Everythings going wrong but we're soo happy

Harriet Turner

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Harri had recieved a very confusing letter from her dad the other day and after reading it through she had decided that during the christmas holidays she would spend most of her time with Tommy in an attempt to cheer him up about his mum.
The fact her dad was dating again was kind of weird for her, especially as it was one of her mums friends. If Harri remembered right her and Masie had never really got on, she reminded her of a snobbier version of her mum. Which was definatly a bad thing, but she would give her a go for her dads sake.
And then there was the fact that she couldn't seem to stop thinking about Alex, through all this mixed up stuff going on in her life she only had to think of him and smile, which she guessed probably wasn't a good thing. He was two years older then her which wasn't so much of a problem for her but she had a feeling it would be for him. Plus the fact she knew he would never like her, she doubted anyone would. As she climbed the steps to the north tower in a pair of denim shorts a polo top and a cardigan these thoughts ran through her head, the steady sound of her convereses hitting the floor was the beat to these thoughts. Once she reached the top she sat on the window sill looking out, her eyes glazed over but a smile on her face.
Alex finding himself bored just wandered about the corridors. He found it quite annoying though, people that had seen him doing his dare were now pointing and laughing at him. Alex sighed and his temper grew worse before he deicded to go to the North tower. Nobody except for loners really went up there. Alex ran up the stairs his mood easing now. He got to the top and sighed as nobody even looked at him there. Finally he thought, knowing he would be just about punching one of the first years head in if they bothered to talk to him once more about that. NOticing Harri and the window sill in one movement he rolled his eyes and went over to her. 'It's not summer you know'he said smiling.
((Just loners ehh? :p ))

Harri's head turned as she heard the voice of the person she had just been thinking of, "Alex," she said smiling happily and twisting so she was facing him. "Summer?" she said her face creased before she realised what he had said, "I thought the walk up here might make me hot," she said laughing and pulling at her shorts. "How come you up here?" she asked, fidegting as her eyes flicked over his face he looked happy and that made her smile.
Alex rolled his eyes at her reason. 'Sure'he said jokingly. 'First years. Trying to kill me'Alex joked at the end, remembering their last talk on that. 'So, how did the gryffindors react with the special crown?'Alex asked her teasingly.

(yeah, just loners. :woot: :r: )
"First years were trying to kill you?" Harri asked her head tipped to the side. "Why?" she said laughing, "Did you beat them all uup?" she teased, realising she was staring at him she looked away, well atleast she had embaressed herself...yet.
Her eyes swept over his face again as if trying to memorise every detail, "Oh they loved it," she said laughing, "Actually it was my best friend Steph who found me, so I didn't get any grief," she said grinning, "How did the Puffs react when you walked in dripping mud over their carpets?" she asked smiling, she was glad that she wasn't tongue tired and that the free, easy conversation was flowing like it always did.
Alex's cheeks redenned. 'Don't even ask'he said shaking his head. 'And no, I didn't beat them all up'Alex complained playfully. Alex laughed as Harri said they loved it. 'Umm, not too good.I only manged to walk over to the fire and they're all telling me to get outside. I wasn't even allowed to get into my dorm until I was dry.'Alex said before chuckiling at the thought. 'So how are you?'he asked her.
Harri smiled as he blushed, he looked so sweet when he blushed, "Come on it can't be that bad! Actually if it makes you blush..." she siad, teasing seemed to be the easiest thing to do when you liked someone, well it was to her.
"Seriously?" she said shaking her head, "Thats why we Gryffindors are soo much cooler," she said nodding, "I even sat on one of the sofas! I just scourgifyed it after," she said grinning.
"Me?" she said thinking the question through, she couldn't exactly say 'well I broke up with my boyfriend stopped eating and started compulsive exercising again' which would be the truth, but that had only lasted a few days. She was back to eating now. "I've been okay, I broke up with Kevin," she said shrugging, "Found out my dads dating someone, but on the upside Stephs going to teach me how to play guitar," she said happily, she turned to look out of the window at the people walking in the grounds, she could even make out a couple of flyers. She smiled once more as she glanced at Alex from the side of her eyes, "How about you?" she asked, "Howve you been?"
Alex sighed and rolled his eyes at her persistence. 'Fine then. if you really must know, I had to dress up in a pink bikini and pance about the corridor telling people i'm a girl.'he said before stoppping himself. Oppsies. He quickly looked about checking round not seeing anyone who heard that. He sighed and listened to the rest of Harri's answers. He frowned. 'Oh, and you're fine with all this happening?'he asked her wondering. 'Me? I'm the usual. nothing bad, nothing excitingly good either. Actually wait there was, I got to pet a phoenix. Amazing creatures you know. And I also managed to find the thestrals in the forest. I was speakign o them to. Great fun'Alex smiled before thinking he shouldn't of said that. He was scared it would depress harri even more.
Harri's eyes shone as she placed a hand over her mouth in an attempt to stop the laughter she could feel about to explode out of her, "A pink bikini?" she spluttered before she was overcome with laughter.
After calming herself down once more she looked at him and said, "That must have been pretty rough," before the smile spread across her face once more and she had to look away and stop herself imagining him in a pink bikini.
"Yeah well things were rough with Kevin anyway," she said shrugging, it was true, "Long distance relationships just don't work. And I just want my dad to be happy if this woman makes him happy then..." she shrugged unable to continue.
"Wow, seriously? A phoenix thats awesome! What did you call it?" she asked her eyes slightly wider as she ingested this news. "Seriously? You spoke to thestrals?" she said, Wow, he really is pretty cool, she thought to herself, before turning slightly pink. "That must have been amazing! I've never even seen one before!" she said honestly, she had never seen death so she knew she wouldn't see one, and was quite happy about that.
Alex smiled as he rolled his eyes at her laughter. He was expecting it. He made a sarcasting hmph at her comment before thinking about her situation. Alex looked at her confused. 'What? It wasn't mine. It was just in CoM.'he said jokingly. He smiled. 'Have you not? Right, you're coming with me to the forest later'he said, wondering if she even would be able to see them. He wondered who Kevin actaully was but didn't bother asking. He knew by exprence you didn't ask girls much about boys. It was too much trouble.
"seriously? So why did you say you got one as a pet then?" Harri said slightly confused by his statment.
Harri laughed, but her heart started beating a little faster, "Really, that would be great," seh said happily, though she doubted she would be able to see one, being with Alex was the part that made her heart beat a little faster then normal.
Alex rolled his eyes at her. 'You, silly, need to listen more carefully. Clear your head of all the rubbish thoughts.'Alex said meaning the last part. 'I said, I got to pet a phoenix'He repeated for her teasingly.
Harri smiled, "I'll try," she said quietly, "Ohhh," she said realising her mistake and blushing slightly. It was so out of character for her to blush but she seemed to do it often when with or talking about Alex, "I thought you said you got a pet phoenix," she said shaking her head. "Still thats pretty awesome," she said hoping her face returned to normal colour.
'Anno,'Alex said smugly. 'Or else it wouldn't be on my good list. After all, us puffs are way awesome'He added jokingly. 'Anyway, done all your homework?'he asked her.
"Awesome, but not quite as awesome as Gryffindors," Harri said grinning. "We're waay awesomer," she said wondering if that was even a word.
Harri laughed, "Erm, yups of course," she said, her tone showing that she blatantly hadn't. "You?" she asked.
'Of course'Alex replied in the same tone harri had used. He smiled, not having a clue what to do. He looked outside before deciding to look at the clouds. he noticed a cloud shaped like a whale and decided he'd point it out. 'hey, look. A whale!'he said really loudly, wonderign if the rest of the people hearing it would try and look for it as well.
Harri laughed, "Good," she said smiling. "A whale?" she said turning and staring up into the clouds, "I don't see it," she said her eyes flicking across the clouds, "Oh but that is soo Jasper," she said pointing to a cloud that looked like a cat and laughing.
Alex laughed as he noticed the cat cloud Harri pointed out. He siled, remebering his stay at their house. The cat had beeen so annoying to him, the whole time. He scanned the clouds again before seeing someone had fallen down in the lake. He laughed and pointed it out to Harri.
Harri looked where Alex was pointing and began to laugh, "Your so mean, that person might like..drown," she said in an attempt to keep a straight face. But as she saw the person splashing around she began to laugh shaking her head gently as she did so. "Seriously that might be a first year," she said laughing.
Alex laughed as Harri tried to tell him off. He shrugged before smiling at her second comment. 'Even better'Alex joked, obviously not meaning it. He wouldn't want anyone to drown, even Harri knew that.
Harri smiled but shook her head, "Only cause you put on a pink bikini," she said laughing, "did loads of people see?" she asked still chuckling quietly to herself.
Alex's cheeks went red again and he rolled his eyes. 'You better forget that by an hour'Alex told her slightly annoyed. 'Actually, not really. It just spread in the groups.'Alex added.
Harri frowned a little as she heard his tone, "Fine whatever," she said simply, waving her hand a little. She turned to lean on the window and stared outsides, "Well I imagine the sight of a boy in a pink bikini was mildly humorous," she said rolling her eyes but not glancing back at him and still staring out to the grounds, a couple of people strolling the grounds a few practising quiditch. Everyone seemed happy but she wondered how many of them actually were happy.
Alex bit his lip as Harri continued to look out the window. He stared for a while before feeling bored of the silence. 'What are you thinking?'Alex asked her wondering for the sake of it.
Harri continued to stare out the window, her green eyes glazed over as her thoughts turned to Alex. The boy was standing next to her and yet he could still take over her thoughts in a instance, she snapped back when she heard him speak. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she said laughing gently and feeling her face glow pink.
"How about you? You seem to be oddly quiet lately.." she teased smiling and playing with the ends of her hair to attract attention away from her face.

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