Jasper Night

Auror | Funny | Chaotic | 2054 Grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Straight (Nell))
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Nell)
12/2035 (26)
Set right after the Quidditch Game (this is a bit late sh)

Jasper was absolutely exhausted and he was in pain, the two bludger hits feeling a lot worse now that he was on the ground and no longer focusing all his attention on the snitch. The snitch he was now holding in his hand as he stumbled his way over to the Hospital Wing. He had to show Blake, had to tell him they had won. While he was there, he might as well get himself checked out a bit too. He had told the remaining teammates to meet him in the Hospital Wing as well. With most of their members already in there, it seemed like convenient place for a victory party of sorts. Even if most of the team probably wasn't in the partying mood. Still, Jasper threw open the doors with a bit of drama, holding the snitch high in the air. "Bow before me, I saved our honor!" He called, grinning at Indi, Daintree, Ruben and finally at Blake. "Actually, don't bother getting up. You all look like crap." Jasper said, heading over to Blake with a slight limp himself before putting the snitch in his hand. "Here you go." He said with a smile at his friend. "Surely that earns me a honorary captain title, at least." He added jokingly, trying to hide the wince as he shifted his weight. "I told the rest of the team to come here, I hope the nurses don't mind. To be fair, most of us are already here." He said, shrugging a bit.
Indi couldn't believe she had been knocked out of the game before she even had a chance to score a goal. She could feel disappointment and anger rolling around inside her. She couldn't help but feel like a disappointment after being put in the game only to fail. But before she could get too deep into her feelings Jasper bust into the hospital wing holding the snitch. She sat up quickly and winced at the pain in her side and frowned. Part of her was happy they had won but it didn't help her disappointment in herself for getting knocked out so easily. "About time." she grumbled under her breath.
Nell had never been much of a Quidditch fan, but dating one of the players meant it felt sort of like her duty to attend the match. She had been supporting the Hogwarts team of course, decked out in Slytherin gear she had pilfered from Jasper before the match began. As the game carried on, Nell was gripped with fresh horror at how violent Quidditch could be. She didn't think she had ever seen so many players sent to hospital, and when Jasper had been put in as Seeker she was quite sure he would be joining them. So it had been more of a relief than a feeling of victory when he had managed to catch the snitch and win the game for Hogwarts. Nell was quite sure she knew where Jasper was going, bounding into the hospital wing right after him.

"YOU WERE AMAZING!" Nell exclaimed, throwing her arms around Jasper and gripping him tight, allowing herself a moment of reassurance that he was here and alright, before she acknowledged the rest of the people in the room. Releasing Jasper, Nell hesitated a moment before leaning down to give Blake a hug of his own, far gentler and a little awkward despite her best efforts. "You were really good too, you guys all played so well. That American team was brutal!" She commented, memories of the sound of metal smashing into flesh and bone still burned into her mind. As proud as she was of him, Nell couldn't help being a little glad that Jasper's time playing Quidditch was over and done with.
If Blake had been dismayed when he had been taken off the pitch himself, it was nothing compared to the heartbreak he had felt watching one after another of his teammates join him in hospital wing. Minnie's necklace sat around his throat gently was the only thing keeping him on level keel as it became more and more assured that Slytherin wouldn't be winning this match. Ilvermorny had cut a bloody swathe through half of the team, and at this point Blake was expecting the news of a forfeit any minute.

So when Jasper burst into the room it took a moment to even process what he was holding. Blake's first wild thought was that Jasper had somehow stolen the snitch off the Ilvermorny seeker after their victory, and it wasn't until a few moments after Jasper's grand proclamation that he laughed in disbelief, finally letting the truth sink in. "Holy sh*t!" He exclaimed, before remembering there were a few kids in the room, wincing slightly. "I mean, crap, I mean... JASPER!" Blake reached out with his good arm when Jasper put the snitch in his hand, giving him a quick one-armed hug before letting go at a twinge of his bad shoulder. "Forget honourary captain, you're king of the team for the rest of the year. How did you manage that?!" Blake didn't think he had ever played in such a brutal game in his life, and seeing Jasper triumph was awe-inspiring. He watched with a fond smile as Nell bounded into the room and hugged Jasper, expecting his friend to be distracted quickly and finding he didn't really mind. What he didn't expect was Nell leaning down to hug him, a gesture he returned in slight bewilderment with his good arm, glancing at Lars curiously. He knew the two Ravenclaws had made up recently, but it was still a surprise being hugged by Nell.
Jasper hadn't known how tired he was until just now. He was pretty tempted to lie down on one of the beds, but he didn't want to ruin the moment. Then Nell came rushing in and hugged him. Jasper yelped. "Ouch- Nell- ouch!" He said, wincing. But he was grinning as well, glad to see his girlfriend. He was a bit surprised to see her hugging Blake as well, though he was glad about it. He grinned. "King of the team, huh? I want that in writing." He said with a grin. He was glad he had managed to turn things around.

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