Favourite Three?

Aaliyah Olaf

🍁 daily prophet senior management; bulgarian 🍁
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10/2006 (44)
Who are your favourite three characters? I know i have LOADS of characters, but..

Liberty Corvus
(First character i had properly ♥ & most developed)
Aaliyah Nevada (Even though her life had been turned upside down at a very young age she has such a history and has a very interesting personality)
Lykke Wu (As my first proper Slytherin and pure blood, and Leader of the Dark Elites :p Awesomly mean)

These are the ones i prefer. Who do you like roleplaying with most?
This has been moved to the 'In Character' board :)

My fav 3 would be: Pat (obviously :wub: ), Aiden (looove RPing him, so much fun) and.....I'll get back to you on the 3rd, it would probably be one of my DEs, Avory (because she's just an interesting character, evil, fiesty xD ) or Karcsi (because he's such an amausing character who takes no sh!t from anyone :lol: )
Wow this is difficult and because I hate odd numbers I'll give you a top four or it will bug me tremendously. Yes, I'm very OCD.

1. Alexis Richarde - Although she is dead now, she is most certainly my favorite character I have on HNZ.
2. Jennifer Wilkonson - She's gone through so many changes since her first year and it kind of amazes me that she's about to graduate. I love her but I kind of wish she'd chin up.
3. Megara Bennett - Yes, my transfer. She's not done any roleplaying outside of class but I love her character. She's so spunky and has got so much attitude that it makes me happy.
4. Nathaniel Hilsinger - I've done very little with him but he's an interesting bloke.
Oh geeez,
This is hard particularly because all of my charries hold a place dear to my heart. But I do hold some a little bit more dear to my heart because..well I just do. ♥

Alyssa Chevalier - She's my first charrie so she will always hold a special place in my heart. But on top of that I've grown to love her personality and how much she's grown and matured over time. She's like my fairytale girl and if I could live a life I'd prolly want to live hers.
Theodore Snow - He didn't start as my character. And at first I sucked as his character. But he started to grow on me at one point and his personality started to shift a lot. I figure he's the most like me and I've had a blast Rping him!
Nicolette Styx - Niccy was a charrie I was specifically asked to create but I loved her character instantly. The things that come out of her mouth half the time I don't even know where it came from. Her relationship with her husband is probably one of the funniest aspects about her too.

Those are prolly my fav three. But as of right now Aphrodite Snow, Etoile Lefevre, and Gabrielle Snow are rising up on that list. They are starting to grow a lot! ♥
Maddiie-Took me a while to accept her life not as simple as it seems. I try to do more than I can sometimes and got carried away with her in the beginning :shy:
Link- He wasn't mine in the beginning (sort of) he was my friends than I got to play him more and little by little he was becoming the opposite of Maddiie, which is evil :DE: man is he disgusting xD but I ♥ him
My usual students- Yeah can't really decide, although there's one other character that I Enjoyed playing a while ago, I think Estrella knows who I'm talking about tee hee :p not many knew about this one but it was fun playing that character -sighs- memories!
Larissa Sedgwick She was my first character and I like her confidence and the trouble that follows her around. I used to hate her, but she's grown on me. Like a wart.

Rodolph Murdo He makes me laugh.

Probably Adrianne Finch because she was my first Death Eater character.
Roddy! ♥

I have to say Markus Schwarz, because he is so drool-worthy and a badass except around Larissa, when he turns in to a complete teddy bear.

I like Lucy, too, because out of all my characters, she is the one most like me (with Clara being my inner evil self, hehe).

I...honestly can't decide on a third, hmmm. Need to get my characters back in to gear first, hehe.
I think I'm going to have to do four as well :p

1. Definitely Riley. She was my first, and I just love her!
2. Elliot Oz. She's my newest, and I'm really looking forward to what she's got up ahead of her in life! She's so much fun to rp.
3. Bella White; just because I can get all my anger out with her, and it's always fun to play the mean girl ;)
4. Audrina White, because she is just such a sweetie, I love her :wub:

*ahem* Anyway.

So this is the favourite three characters that we have personally controlled/created.


1) Kingy. I've spent a fair amount of time on this account. :tut: He's changed a lot as a character over 11/12 IC years. It's been neat.

2) Lady Helena - Definitely my favourite creation when I made the (new new)** house ghosts. While each of the House ghosts had something I really loved about them (Anmoch was his thing about nobody getting to know his name, Wright was about her inability to be a decent human being (kind of like Bones, I suppose, if somebody watches that show), and Evan was how passive he was but how great he was at heart) - Helena stood out for me. She had a solid and sensical back story as well as a lot of layered motivations and hidden shame behind her persona. Just a really solid character and it makes me sad that I don't have the time ot spend on her and have to hand off the site's house ghosts to other people.

3) No0o00oo0o0o0o0 idea. @_@ xD Maybe that substitute charms professor I created for like two lessons way back when and when he was teaching a class (with Bruin and co.) Bruin turned it in to some sort of magical water-balloon-esque fight and it became an interactive lesson. 'twas fun.

** For anybody who doesn't know, before the current four house ghosts there were four other house ghosts (for a few months, before the person disappeared or something) including a butcher for Slytherin. xD
Hmmm, I'd have to say :

Teddy Cameron (He's the character I've had the longest that's still mine and he's so developed and has an awesome personality), Noemi Costello (She's awesome and the only character I can RP with in any mood) and Gareth Knight (He's in the middle of some really cute things and it's interesting trying to RP his character in that circumstance)
1) Adele Smith - She's my main character and has really developed since Riley first came along. :) - Adele and Riley are too cute!!! :p
2) James Lock - He's fun to rp with in any situation just because of his constant mood swings. :p
3) Number 3 was between Zac Mathews/Dan Adams. - But I've gone with Dan, just because he's my first HNZ Graduate and he's no longer a bully!!! :)
1. Margaux Kodaka- Margaux is my main character.
2. Andrea Kelize- Andrea is a friend
3. Raziel Kim- Same as no. 2

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