Fifth Years, Lesson Two

"Good morning fifth years. I hope your week has been nice so far." He greeted with his usual cheery tone, "Most of you will have noticed, that on each table there is a quiz. A sort of revision quiz, and you'll get one each week. So, that's why you need to be prepared." He knew that the quiz was fairly simple. It held nothing new, and was mostly stuff that they would've, or at least should've done in first year. "Now, begin!"
  • What does Wingardium Leviosa do?
  • What is the pronunciation for the summoning charm?
  • What is the pronunciation for the weaker form of the Banishing Charm?
  • What does Lumos do?
  • What is the incantation for the disarming spell?

"Now, that's over with, on to the fun stuff. Today we will be learning, or revising the Impediment Jinx. If you take Care of Magical Creatures you'll already know what it is, but for those who don't," Misha paused, looking over his class to be sure they were still paying attention, before he continued, "The Impediment Jinx or Curse stops an object or slows it down for a period of time, depending on the strength of the object or being. Now, today, class, we are going to be venturing outside, so be thankful that Charms for you guys, is in the second semester."

With a beckoning of his hand Misha led his students out of the classroom and into the gardens, spying a rather ugly little creature. Waving his wand towards it, he stated, "You see that? That's a gnome. They're rather pesky little creatures and in a tight spot can be quite a hindrance." His dark eyes fell on one that began to run toward him, as he had produced a handful of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "They're suckers for these beans; I want you to use Impedimenta on them before they can get to you." He pointed out the gnomes gnashing teeth as it still scurried towards him, and with a wave of his wand he stated, "Impedimenta!" A flash of red light barrelled into the gnomes chest, seeming to put it in slow motion.

Misha produced a box of the beans and handed each of his students a few, continuing, "Now, when you have successfully completed this spell on a gnome you may leave to enjoy your day; remember to be careful around your fellow students and that gnomes will bite. Nothing fatal, of course, but rather painful."

Misha stood in the gardens as the students dispersed through them, looking around to help them when needed and on the watch for any mischievous gnomes. While happily munching on spare bertie botts. Eventually once he felt the class was sufficiently good at the charm, he dismissed them.

RP the lesson (attendance post is fine). Do the quiz for extra credit.
Savannah was in two minds about the upcoming valentines dance. She knew that she wanted to go to it, that she wanted a night to have fun, to wear a pretty dress and feel good, but she also wanted to focus on her revision and knew that she didn’t feel attraction to people, so she got little out of going. The ravenclaw knew she had a little bit to decide what she was going to do, but not a lot of time. She didn’t want to leave it to last minute though, since she knew that would just end up with her not studying enough or being late and not feeling great at the dance. She grabbed the last bits and pieces she needed for the day and then headed out to class.

Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at the professor and then to the quiz on the desk. She rolled her eyes a little at it, but did do it. She did it easily, it wasn’t a complicated quiz and she was quite happy with it generally. It helped her know that she’d be fine with the theory part of this OWL. She handed it back into the professor when she was done as did others and then they moved on to the actual lesson. She nodded along to what the professor was saying about the spell they were covering. She gladly went outside and then practiced the spell on the gnomes as the professor showed them to do. She found it relatively easy and was glad when she was able to do the spell over and over until the professor wrapped things up and dismissed them.
Gregory didn’t want to leave the dorm. The dorm was nice, warm and safe. He didn’t want to think about Snow, or Cassius or anyone else. His dorm-mates by in large left him alone and he just wanted to be left alone. He just wanted to be alone. The teen didn’t want to go to classes, he knew he was going to fail, so there was really so little merit in him going. The teen did eventually get up, and he did eventually get himself ready for class but at the pace he went he knew he was sure to be late, which would suck because if he was, everyone would look at him, and more so that being left alone, he needed to not be noticed.

Gregory walked into the charms classroom and took the same spot as he had in the previous lesson. He looked up at the professor as the man handed them quizzes to do. He looked at it, and really struggled to figure each of the answers out, some of them he got easily and others he was sure if the wording was different he could figure it out. He tried his best. He then with the rest of the class was taken outside and shown the spell they were to do. Gregory tried his best with it, but lacked any real punch to it. He tried, but was glad when the professor wrapped things up and he was able to head back into the castle.
Cassius Styx strolled into Professor Haden's Charms class, ready for the lesson ahead.. As Professor Haden greeted the class and explained the purpose of the quiz, Cassius rolled his eyes internally. 'First-year material,' he thought, already knowing the answers before he even picked up his quill to write them down. He smirked to himself as he finished, confident that he had aced the quiz effortlessly. Professor Haden moved on swiftly to the lesson, discussing the Impediment Jinx. Cass raised an eyebrow slightly; it wasn't often they ventured outside for Charms lessons. His interest piqued slightly as Professor Haden led the class out into the gardens. Cass observed the gnomes with a mix of curiosity and skepticism as Professor Haden explained their nuisance and the task at hand. When Professor Haden demonstrated the Impediment Jinx on one of the gnomes, Cass was impressed.

And now it was their turn. He aimed his wand at one, and intoned the spell clearly. A burst of red light shot from his wand and struck the gnome squarely in the chest. True to the spell's description, the gnome seemed to slow down considerably, its movements sluggish and clumsy as it tried to reach Cass. Once he felt that he had enough practice, he left at the dismissal of the fifth years. He went on to go back to the Slytherin house to go get more work done on his own.
Terror Zhefarovich sat in his seat as Professor Haden greeted the class and introduced the revision quiz. He glanced down at the quiz sheet on the table, noting the questions about basic spells they had learned since their first year at Hogwarts. It seemed straightforward enough, and Terror felt confident in his ability to answer them correctly. Quickly scribbling down his responses, Terror was pleased to find that he knew all the answers without hesitation. Satisfied with his answers, Terror put his quill down and looked up as Professor Haden moved on to the practical part of the lesson which was the Impediment Jinx. He listened attentively as Professor Haden explained its purpose and demonstrated its effect on a gnome. The idea of practicing outside was a welcome change, and Terror mentally prepared himself for the task ahead.

Following Professor Haden out into the gardens, Terror observed the gnomes scurrying around. He watched as one gnome darted towards Professor Haden, clearly drawn by the beans. When Professor Haden cast Impedimenta, a red light shot out from his wand, slowing the gnome down dramatically. Taking his cue from the demonstration, Terror focused his wand on a gnome approaching cautiously. With a confident flick of his wrist, he incanted the spell verbally. A burst of red light emitted from his wand, hitting the gnome squarely in the chest. The gnome staggered and slowed, allowing Terror to observe the effectiveness of his spell. Once he was satisfied with his performance, Terror left the area, mindful of the biting gnomes, and headed back towards the castle.
The first week back of classes weren’t really different to what Roo expected them to be, even with the added pressure of it being her OWL year. The professors kept reminding them that this year would be difficult, but truthfully Ruto did not believe them. The only thing that would make the year difficult was if they let the burden of classes and homework get to them. At the end of the day, Ruto knew that her grades weren’t going to reflect her future. She simply followed her classmates to wherever she had to be, keen for them to be over.

Roo followed her classmates to her charms class and took her usual seat as the professor started the lesson. He firstly gave them a small revision quiz to fill out, which Roo thought was easy enough and completed quite quickly. He then instructed them to follow him outside where there were some gnomes that they would be practicing the inpedimenta jinx on. When instructed, Roo took out her wand and tried a couple of times to cast the spell on the gnomes. She had to run out of the way of one of them and almost fell over into the grass trying to get away, but eventually she managed to cast it on one of them and was quite proud of herself for this. She happily headed straight to her next class when dismissed.

  • What does Wingardium Leviosa do? Makes things levitate
  • What is the pronunciation for the summoning charm? Accio
  • What is the pronunciation for the weaker form of the Banishing Charm? Depulso
  • What does Lumos do? Lights the tip of your wand
  • What is the incantation for the disarming spell? Expelliarmus
Leah was yawning as she walked to class. She hadn’t meant to stay up so late but she had wanted to get through her old notes before the day’s lessons but that had taken more time then she had expected. One moment she was surrounded by housemates and then suddenly she looked up and the common room was empty and her candle burned down to a nub. She took her seat for her charms lesson and nearly audibly groaned when she saw a quiz waiting for her on her desk. She was tired and her brain felt like mush but she did her best to answer all the questions and by the end she didn’t think she had done that terribly. When they got to the main part of the lesson Leah had to rub her eyes to stay awake. Thankfully they didn’t sit in the classroom much longer and made their way to the gardens. She watched as the gnomes scurried after the tossed beans and saw the spell being demonstrated. Then it was her turn with wand in hand she tossed some of the beans herself and was surprised at the creature’s speed. But she was able to fire off the spell in time and the gnome’s movements slowed. Well that was one way to wake up. She was able to practice a few more times before calling it a day.

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