Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Pansexual (Len♥))
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Chante could not seem to find a fellow prefect anywhere inside the castle. The redhead would not be found in the great hall or seventh floor. Chante checked the prefect's common room but to no avail, the Gryffindor wasn't there. With a basket of roses balancing on her hip, Chante tried her luck at the quidditch pitch. It's quite possible Fleur was out there, she did play quidditch with her cousin Willow. Chante hiked over to the pitch to see a handful of her peers flying circles around the pitch. She hoped one of them was the Gryffindor, "Fleur?"

@Fleur van Houten
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Valentine's day wasn't really that interesting to Fleur. She always liked getting friendly roses, but rarely ever sent them out herself. She enjoyed spending time with her friends and doing nice things for them on her own terms, not just when you could send a flower. Maybe it would be different if she were dating someone, but Fleur wasn't sure what that would be like on Valentine's day. This year, she was spending most of her time at the Quidditch pitch, catching up on some flying practice. She realized someone was calling her name, and Fleur lowered to the ground near Chante. "Oh, hey Chante." She said, guessing she had a rose for her.
"Finally, I found you," Chante greeted the girl with a friendly wave. Chante pulled out a yellow rose from her basket, "I've been looking all over for you to give you these," she handed over the rose along with the note from the sender. "How you've been? I heard about the game, too bad it was too short. You guys would've won," she heard from Willow who wasn't all that thrill to recounted the match. Willow wanted to beat Leda. Chante bolsters her confidence up and said she will win the next time.

Dear Fleur,

You’re a great patrol partner and a better friend

Fleur gave Chante an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be hard to find." She told the Hufflepuff, taking the rose from her. Fleur shrugged. "It was pretty short, but Slytherin got lucky." She said, not too bothered about it. Fleur wasn't the most competitive person, and it had been a fair game as much as she had wanted Willow to win. "I'm sure we'll win next time." She looked at the note and grinned. "Aw, it's from Stella." She said, feeling a warm feeling at this proof that the Ravenclaw had been thinking of her. She had sent one to Stella too. "Have you gotten roses?" She asked Chante.
"Yes, if it was short as Willow said it was, I would think they did," Chante recalls the game last year between Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor had gone for too long. Chante could've sworn the two seekers were up there joking around to past time waiting for the snitch to show up. It was kind of funny if she remembers how exactly it went. At some point, she swears one of the seekers may have dozed off in that match up. "That was nice of her! I like Stella, but she a little on the quiet side," Chante spoke with a smile. "Not yet, from the way it's going I may not get one this year," Chante shrugs. "Which, I sort of blame myself being too busy to have a social life."
Fleur tilted her head slightly to the side. "You didn't watch it?" She asked, curious. She had assumed as the cousin of their seeker would have come to the match. She nodded when Chante said Stella was nice, but also quiet. "She is, I guess, but she's pretty brilliant too." Fleur said with a small smile. "She knows a lot about stars, way more than anyone but probably Professor Harrington." She joked a little. "Oh, that's too bad. I hope you still get one." Fleur added with a shrug. As nice as they were, Fleur didn't really care that much about the roses and she often forgot to send any. It was a nice gesture, but she preferred to do her own thing.
Chante shook her head, "No, I was trying to get there on time but it was over before I remember. Also, I've been busy helping my mother out with the creatures she looks after. I don't know if you know this, but, she going to have a baby. So, she needs all the help she can get," Chante said with a big smile. She was just so happy about the news and seeing her mother grow bigger every day. It was an exciting time for both her and Willow's family. "Willow too! Her mom is having a baby," Chante shares the news. She wasn't sure if Willow wanted anyone to know about her mom but seeing as it was Fleur and they were mutual friends Chante figured her cousin wouldn't mind. "That makes sense as her name is Stella, you're going to know an astronomer one day!"
Fleur nodded at Chante's words. She knew her mother was the Care of Magical Creatures professor for the lower years, and had heard she was pregnant. "That's understandable." She said. It surprised her to hear Willow's mother was also having a baby. "Are you both happy about it?" She asked, curious. She wasn't sure how she would feel if her parents had decided to have another baby, a new sibling. She was happy with the brother and sisters that she had. Fleur laughed when Chante mentioned Stella's name. "With that logic, I should be all about flowers." She said with a grin.
"We are!" Chante exclaimed happily. "Willow was more surprised...well we both were," Chante held back from saying the reason why she was. A lot had to do with her birth and how hard it was for her mom to get pregnant. There was still some concern about her mom having the baby earlier than intended. The healers at St. Mungo's eased some of their worries with a potion, it didn't mean they went away completely. "It will be Willow's second sibling and my first. It's a little late than normal families, but I'm excited about having a baby around," Chante grins. She chuckles with Fleur's comment, "That's true and me hearts. Well, I did deliver these roses on Valentine's Day, that should count right?"
Fleur nodded as Chante said both of them had been pretty surprised. "I can imagine." She hadn't known Willow already had a sibling, or maybe she had forgotten it. But she was curious how old this other sibling was, as she was always looking out for potential friends for her own siblings. "I can imagine you're excited, I'll be curious to hear if it's a boy or a girl." Fleur said with a smile. She also hadn't known Chante meant heart, but it was a nice thing to learn. "I guess so! Suits better than me and flowers." She said with a laugh. "I'm not really a star in Herbology."
Chante pause to consider the baby's gender, honestly, she just wants the baby to be born healthy. Regardless of gender, Chante would happily welcome her new sibling into the world. "I don't mind whether it's a boy or a girl, I am curious about the name my parents will pick. If they'll name them after my granddad or something in Sioux," that excited her more. There were so many names her parents can choose from, she was eager which one they will settle for in the end. "No, you like dragons right?" Chante curiously asked. "You're a lot braver than me to like dragons. I don't know how you and my mom can like dragons. They're amazing to look at from a safe distant, otherwise, dragons are so dangerous."
Fleur nodded. "I'll be curious to hear that too." She said with a smile. "Will you let me know?" She wasn't really close to Chante, more Willow's friend than hers, but she did like her a lot. It wouldn't be bad to be a bit closer to her, especially as they would both be heading into their final year at Hogwarts soon. "I do like dragons." Fleur said with a laugh, though it wasn't a big surprise that Chante would know this. "I like all magical creatures, but dragons are the best." She wasn't surprised at Chante's opinion, it seemed to be a common one. "Dragons can be dangerous, but that doesn't make them any less fascinating. Or any less lovable, in my opinion." She said with a grin. "I can't wait to work with them after Hogwarts. If I can find a job in that field, at least."
"Of course," Chante said with a smile. "I guess you'll know by then if it's a boy or a girl," most English names were gender-based. Chante sort of realize at the moment, Sioux names were more gender-neutral and unique as they weren't that common. Like her name. Now she really wanted to know the name her parents will choose. "I can see why you're a Gryffindor," Chante laughs. The bravery is noted in Fleur, but it's a good thing she aware of how dangerous dragons are, Chante chuckles at the Gryffindor's use of the word loveable. "You will! Ask my mom or Professor Faye to help you get connected with someone in that field. They're always looking for new faces to work with creatures, especially dragons. It's not like everyone running to Romania to go work with them," Chante said honestly. She wishes it wasn't like that, but not everyone courageous enough to be a dragon keeper.
Fleur laughed when Chante said she could see why she was a Gryffindor. "I think recklessness is part of it, yes." She said with a grin. "I see it now in my sister too. She's as eager to go into the forest as I was in my first year, but now I'm a bit more hesitant when it comes to her." If Emma got hurt, Fleur would be very upset. She suddenly saw dangers in the forest she hadn't seen when it had been her who wanted to go in. "You think I should?" She asked when Chante suggested asking to be connected to someone in the field. "Romania is definitely an option, but I also heard the wildlife sanctuary here in New Zealand has dragons." She said with a small sigh. "I'd like traveling, though..."

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