Evidently Evil

Libby grinned. "No idea, just tried to prove my point of being crazy" she laughed.
"thank you" she hugged him back. Libby checked the time "oh, i getting late and we'll have to go back soon, and i dont want to, i want to stay here with you," she started almost pleading with herself. She sat down on a rock.
Libby smiled. "Sounds good to me". She thought of the trouble she got in friday night in the corridor. "Still no idea what my punishment is for having that paint fight." she said curiously. "Maybe there isnt one?" she considered. "But there probaby is...".
"hopfully" she smiled back. it seemed weird to her to say she would hopfully get a detention, but it was true. "So, how're your family? spoken to them recently?"

(by the way ooc i found how if u want to change ur name back from anonomous to ur name lol..http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/home/?c=4
"Show my name on the users online list:" Check that box the click save hehe)
Libby asked."Have you written to them?" raising her eyebrows but still smiling."well..apart from my brother, everything seems fine-ish. mums a bit annoyed i didnt make slytherin, because thats what she was in, but dad isnt bothered much. Eric and natasha are fine i think, although nobody really mentioned them.." libby laughed.
Darren listened then said."Oh right, i havent even wrote to them yet, i forgot all about it."He replied honestly.
"forgot!?" libby was suprized. although after what had happened recently, it was understandable.

(also ive been told by sir nick to askd u to vote for hnz..link is under siggy..ta :p )

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