been giving as good as she got in the brawl.

"Stop," Elliot called, exasperated and out of breath when he caught sight of where the girl had run off to. Pulling his wand, Elliot hesitated, still pursuing her. He didn't want to have to use magic to subdue anyone, prefect or not, but he also did not have it in him to chase a second year across half the school grounds. "Incarcerous!" Elliot hoped the spell wouldn't do too much damage if the girl hit the ground, but he needed to make her stop moving so he could be done with whole infuriating encounter.
Seraphina couldn't believe she had tricked the older boy and easily ran away from him. These prefects were a bunch of idiots, and even the professors and staff were barely above their skillset. Her head had seemingly stopped bleeding or at least was staying out of her field of vision. As she ran towards the tree that served as her home at one point earlier in the year, Seraphina heard a voice calling to, presumably, her, and she refused to turn around, hoping that if the boy had caught up with her, she could still lose him somehow. She wasn't sure what that meant for the future. Maybe she could ask Jenna for some hair potions that would change her appearance so the boy wouldn't spot her in the hallways.

Distracted by her thoughts, Seraphina was taken by surprise when she felt her body fall forward as it was constricted, again hitting her poor nose. That thing wasn't going to survive five more years of arguments with Tilly. Thankfully, the grass was slightly softer than the castle floor. Spitting dirt out of her mouth, Seraphina squirmed on the ground as she tried to roll over, realizing her wand had fallen out of her pocket when she made contact with the ground. The Gryffindor stopped and laid down, wondering why the boy had to use such a cruel spell, causing yet another facial defect her mother would complain about and attack her for. "Helloooooooo?" she called, unsure if it was infact the boy, and if not, she would probably resort to screaming again.
Elliot winced as the girl went down, but at least he didn't have to chase her anymore. Hurrying over, he helped her roll over, giving her a disapproving look as he crouched down to her level. "If I let you go, are you going to run again?" He asked uncertainly, wand raised. "I'm really, really, tired of this, so if you could just.. Stop, whatever all this is, tell me your name- Your real name, and we can both go inside and be done with this," He offered, scrubbing a weary hand through his hair. Maybe it was a mistake to admit how over he was with this whole exchange. It wasn't exactly the most upstanding prefect interaction he'd had, but maybe the girl would appreciate the honesty and stop well, stop everything she kept doing.
Seraphina felt a hand on her and hoped it might be a first year she could dupe into letting her go. Instead, she frowned as she met the face of the boy. She wished she could punch it and run away, but that would just bring about even more trouble than she was already sure to be in. Processing what the prefect had said to her, she quickly laid out her options. She had hit Tilly and tore her hair out, some of which was still attached her, ran away from an authority figure, and now had potentially broken her nose almost exactly a year since the last fight with Tilly. One of these days, she wished the Hufflepuff would be the actual aggressor against her poor nose so she'd have relevant reasons to hate her.

Seraphina sighed and looked up at the sky, refusing to make eye contact with the boy. "Untie me. I'm not a Slytherin, I'm a Gryffindor," she offered snarkily as a partial white flag so the boy would at least release her, because the ropes were starting to cut into her skin as she fidgeted. While she didn't want to get in trouble, making the situation worse would not bode well for her. While her mother was absent, she definitely wasn't the nicest about Seraphina getting in trouble.
Elliot waited for a moment as the girl seemed to mull his offer over before finally speaking. He was relieved both that she seemed to want to cooperate, and that he wouldn't have to talk to Professor Styx today. "Oh.. Good," he said awkwardly, waving his wand to dismiss the ropes and offering a hand to help the girl up. "I'm willing to just walk up to Professor Kingsley and pretend I didn't just have to chase you across the lawn if it means you'll come with me," Elliot offered slowly. He could already hear his legs screaming at him for having to go all the way up to Kingsley's office and then back down to get Tilly, but if it meant he could wash his hands of having to deal with this fight any more, Elliot couldn't wait.
Seraphina was thankful when the boy finally released her, and she rolled over on the ground, slowly pushing herself up as her body ached. Ignoring the boy's hand, she eventually made her way onto her feet. Her head was bleeding again, and she smacked her palm over the cut, wincing. "Fine," was all she replied, resigning to the fact that her mother and grandmother would hear about this. She didn't realize how much everything hurt until she was finally still, and she sure didn't want to walk up to the seventh floor. Seeing as she didn't have a choice, Seraphina silently followed the boy, sulking as she prepared to deal with her head of house.

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