Fifth Years: Lesson 6

Professor Killian Borisyuk did not have anything planned this week except for the students to study. This was pretty much like any other year. He did not plan to hold them hostage in here if they did not want to be. It would not be beneficial to them, nor him. Killian was leaned back on the desk, standing up at the front of the room. He just spent a lot of time sitting that he needed to stand up to get some blood rushing back to his legs. Whether or not the fifth years utilized the outline he gave them didn't concern him much. His green eyes lowered as the fifth years entered the classroom and took their seats. Once it was time to begin the class, he didn't bother closing the door. "This is your last lesson before your OWLs, so I'll let you study here for the remaining time period, or you can scamper off. Utilize your time wisely. If you choose to study in this classroom, you can do so with any subject. You can ask me anything as well, but depending on the subject, I won't be much use to you. I am not good with Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies. The rest I know fairly well." Killian would give them that option before he would dismiss them to do what they wanted.
Assignment: Attendance post. You can have your student ask Killian any questions and he will answer. If they are the above subjects, he will either purposely give the wrong information, or be a smart-aleck. Up to you.
It was the final week of lessons, and Cassius Styx could not wait until he would get home to relax and study more about the history of his family. He needed it to prove that he could take over the family. Cass did not want to overwork himself though, which he started to feel on his mind after the load of classes. They would only get harder down the road too. He sighed as he finished getting ready and walked on to his next class. Cass entered the History of Magic classroom and found his spot. Professor Borisyuk let them know that they would be studying and whatnot for the day. He opened his notes and studied for the remainder of the period, until it was time to leave. He felt ready for the OWLs though.
Savannah was feeling the pressure of her exams. She just had to do well. She didn’t need O’s but she needed to still do well. There wasn’t any pressure from her parents, but she doubted her parents would even realise how old she was now. They were useless and she wanted to do well for her, not for them. The ravenclaw was studying more than anything, with only occasional quidditch. She didn’t feel the need to play quidditch when the season was over and what she needed to be doing was revision. The Ravenclaw continued to revise right up until she had to leave for class, and she went straight to class when she needed to.

Savannah walked into the History of magic classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started and was glad that she could just revise. She opened her books and got to work, just going over everything that they had learnt in the past year, focusing on that as she could then do the rest in her revision outside of the classroom.
Gregory knew he was going to fail his exams, there was no way he’d ever do well at all. His exams were just going to go terribly. He was going to do so terribly, and that would end up with him just getting kicked out of the school, and then it would just be terrible and he’d have no prospects and just fail miserably at every turn. He was trying to stay positive, but it had been hard enough before, it was pretty impossible currently with all the stress he was feeling. The teen gathered what he needed and headed to class.

Gregory walked into the history of magic classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor as the man got started and for once, Gregory left the room when he was allowed to, opting to go study in the library, just so he was more out of the way. No sense staying in the room.
Terror Zhefarovich was relieved when it was the final week of the term, when regarding lessons. He had no issues thinking of the exams, and knew that he would do well enough. He could remember the content and perform the spells. Plus, some of the classes did some review before the actual class. Terror found his bag and left the Slytherin dorms to head to his next classroom. Terror walked in the History of Magic classroom and sat down. Professor Borisyuk let them know that they would be studying for the period, which was typical. He got out his notes and studied in the classroom since he knew that it would be quiet. After the hour was up, he packed his notes and left.
Roo was glad that it was the last week of classes. Classes had definitely held her back from exploring this semester, so she was excited to just get them out of the way so she had the next couple of weeks to just explore. The teen made her way to her History of Magic class, looking forward to this class being over. She definitely decided that she would be dropping it after this semester. The prefect took her seat and listened as the professor simply was giving them time to study. The girl tried her best to go over her notes until the end of the lesson. Overall, she didn't particularly enjoy the class that semester, despite it being fairly easy. She was happy to head to her next class when dismissed.

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