Extra Practice

Andromeda walked away from them to where Violet and Amy and Blane were.
She let 'Falcon' hover and sat on it. She sighed and didn't know exactly why she felt like crap all of a sudden.
"Should we get on with the lesson Professor?" she called.
"I thought it was pretty interesting too, though I read a book about it before I came here" Brian said smiling. He had forgotten how cold it was as he shivered slightly.

((alright well I'm going to bed see ya tomorrow!))
"Are you okay Andy?" she asked as she noticed a sudden change in her friends attitude.

((Okay bye Brian!))
Professor Kiara Ana noticed that new people were arriving "Welcome Welcome" She said cutting into their separate conversations. "Now I think it is ok to begin now that we have a full house" She said with a smile. "Now everyone knows how to summon their broom up" SHe began "Oh wait if you need a broom Accio Brooms" SHe said as the brooms needed flew into Professor Kiara Ana's hands. "Here you go" She said handing the brooms to everyone that needed one. "Ok now so like I was saying everyone knows how to summon if I am wrong just stop me and everyone knows how to hover am I right" She asked pausing waiting for a reply. "If so lets begin flying you will all be ahead of the class" Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile
Zazuka tilted her head. "Really I read more about spells and other things but left history on a need to know bases though I do know that it was a rare instence when they cought a real witch." She said. "Here I brought an extra scarf incase I got cold but you can have it." She said taking a scarf out of her book bag. It was the Ravenclaw colors she hoped Brien didn't mind to much.

((Latersh Brian))
Andromeda turned around on her broom and straddled it, she sat up straight listening to what her professor was saying. She was going up. No-one could make her feel small or insiqnificant up there. Up there she was exactly as her name stated a galaxy, a law unto herself.
"OK everyone mount your brooms" Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile. She waited for them all to do so. Professor Kiara Ana saddled her broom "Ok now kick of gently hover for a moment then instead of touching back down lean forward slightly and there you go" Professor Kiara Ana explained. She kicked off the ground hovered a bit and then leaned forward. Professor kiara Ana flew off and was flying about the Quidditch Pitch. She did one graceful circle about the pitch before coming back to the students as she touched back down. "Now what are you all waiting for you all want to both fly and warm up now don't you" She said with a small grin as she began to hover waiting for the students to take off.
Amy got on her broom and watched as Professor Ana fly round the pitch. Anxious to start Amy followed her instructions and took off. She wasn't far off the ground but at least she was flying. It was a lovely feeling, she had to admit as the wind whipped through her hair. She waited for the others to catch up before continuing.
Zazuka did as she was tolled and had to work hard not to woop out loud. Flying came easyly for her the same as falling but she didn't get hurt all the time. The wind in her dark curls felt nice but she still rememberd the professor's instructions so she circuled the after her then hoved a few feet off the ground infront of her.
Professor Kiara Ana smiled a proud smile as both Amy and Zazuka flew even for the slightest bit. "Great I mean Wonderful Job" She said to both of them " I swear everyone will be a pro by the end of the night" Professor Kiara Ana said as she shot up straight up into the air and then circled the field once more wondering who if anyone would follow her. Professor Kiara Ana missed flying so much she had forgotten how it relieved all the stress and was just plain old relaxing and enjoyable.
Andromeda didn't need to be told twice. She let her friends go ahead of her, she so wanted them to enjoy the whole flying experience the way she did.
"Ok, Falcon" she leaned down and whispered to her broom, "Here we go!"
She lowered one leg and gently kicked off so that she was gliding along at a nice steady pace. She didn't want to rush this feeling. She leant right, moving her broom into the direction she wanted to go, she made a full circle of the pitch slowly. She didn't want to race, she didn't want to waste a second. She came around for a second lap but this time lifted the head of her broom so that she climbed up another bit. She leaned lower on her broom and tucked her legs a little more behind her, gathering speed and feeling the wind blow past her. She took the turns neatly, smiling all the time. She got to the top of the pitch and pulled up her broom, she stayed hovering near her professor. Beaming wildly.
"Wonderful Job Andy" Professor Kiara Ana said as Andy finished her laps and hovered next to her.
Amy watched as Andy joined Professor Ana up quite high. She wasn't quite sure if she was willing to go to that height but she thought she may as well give it a try. Circling the pitch first she mimiked Andy and lifted the head of her broom slightly so as to gain more height. She was suprised to see how quickly she managed to go up and was even more suprised when she found herself hovering next to Andy.
Professor Kiara Ana's smile grew as more and more students were getting the hang of it. When Amy had just followed Professor kiara Ana it made Professor Kiara Ana jump with joy. "YOu are all doing so great and it is a lot of fun isn't it" PRofessor kiara Ana said knowing that some of them started out fearing flying "Diving?" Professor kiara Ana said with a smile. "I like your style" She said "Do you think that you guys can handle it?" SHe asked having the upmost faith in them
Zazuka followed as close as she could only because she could not get enough of flying. She reall had drempt of something like this ever since she was old enough to know. She tryed to follow Andy for a bit but the Falcon was just to fast for her rickty school broom so she desided to go around her own way before landing infront of Professor Kiara Ana once more.
Professor Kiara Ana saw Zazuka's attempt but the school broom seemed to get in the way. "Your doing great Zazuka " Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile. She couldn't believe how easily the flying came to all of them
"Sure!" Andy said smiling, she moved away slowly, climbing a bit more first she turned her broom in an arcing angle and then lowered the head of her broom. She leaned low onto her broom, the wind whipped her face.
"Whhhooooeeeee!" she called out, she pulled up a few metres from the ground and circled again, climbing back to where their professor was.
"That was great!" Andromeda was breathless with excitement.
"Very impressive" Professor Kiara Ana said with a smile "Very nice" She said she was a bit surprised at how well Andy managed her broom.
Amy watched as Andy dove and saw the delight in her face that flying gave her.
"You really love this whole flying malarchy don't you?" she asked smiling as Andy came back up to where she was hovering.
"Totally!" Andy smiled at Amy.
Andromeda saw that Zuka seemed to be flagging and knew it was probably her broom.
"Z", she called to her,"I'm going to land. Follow me down and we'll swap brooms for a bit!"
Professor Kiara Ana realized that maybe the brooms did make a difference. She had a thought about this but did not want to speak too much about it too the students. Proffessor Kiara Ana flew to highest height she had been that day before she did a nice dive evening out before hitting the ground and flying around the pitch once more. SHe then made her way to the students. "Who out of you have school brooms?" She asked
Amy was glad that she had flown but was getting slightly cold and was tired, last night hadn't been the best nights sleep for her
"I'm going to head back now Professor" she said to Professor Ana "Thankyou so much for having this extra practise though" she added smiling before starting to decend on the broom.
Once she was back on land she did feel more comfortable but she couldn't deny that it felt good to be up flying. She put her broom back in the cupboard and waved goodbye to Andy and Zuka before heading quickly back to the warmth of the common room.
Zauzka tryed to follow in the dive too but the thought of hitting the ground even at the slow speed she was going made Zazuka jurk up alittle to early. Zazuka looked at Andy and smiled. "You sure, this thing is a bit junky." She called out to her.

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