Open Extended Snack Break

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Ajaccio Skey

ajax ; wanderlust; travel photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 10 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
3/2038 (23)
Ajaccio knew he would have to do more work in this halloween feast than in the last couple and while this wasn’t a bad thing he still knew he missed somewhat the days of just doing whatever he wanted in the halloween feast. Having responsibilities was cool and he really liked what he did as part of accio. Ajax walked into the great hall, he wasn’t really wearing a costume, well, he had his usual clothes on and he had his skateboard on his back, he could pretend to be a skater boy or something, but most he just needed something normal that he could also work in. If he couldn’t work in it then he wouldn’t get anything done. He immediately set to work, beginning to take pictures of everything he was seeing, stopping for a little extended break at the snacks.
Chloë liked Halloween, even if she wasn't the best when it came to coming up with costumes. She just often kind of forgot about it untill it was to late, having other things to focus on. At least she felt like this year she had put in some more effort than she had last year, if only a little bit. Last year she had only managed to change her haircolour, which had been a lot of fun honestly, but this year she had an actual costume. Sort of. Her costume was mainly just a fake-fur coat that reached untill her ankles. She liked it though, it matched her hair and with some drawn on whiskers she felt like it could count as a costume of sorts. Chloë had made her way through the hall, heading for the fun mirrors when she noticed her friend at the snack table. "Hey!" She happily smiled when she reached Ajax. "How's the yearbook work going?"
Ajaccio glanced up from his snack eating and smiled widely at Chloe..."Wow, look at you? Just leaning right into the gryffindor stuff," he said commenting easily on her costume. "Looks nice though, don't get me wrong," he told her before giving an enthusiastic nod. "it's going so well, I've earned myself a snack break," he held up the snacks in his hand to show her, before taking another bite of one. "Hows your halloween going?" Ajax asked, he wondered if she was here with anyone. Though he knew Chloe very well, he'd never once ventured to talk about crushes or anything, really, he had only recently come into his first real crush - if you ignore his odd feelings towards Nicole - and he wondered about Chloe. This wasn't always the event for couples but still.
Chloë laughed at her friend's remark, striking a little pose to show of the huge coat she somehow had managed not to completely drown in yet. "Thanks, I just really liked the coat so figured I could make some sort of costume out of it." She smiled, always having done a poor job at planning her halloween costumes so far. "It does look very gryffindor-y doesn't it?" Chloë chuckled, not even having realized she once again seemed to be repping her house. Perhaps it was just her subconsciousness playing tricks on her. "For sure." She nodded determinedly when Ajax mentioned he'd earned a snack break even if she had absolutely no clue how much he had managed to do so far. "You took a lot of pictures so far then?" She asked curiously, always pretty interested in how the parties at their school would look for someone viewing a high percentage of them through a camera lens. "It's been good so far, just trying to hop around from talking to one friend to another." She added with a small shrug, always quite enjoying the chaos of having to find her friends in the crowd. Especially since everyone dressing up for halloween made it a whole lot more difficult.
Ajaccio gave a little nod and a laugh, "Just a little bit," He didn't think it was a bad thing, it was just something that made him smile. At the question he looked at the camera and then had to shrug, "One of the downsides of a magical camera is you don't really know how much you've taken until the film is finished." he said, "But I can take a picture of you and that's at least one picture taken," he joked easily. He had definitely taken more than one or zero, but he wasn't being serious. "Have you seen Lysander's costume yet? It is excellent," he said, he couldn't spot the other boy immediately, but perhaps Chloe had seen him too.
Chloë nodded when Ajax mentioned the downsides of magical camera. She didn't have too much knowledge about photography or the differences between muggle and magical cameras for that matter so she'd pretty much take anything her friend told her about it as to just be the facts. He seemed to be much more at home with photography than she was anyways. She shook her head at his next words. "Knowing you I'm sure you've already taken heaps." She chuckled, feeling like she knew him well enough to know he wouldn't have been walking around without taking a single picture. Quite the opposite probably. Still, she couldn't help but to jokingly strike another pose for a second. "No? What's he dressed as?" Chloë responded curiously to Ajax's mention of Lysander's costume, immediately turning to see if she could somehow spot their friend within the next couple of seconds. When she couldn't she turned right back around to face the boy. It was only then that she realized he wasn't wearing much of a costume, seemed to be in his regular attire. She couldn't blame him though, being stuck in a costume while having to take photgraphs of everything might just make things clumsy. "What about you? No time for costumes when there's work to do?"
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